
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Derivasi dari karya
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44 Chs



Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




McGonagall had just taken names of students which were staying at Hogwarts over Christmas.

Robert came up to her and asked. "Any unexpected people staying for the holidays professor?" She handed him the parchment.

"Exasperating would be the word Mr. Crow. The twins are staying with both Percy and their younger brother. Trying to snuff the life out of me." She complained.

"It won't be that bad. At least I found a way to curb their enthusiasm for mischief. At least the pranking in the corridors variety." He chuckled while eating his dinner.

"Thanks to you at least I have more time for the younger years. It's been so long since I've made visits to the dorm." She said with a small smile.

After a comfortable silence she continued. "I've heard that you introdued a new card game in the dorm. It's called Macau from what they told me."

"It's a muggle game. Exploding Snaps are a great pass time. But I like the competitiveness and complexity of Macau more. And Merlin forbid I didn't want them to find about poker. We don't need no pregnancy scares in here." Robert muttered the last part quietly.

"Less damage to my ears the better, Robert." She chuckled.

"And what's got you into a good mood Minerva?" The headmaster finally arrived. It seemed the Wizgamot was currently trying to ban Robert from using his personal magic.

"Mr. Crow over here was able to not only change the behavior of our pranksters but also introduced an alternative for that blasted game of snap." She praised.

"Now that's an achievement worthy of another special award." His eyes were full of mirth.

Robert blushed. "I'm was impressed with how little entertainment was available here. So I'm trying my best to remedy that. And hopefully I'll give you two something even more monumental next year." He winked.

"Are you talking about that shooting range of yours." Minerva raised here brow.

"Well that's more of a school thing. It's disheartening to see how the older years were not only out of shape but couldn't even cast their spells accurately." He said.

"Alas the constant changing of defense teachers is showing it's ugly face." Dumbledore sighed.

Robert stopped eating. "So the curse is true then?" He asked.

"Unfortunately." He nodded. "And it's becoming harder to find new teachers for hire."

"So how does the curse actually work?" Robert asked.

"It seems a chain of unfortunate events will be released upon the person. As if firstly trying to warn them. At the last stage usually non threatening things happen to the professor. But always enough to make him resign." McGonagall replied.

"Did you try perhaps changing the name of the position?" Robert asked.

"Twice. But it seems the curse bounded itself not to the position but more so to the intent behind it." Dumbledore said.

Robert thought about this problem before. He could after all just tell them about the diadem. But would doing that be actually in his favor?

"Will I suffer from its repercussions?" Robert asked.

"And why would you?" Minerva asked.

"Since the intent matters and I'm hosting a club that teaches the means of magical combat. Surely that infringes the boundary of the curse." He explained.

Albus stroked his beard. "Curious. But maybe it doesn't have enough strength behind it to bind a second person." He mused.

"Or maybe because you're still a student and it doesn't recognize you as a true staff member." McGonagall said.

'Or Voldemort didn't see muggleborns as a threat when he made that horcrux? Can't say with certainly without knowing the spell that cast it.' He thought to himself.

"Let's not worry about what-ifs. Holiday season is upon us." Dumbledore winked.

Robert was chilling out in the corridors. Studying the map to catch some naughty kids being rambunctious with their love life.

"If you don't get your hormones in check than the second spell I make will make you Kens for an hour." He laught like a villain.

He wanted to check the map one last time before heading back to his room. "What's Tonks doing alone at this hour. On the astronomy tower no less." Robert was concerned.

He quickly ran to the tower using shortcuts to get there faster. Robert opened the door to the roof and saw Tonks sitting on the wall. He used Levioso much to the annoyed look of Tonks. She strongly resembled an angry cat.

'Maybe I should ask her to give herself some whiskers.' He chuckled.

"If you're done staring then maybe you could release me." She hissed.

He slowly let her down. "No need for temper tantrums Ms. Tonks. After all, it's you who broke curfew." Robert smirked.

"Yeah, yeah. What's the punishment?" She rolled her eyes in annoyance.

Seeing how uncooperative she was he thought of doing a small prank. "A couple of points. Maybe even banning you from the club until next semester." He chuckled inside at her real life depiction of 'The Scream'.

"No! You can't do this to little old me." She shook Robert by his robes.

"Then maybe you should explain what was a witch doing at this time of hour alone in a scary castle." He jokingly poked her nose.

The girl wanted to bite his finger but he was too fast."How dare you treat a lady like this?" She huffed in indignation.

