
Episode 17: Moe Moe Starts Learning Magic (Part 7)

The "Enchanted Purple Crystal Magic Ship" was swiftly flying through the galaxy. In no time, they arrived at Meow Meow Ball. Mengmeng and the group quickly flew out of the magic ship, which immediately stopped and transformed into a ribbon-like structure on the galaxy. Mengmeng and everyone flew to the closest distance from Meow Meow Ball, but the immense energy on its surface created a strong opposing force that prevented them from getting any closer. Xin Xin whistled, and immediately a white horse with a carriage came. This white horse, named "Shao Shao," had been serving as a transportation for light and energy for many years and had made significant contributions.

Everyone took out triangular transparent crystal cones of various sizes from the carriage. Meow Meow Granny said to Mengmeng, "The small 'triangular conical crystal towers," is used to collect light. Don't be fooled by its small size, but when we gather different lights and put them in a 'big cone', over time they can generate more. These lights all have life, just like humans."

"Wow! That's amazing," Mengmeng exclaimed in awe.

Meow Meow Granny continued to say to Moe Moe, "When collecting energy, use a larger cone. Energy is not like light, which can be contained in a bottle with rays constantly emanating from it. But when energy is stored in a bottle, the pressure is high. We directly connect the 'sealed interface pipe' to the energy tower inside the tower and forcefully push it in. However, the force of energy is extremely strong, and it can be immediately utilized to enhance and strengthen our magic. When absorbing energy later, first benefit yourself. This is how we do it every time we come out. Among this group of children, Xinxin has the most stable magic power. Moe Moe, remember to float in the air after each energy collection. As the energy cluster moves, you will automatically rotate clockwise slowly. Then, your whole body will feel warm as the energy flows from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. You will feel a sensation of electric currents flowing within you."

Excitedly, Meng Meng listened but raised a question, "Why can't light be immediately utilized, only energy can?" Meow Meow Granny explained, "Except for the 'heart ray' which can be immediately utilized, any other light cannot be used immediately. It needs to be mixed with other light and energy in specific proportions, some of which can be immediately utilized by people. But most of them can only enhance magical power immediately for objects. That's why we mainly collect energy for people, while light collection is mainly for external objects."

"Oh, I see," Moe Moe pondered.

Everyone eagerly raised their magic wands and shouted, "Hulala, hulala, magical spirit, please let the 'meow ball's' 'meow light' come!" In a moment, various colored lights on the meow ball began to gather and extend towards the magicians in a spiral manner. Everyone took out the small cone-shaped towers they had prepared in advance and aimed the pointed part at the lights. The lights became particularly agitated, as if they had encountered enemies, and quickly darted into the small cone-shaped towers. It continued until all the small cone-shaped towers were filled. Many long rays emerged from the tiny holes at the tip of the towers, and everyone finally stopped and packed the bottles into "Shao Shao's" carriage.

Then, Meow Grandma asked Xinxin to demonstrate how to immediately benefit from the energy on the meow ball. Xinxin happily said, "Actually, what I want to go to is the 'Fairy Light Ball' at the 8th station. The energy there is very powerful." Mengmeng enviously said, "Where is the 8th station? Do fairies live there?" 

Chengcheng quickly answered, "Yes, fairies live on the 'Fairy Ball', only Xinxin among us siblings has been there, the rest of us haven't been."

Meow Grandma took out a map and showed it to Mengmeng. Mengmeng saw that the map divided the galaxy into ten sections. The sections are as follows:

1st station: The origin point where the dream ship arrives each time.

2nd station: The place where the celestial ladder is located.

3rd station: The place with the tall pomegranate tree.

4th station: The "Meow Ball".

5th station: The "Linglong Ball," "Diamond Ball," "Black Basketball Net Ball," and "Green Dress Ball."

6th station: The "Robot Ball," "Teapot Ball," "Glass Ball," and "Dot Ball," among others.

7th station: The "White Bubble Ball," "Loudspeaker Ball," "Giant Ball," and "Red Fruit Ball," among others.

8th station: The "Conjoined Ball," "White Stone Ball," "Yellow Cherry Ball," "Woof Woof Human Ball," "Primitive Human Ball," "Insect Tribe Ball," and "Fairy Light Ball," among others.

9th station: The "High-Speed Ball," "Volcano Ball," "Thunder Mountain Ball," "Speeding Wind Ball," "Toxic Gas Ball," "Salty Water Ball," and many others, totaling 50 balls.

