
Roxanne Quinn

Hi readers enjoy this story go on a crazy college adventure with Roxanne Quinn Also the cover isn't mine so if you don't want me to use it please comment below

Rae_beauty · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs


Roxanne POV

"Answer the damn question"

"You're being disrespectful young lady"

"Disrespectful I'm being disrespectful, you lied about Grand mother's health to bring me back home"

"I was finally getting over this mess called a family and you dragged me right back into this pit you call home"

"You make me sick "

"Enough "I got a resounding slap on my cheek by my dad

"Roxanne I'm sorry i didn't mean to..."

"I hate you "I walked out of the house .

"Roxanne "

Third person POV

"What just happened , how did she find out "Linda said

"Mr Quinn I apologize but my sister might have spilled the beans "Kayla said

"Anna you told her"Grand mammy said

"I didn't mean to , I said it by accident I'm so sorry"

Gerald sat down placing his hand on his head he didn't mean to hit her. Linda patted him

The time was ten pm and there was so sign of Roxanne , Linda asked her men to search everywhere . She walked in not speaking to anyone.

"Where have you been "Gerald asked

"Don't yell at her Gerald "

"I decided not to tell you because I believed you would come up with silly excuses to come back home "

"We need to talk "

"I don't want to talk"

"Roxanne I want to talk to you so sit your ass down "Gerald told her.

"Will you disown me if I don't cause I will walk away I'm tired of being a daughter to a coward "

"The only reason why our family is messed up is because of you if you hadn't been a coward you would have gotten mom back"

"Your weakness cause you to lost your wife , and I hope you don't lost your daughter too"

She walked to her room .

"Gerald just give her time she'll come back around"


The next day

Roxanne woke up with a message popping on her screen . Her hair was messed up and she was in a pink puppy pyjamas a shirt and shorts she took her phone and clicked on Nick's message.

Nick :- Good morning sunshine

She smiled and replied to his text.

Roxanne: Morning

Her phone rang , it was Nick she picked the call. He could tell that she was smiling.

"I can tell you're smiling "

"Yeah I am "

"Have you gotten my gift"

"Gift "

"Yes I swore I sent you the gift "

"Well I didn't get your gift"

"Go outside , your gift should be waiting for you"

She got up from the bed and fixes her then she. walked out of the room to the living room area , she opened the door and walked outside .

"Are you outside "

"Yeah I am..."She didn't get to complete her sentence she saw Nick standing in front of her house.

"W..wait a minute I'm I dreaming"

"Well you better hug me before you wake up"

She ran to him and hugged him laughing.

"Did you miss me "

"Come on what are you doing here"

"I missed you so I decided to come see you "

"You're the sweetest" He stared at her smirking and she hit him slightly with her hand

"Stop it "

"You look cute in that "

"Come on we should go somewhere else before my dad comes out"

"Are you gonna walk everywhere in that "

"Yes "

They went into the taxi that brought him there to a hotel that he already lodged .

"I see you wanted to feel at home"She said looking at the hotel Infront of her

"You really shouldn't go out in that "He said

"Ok then give me your hoodie"

"What "

"Come on be quick"

He took of his hoodie and gave it her and she put it on immediately. The hoodie was actually bigger than her ,it got to her thigh covering the shorts she was putting on.

She came out of the car standing infront of the Empire hotel . it was built by a man from country K.

"Is this better"

He smirked at her before bitting is lower lip seductively

"Do you want to know what I'm thinking of "

"Don't be naughty Nick "

"Come on "He said and they walked in