
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Derivasi dari karya
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44 Chs

Club is opened


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




After the eventful visit at the headmaster's office Robert turned his steps towards Bathsheda's office. Finally he'll see if the phone gave him something good to work with. Robert currently was struggling with the calligraphy part of engraving. It seemed not paying attention to his penmanship is rearing it's ugly head. A knock to the door and Robert saw the Runes teacher sitting at the desk while fiddling with something.

"Good afternoon Ms. Babbling." Robert started.

"Hello Robert. It seems you haven't forgot our arrangement." She said without looking at him. Too focused on the matrix before her.

"How are the runes looking?" He asked with anticipation.

"They look well thought out. However you never said what was their purpose in the end." She looked towards him in dissatisfaction.

"I've got the purpose with me." He took out a lighbulb he got a couple of days beforehand.

"A lightbulb is what that's called if I remember correctly? And why have you brought it here?" She looked in disdain towards the muggle technology. Why need it when you have magical equivalents.

"It's just a small step towards what I want to achieve Bathsheda." He took the matrix and inserted the lightbulb into a groove in it.

"And what now?" She asked when nothing happened.

"Let's see here. This should be the on switch." Robert touched a particular cluster and the lightbulb started flashing. Unfortunately after a minute it burned out.

"Well at least it seems to somewhat work. But we have to work on the voltage so it doesn't spike so much." Robert said. He'll need to ask the phone again for more information. Since the experiment was successful now he could flesh out the details.

"I still don't understand why you're doing this. However it seems to be quite fun to utilize runes in other ways than just wards so I'll continue to help you in my spare time." She said.

"Thanks. That means so much to me. I'll come later with some new ideas for this network." Robert said his goodbyes and left her office.

'And now I just have to go to Flitwick.' He had to inform the professor of the good news.

The next day at breakfast.

"Before everyone leaves for their morning lessons Mr. Crow has an announcement to make." Albus informed the student body.

"Hello everyone. I'll make this brief. Professor Flitwick and I will be hosting a new combat club. Everyone that's interested has to apply to me. You can find me usually here at mealtime. You can also find me during the club's hours. Which are from 6 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. weekdays, 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. for the weekends. That's also for now the time when the club takes place. Hopefully before next semester we'll have ready what I've been planning for a while." Most students weren't happy with the timing. Who wants to sweat the first thing in the morning.

"For now I'm taking max five people from each year. The next recruitment will happen next semester. A checklist applies here so if you don't sign up quickly then you'll lose your chance to get into the club. That is all. Thank you for listening." Robert dropped the Sonorous spell which made his voice louder.

"So Ron, will you enter the club?" Harry asked his best friend.

"Of course. Finally I'll be able to use my new wand." He got it last week. His mother sent a letter about getting some money and thanks to this he doesn't have to use that mangled dog stick of a wand from before.

"You do realise you'll have to get up early." Hermione wasn't so sure he would be able to do that.

Many discussions were held during the day on whether people will join or not. The first couple of people came off as a surprise to Robert.

"So Misses Greengrass, Davis and Bones you want to join?" He asked.

"Is there a problem? Ms Davis asked back

"No. I'm just surprised that heirs would even want to apply. Anyway. It's my pleasure to have you. I'll see you tomorrow at six. Wear something comfortable. You can ask Mr. Potter or Ms. Granger for details. Or if you'd like to ask someone older then there's the seventh year Hufflepuff trio. It seems you know Susan who I'm talking about." Bones nodded her head in agreement.

Throughout the day other intrigued students came to either sign up or ask more questions about the club.

'Ron and Draco Malfoy at sunrise how riveting.' Robert sighed.

He was sitting in his room planning out tomorrow's training session. He's going to ask for more weight bracelets from Flitwick and Bathsheda.

"Since this is going official then I should come up with some uniforms and logo." He muttered to himself while Zephyr was preening its feathers.

"I wonder if acromantula silk is good for this. It is a magical counterpart of spider webbing. Which supposedly are quite durable. I'm going to ask Hagrid."

Robert took out his phone and checked the map. He was looking for two people of interest. On of them was Quirrell which was currently sitting in his office. The other person was our lovely neighborhood rat sleeping in the Griffindor's dorm.

"My two future problems." Robert's eyes narrowed with a dangerous glint.

Robert doesn't have to worry about Quirrell. Since the man won't endanger his mission of getting the stone by killing off a student. At least that's what he wished was happening. As for the rat he'll do something about it after Voldemort leaves the castle. He'll need to prepare a couple of things so no complications will occure when he's captured.

"I wonder if there's a way to infuse myself with my spells." Robert was thinking about a special technique called Shunko. It gave the user a massive boost to all of his stats.

"But first I'll have to make something similar to that worlds close combat." Shortcuts will get you far in life. But without preparation and grit you'll only suffer at the end.

"I'm going to have to find books on fighting styles and hope for the best." He said before heading towards his rounds.