
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

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Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




"And why were you blushing at club today Tonks?" Jasmine asked the lost in thought friend.

"Blushing?" She stammered.

"Oh. Is there something you want to tell us Nymphy dear? Mindy asked with a not so inviting smile.

Tonks shuddered under the gaze of her two friends. "You must be mistaken. I was just thinking about what Robert told me last night."

The duo gave Tonks a knowing smile. "So you finally realized your true feelings." Jasmine said with a smirk.

"Our little tomboy grew up so fast. So did he agree?" Mindy smiled.

Tonks collected herself. "I don't now what you're talking about. Mr. Crow just told me yesterday about bringing muggle technology into Hogwarts. And that he'll soon have a surprise just for our club."

"And here we thought you finally grew up. But you're just thinking about your games." Jasmine sighed.

"Said the most violent one of the bunch. When you taste the thrill of fighting games and shooters it'll hard to pull you away." Small shades of pink appeared on Jasmine's cheeks.

"So when are we getting the goodies?" Mindy inquired.

"Who knows?" Tonks was interrupted by the sound of clinking glass. "It seems he'll tell now." The girls turned towards the staff table.

Robert stood up and used Sonorous on his voice. "Forgive me for interrupting your meal. However, I have an announcement to make." He started.

"I wonder if it's about the range." Fred said.

"He did look a bit absent-mindedly today." Angelina said to Alicia.

"Maybe there were some complications at the Ministry." Ron said with a full mouth of food.

"I don't think so. He was quite happy when he returned." Harry denied.

"That's good. He's a very good teacher." Neville added with a smile.

Robert looked at the overthinking faces of the students and chuckled inwardly. "Thankfully it's a pleasant one. The holidays are upon us. Because of this me and professor Babbling are preparing a gift for everyone gathered here."

Whispering broke in the Great Hall.

"Did he say something about it to you Tonks? Susan asked the older girl.

"Yes. And it'll be a most welcomed surprise." She grinned not saying more.

Robert fired of a small boom to calm down the crowd. Much to the displeasure of Snape who sat next to him.

The students turned again their attention to Robert. "Thank you. With the help of our rune teacher we're able to finally make muggle technology possible in the walls of Hogwarts."

The muggleborn students cheered.

"Finally I'll be able to play on my Gameboy here." Seamus Finnegan from Griffindor exclaimed at his table.

"What's a Gameboy?" Parvati asked.

"Its a handheld gaming device. You can play games on it as it has a screen. And that's just a waste to use the one in a lifetime breakthrough in magic for stupid games." Hermione turned on her chastising mode.

Harry patted the girl's head to make her calm down. But judging by the blush that appeared on her face it didn't work as he expected it too. As she changed her target to him.

"I'm not a pet mister." She huffed and went on a tirade of how to treat women.

"How strange. When Robert does it Hermione calms down." Harry muttered confused by her reaction. While Lavender, Parvati and the quidditch girls started giggling at the dense boy.

Robert waited until the cheers stopped. "Since most of you are leaving for the holidays I planned a joint event for everyone to join. It'll take place here in the Great Hall on next Sunday. We're going to make a makeshift theater and watch a couple of films. So if you have any requests then please make them before Thursday. As we need to go and buy the movies. And that's all from me for now. Please enjoy your meal." He sat down.

Most of the pureblood students didn't know what was going on. Some of them asked their halfblood friends.

"So we're finally going to see what made you excited Tracey." Daphne said.

The brunette was in a good mood. "I just hope he'll pick my requested film."

"It's disheartening to see Slytherins engage in mudblood practices." Some fifth year commented with disdain on his face.

"Say that to Mr. Crow's face. We'll see what happens." Malfoy said surprising his peers.

"It seems he was able to tame you Malfoy." Daphne smirked at the disgruntled boy.

"Hmph. Once I become strong I'll show your place in the pecking order." He replied.

Daphne rolled her eyes at his behavior. "You'll first have to beat me in club blondy.

"But you're also blonde Daphne." Her cold persona almost faltered after her best friends jab. Making Tracy laugh at her expense.

A rare smile formed on Greengrass's face. "Double training in the clubroom for you today." She smirked at the horrified expression on Davis's face.

While discussions spread throughout the room Robert wasn't spared himself from questioning.

"Mr. Crow could you at least tell me beforehand about your ideas. So I can not be around." Snape requested.

"I think you're forgetting about being a student yourself Mr. Crow. Would you like to get detention? I think I'll be able to find something to make you regret your impertinent nature." McGonagall's comment made Robert cringe in fear.

"My word Robert. You're always full of surprises." Robert thanked for the timely assist from Flitwick.

"Thank you professor. I try my best." He nervously chuckled under Minerva's gaze.

"Anymore spotlight and you'll burn yourself Mr. Crow." Snape said in an ominous tone.

"Don't scare the man Severus. That's going to be my job after dinner. Since you don't have any prior engagements you'll help me in my office." Robert could swear she just smirked.

He sighed and accepted his faith. "Very well. But let it be known I don't like it one bit." He pouted inciting laughter in some of the staff members.

After a fun lesson of teaching pineapples to dance with Tarantallegra Robert went to see the silk farm.

"Hello Hagrid. How are they doing?" He asked the half-giant.

"It seems yer was right. Frighten up the big one and the rest will go in line." Hagrid grimaced. He was a little sad with how all of this happened.

Robert patted the man on the back. "It's not as if you're not taking care of them. At least you can legally play with them in plain sight." That somewhat mollified Hagrid.

"You're here for the silk right. Here, this should be enough for a couple of robes. Maybe five if you don't waste much." He showed the young man a big crate with spindles of silk.

Robert made the crate float. "Thank you Hagrid. You're the best." He made the man chuckle.

Just as he was about to leave he remembered something. "Here Hagrid, take these. We don't know how will the colony react. But with these incendiary bombs you will be fine." Robert handed him three balls.

"You just need to toss them at the spiders. And hopefully stand at least ten meters away." He cautioned the simple man and left towards the castle.

After the detention with McGonagall, Robert continued with his barrier training.

Sweat dropped from his brow from concentrating. "Phew. Finally it's equally dense." He stopped channeling power into the square.

"It's not surprising why not many specialized in this art." Robert sighed.

"Alright, let's copy some books and head to sleep. Right Zephyr?" He asked his little companion which was looking curiously at the VHS tapes.

Robert chuckled. "You want to watch Bambi again?" The owl hooted and nodded its head in agreement. "Are you sure you're not watching it just because there's an owl there?" Robert started defending himself from the pecking that ensued.

"Okay, okay. I get it. You're a cultured owl." He petted Zephyr and gave it a treat.

Robert turned the player on. "But only thirty minutes. I don't want you to become a movie junkie." He left the owl to its own devices and started scanning Arithmancy books.