He sat on one of the chairs used for Astronomy lessons. "I think I treat you rather swell after all the headaches you've given me." He motioned her to sit down.

She obliged. "What do you want?" She asked with caution.

He looked towards the clear winter sky. "Just thought you'd need some company." A cloud of white air escaped as he sighed.

The duo sat their for a while until Tonks broke the silence. "Why did you never ask?" She started.

Confused he looked at her. "And what would I ask you about? He raised his brow.

"About my metamorphmagus ability." She suddenly felt regret starting this conversation.

"It was kinda obvious so why bother asking dumb questions? I think I've proven to be more insightful then most wizards." He smirked at her deadpan face.

"Even now you don't know how to behave. Hmph." She crossed her legs and showed her displeasure.

After a couple of moments of silence he continued. "Did something happen that made you regret having that power?"

"It's hard to have friends when you can become literally anyone you've seen." She shrugged.

"And yet you have two amazing friends in Jasmine and Mindy. What else would you want?" He asked.

"Nothing. Just forget that I asked." She replied.

"Is it about boys Ms. Tonks?" She shied away from his gaze.

"Maybe." She whispered.

"So someone broke your heart?" She didn't answer.

"Did the git try to make you look like other girls?" She nodded.

"And?" He asked with no emotion on his face.

Flabbergasted she shouted. "And? I'm here pouring my heart out and that is what you come up with!" Her hair turned red.

"Down girl." He said without looking at her.

"Don't you down me mister." She took out her wand.

Without batting an eye he binded her hands with Restraint. "We'll continue after you cool down." He chuckled at her not so calm expression.

"Before you try to attack me again. I'll ask you if your sadness lessened slightly?" He winked at her mischievously.

She blushed. "You are a pain in the ass Crow." She huffed.

He laught and put an arm around her which made her also join in the ridiculousness of the situation.

After a couple of minutes of glee this time he broke the silence. "There are many things that I could say." He began.

"I could tell you something cliché as he or they didn't deserve you. But if that was the case you wouldn't have been hurting right now." Her expression fell.

"But I'll tell you one thing. Although being alone on your own is hard. Feeling loneliness in someone's company hurts the heart even more." He knew what was to be truly alone. Surviving the endless nothingness and then finding himself in a new world completely vulnerable.

She somehow felt that he wasn't faking it. "Did you experience something like that?" But he didn't answer.

"I'm here for you. Just like you've came here for me." She said hugging him.

"I thought this was your therapy session." He said with mirth.

She hit him on the arm, breaking the embrace. "And you couldn't help yourself from destroying the mood you ass."

"Thanks for the complement. I made sure to train it regularly." He smacked his butt while winking at her.

"No matter how you train it you can't beat me in the shapely buttocks department." She changed the size of her backside.

He made her smirk by avoiding looking at her. "And that's another point from Hufflepuff for trying to seduce a staff member." He said in mock seriousness inciting a roaring laugh from Tonks.

"Let's head down, shall we? He opened the door downstairs.

"Let's." She said with a grin.

As they were walking towards the Hufflepuff's common room Robert spoke to Tonks. "I've forgot to tell you. But I've made major strides in making a stable power source for electronics in school. It even somehow protects them from frying up."

Shock and then excitement appeared on her face. "Really? So when are we going to finally play some games?" She almost started bouncing in joy.

"I thought of introducing the joys of the muggle world sometime before Christmas. We'll make a film session to slowly bring our favorite pure bloods up to speed." He winked.

"Can I choose the film?" She begged

"Will it be something else than Rambo or Die Hard?" He chuckled at her nonplussed look.

"We don't want the bigots to riot dear Tonksy. Let's start them off easy." He said.

She thought about it. "But we'll use it earlier won't we?" Tonks made puppy eyes.

Amusement filled Robert. "So much versatility and you use your powers for corruption." He shook his head at her stocking out her tongue.

"I think it's natural that our club will be the guinea pigs of progress. He winked making her fist pump.

They finally reached the supposed entrance to Hufflepuff's dorm, the barrels.

"Have a good night Nymnym. I don't make exceptions for our training after all." He said while poking her on the nose.

"I'll let the name slide only once." She glared.

As he was nervously chuckling under her gaze as she suddenly closed up to him and gave him a peck on the cheek. Making the two young adults blush in embarrassment.

"Thank you Robert for today. Bye." Tonks quickly escaped to the dorms leaving the man behind.

Robert touched his cheek were she kissed him. A small smile crept in on his face and accompanied him until he finally fell asleep.