
Role System

The Role System. Characters from every piece of fiction can be drawn as a character card. Behave and interact with others as these characters would have to fully unlock their potential.

L_LL · Derivasi dari karya
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

Minato steps up onto the stage with his long blond hair flowing in the wind. His confident smile makes some of the girls in the audience swoon as he steps up to me with unbridled charisma.

At the strike of the bell he rushes at me and I can feel his chakra pouring into his lower body like a tsunami descending onto a shore. Minato Namikaze, even at this age can use chakra to enhance his body. Running some chakra into my eyes I peer through his body looking directly at his tenketsu and the flaming ball of chakra resting at the pit of his stomach.

Interesting, he can instinctively use chakra to not only increase his strength but also control it to such a fine degree so that his muscles don't tear and his bones don't shatter.

I always wondered how Minato survived in the early years of the 3rd Great Shinobi War when he's teleporting randomly at extremely short intervals. Doing such a thing would eventually end up with you getting your throat pierced by a random kunai but Minato survived. His application of chakra throughout his body is extraordinary which makes his body as durable as steel.

Once Minato is about one meter away from me he plants his right foot on the ground while turning to his side and twists his ankle before bringing his left knee up to his waist and kicking straight out to my chest.

That's interesting, preforming a sidekick. I suppose martial arts are still significant in this world just like my last. Although they're pretty easy to block, especially with jutsu.

Since his left leg is completely extended outward it's very easy to block or counterattack.

I step forward with my right leg while blocking Minato's kick with my left arm. Then I shift my weight, lunging forward and forming a fist. Minato panics and tries to step back but he accidentally slips my fist that was supposed to connect to his face hits his chin as he falls backward and smacks against the ground.


Loud gasps come from the little crowd watching the fight and the chunin instructor steps in between me and Minato who's still on the ground.

When he lifts Minato's head up everyone lets out a sharp hiss from the bloody sight. The bottom of his face is covered in blood and the left half of his jaw is at a slightly lower level than the right completely split in half. Most of his teeth are broken with small fragments poking out of his mangled gums.

Damn, maybe I hit him a little too hard. Well it's not like I meant to hit his jaw I was aiming for his left cheekbone that's not my fault.

"Medic nin please."

My instructor holds Minato steady as the medic nin climb up that stage and begin to perform their medical ninjutsu.

In just a few minutes they manage to completely repair Minato after exhausting most of their chakra.

After making sure he's okay they carry him on a white stretcher and the instructor looks at me with hesitant eyes. After being silent for a few seconds he just pats me on the back and whispers a light, good job, into my ear.

Afterwards he turns to address the class with a reluctant expression.

"Haa...since we don't have any medic team to ensure the safety of you little guys than this months tournament will be cancelled. Go back to the classroom quickly so you don't disturb the other classes."

He nods to me and I step off the stage where a certain loud mouth red head excitedly greets me.

"How did you do that!? Dattabane, you're stronger than I am even though I'm an Uzumaki."

To keep up my appearance of being an antisocial genius I scoff and immediately downplay Minato to the most drastic level possible.

"That blond bastard is just some civilian loser with no talent who was lucky enough to get into our class. He shouldn't even be qualified to attend this academy."

While some of this is true I also don't have that great of a background. Both my parents died when I was only about two and neither of them were elite jonin just the average chunin. Regardless that's still better than Minato so I can say whatever the fuck I want.

Everyone nodded along with me as I had said my explanation to justify how badly he'd gotten stomped. Minato had gotten very good grades this past month but I was better and had scored 100% on every assignment.

Most of the children on this class have good backgrounds either hailing from a famous clan or having shinobi parents. No one in this class hadn't gotten any formal training before entering the academy with the only exception being Minato.

As unfortunate as reality is civilian students not only have a lower starting base than others but usually also have a lower growth ceiling than others. Genetics are something very difficult to surpass especially against those with bloodline limits like Kushina or Fugaku.

As a result most of the villages military strength is made of 2nd generation shinobi or clan shinobi. The reason is very simple, offspring of shinobi are far stronger and have more potential on average than normal people.

Not everyone can control chakra. Not everyone can mould chakra into one of the five nature elements. Everything is based on luck and genetics. Minato was simply lucky to be born the way he is. Fugaku is lucky to be born as an Uchiha. I'm lucky to have a ridiculously overpowered system.

There are ways to bypass the genetic barrier but those are really difficult to attain with most being extremely well protected techniques. Techniques such as the eight gates for example can greatly amplify physical strength but that requires years of intense training to achieve.

The top beings of this world. Madara, Hashirama, Kaguya, and the other Otsutsuki have one thing in common, genetic superiority. Whether anyone can completely breach the gap is unknown to me, but I hope one day someone will.