10th station and beyond: There are 50 visible balls along with many more invisible balls.

After a while, Xinxin flew up into the sky, focusing her attention and raising her magic wand. She recited, "Hulala, Hulala, magical spirits, please let the energy of the Meow Ball come to me." Suddenly, a huge white energy mass on the Meow Ball rolled towards her slowly, resembling a large snowball. It propelled Xinxin higher into the sky. The white energy sphere gradually enveloped Xinxin from bottom to top, and she closed her eyes, entering a state of meditation.Within the mist-like white energy mass, Xinxin rotated slowly clockwise until the energy mass became thinner and gradually dissipated. Immediately, Xinxin returned to the same height as everyone else. Everyone admired Xinxin's magical skills. She almost achieved instant teleportation from a very high and distant place, a level of power that only Meow Grandma and her fellow disciples could achieve. Others couldn't reach this level. Meow Grandma's teleportation skills allowed her to travel even greater distances.

Then, everyone started collecting energy to benefit themselves in the same manner. When Mengmeng obtained the energy from the Meow Ball, she felt a sudden surge throughout her body. Her meridians opened up completely, and her mind became extraordinarily clear. It was as if she could see herself as an ancient wise master from a bygone era. After a while, Mengmeng descended from the sky and reached the level of instant teleportation like Xinxin. Everyone was amazed. Only Meow Grandma smiled knowingly because she knew that Mengmeng's talent was incomparable to other magicians.

Following that, everyone collected Meow energy using the method of gathering Meow light. Then, they boarded the Dreamship and arrived at the other four planets of the fifth station. They collected a lot of light and energy, filling the entire compartment. Through the four subsequent uses of self-benefiting energy, Mengmeng suddenly had a breakthrough and exclaimed loudly on the Dreamship during the return journey, "I have found a way to travel to 200 planets."

Everyone exclaimed in surprise, "What method?"

Mengmeng said, "In fact, the galaxy can fork. It can branch out like tree branches. Just now, I saw flashes of an ancient master using magic to separate the galaxy in the central reflection. Then, I found many shortcuts to reach various stars because all the stars are moving in circular orbits. We can find them in the shortest time using the closest distance on different forks. In the future, the galaxy will have more than just 10 stations; there could be hundreds of them. Moreover, the forking of the galaxy is unstable. Once someone who used magic to fork the galaxy leaves, the galaxy will automatically revert back to its original state."

Momo said, "If the galaxy can really fork, we will have to add another book to our library's collection - a guide to the maps. And everyone will have to secretly remember it by heart."

Wenwen said, "Then we need to accelerate the construction of our fantasy ships. If the galaxy forks, we definitely have to prepare more fantasy ships."

Only Maowu Grandma expressed doubts and said, "Can the galaxy really fork? There is no mention of galaxy forking in the loving performances of the Space Goddess, Aunt Mengmeng. Are you sure you have this ability, Mengmeng?"

Mengmeng replied, "I can give it a try."

As Mengmeng spoke, she flew into the sky and raised her magic wand, shouting earnestly, "Hulala, hulala, magic spirit, with the magical power bestowed upon me by the ancient wise masters, please let the galaxy fork."

After a while, the galaxy did start to split and extend in all directions, but the process was very difficult, occasionally bouncing back to its original state. Mengmeng anxiously repeated her incantation once again, but the situation remained the same.

Meow Grandma immediately flew into the sky to join Mengmeng in chanting the incantation: "Hulala, Hulala, magic spirit, I beseech you with the power of the ten ancestral gods, let the galaxy fork." 

This time, the galaxy quickly spread and extended in all directions, growing longer and longer, but the speed of forking began to slow down. Seeing this, everyone flew into the sky and chanted the incantation to support the forking of the galaxy. The galaxy started forking again, extending until it disappeared into the distance. Everyone finally took a breath and landed back on the ship. They stood there, stunned, on the galaxy that had turned into a maze.

Meow Grandma calmly said, "I didn't expect that the galaxy could really fork. Well, this training is over. Mengmeng will return to Earth later. We will take the main path. Everyone should go back to the Love Ball and study hard. Each person should carefully record the training process, especially the content of the galaxy forking on the last day. It is very important to summarize it."

After Meow Grandma finished speaking, everyone boarded the Dreamship and arrived next to the pomegranate tree. They all watched Mengmeng as he returned to Earth.

What will happen next? Stay tuned for the next episode.