
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Book&Literature
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44 Chs



Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




"How did you do on your exams, sir?" Hermione asked Robert when he was eating breakfast at the Griffindor's table.

"Hello to you too Hermione. I think I've done alright. Who knows maybe I'll get my results today." Robert replied.

It's been a week since he had his little fight with Alastor. He realized how wrong he was about the strength of wizards here. Although he had an edge with his unknown spells he wasn't as battle ready as the veterans were. Not to mention the battle maniacs still chilling in Azkaban.

'I think it's time to try some of the barrier spells or those pillar ones. They seem more versatile than the Protego charm.' He thought of slamming columns of rock into the enemies back and grinned.

A hooting sound woken Robert from his daydreaming. A Great Horned Owl was impatiently glaring at the young man.

"Sorry. Lost myself in my thoughts." He untied the letter and gave the owl some bacon for its troubles before it left.

"Its seems Ms Granger you'll have your answer now." Robert laught at the blush which appeared on the small witch's face.

Ordinary Wizarding Level Results.

This is to certify that the candidate below completed the Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations, conducted by the Wizarding Examination Authority, and obtained the following results:

Candidate: Robert Crow

Pass grades:

(O) - Outstanding

(EE) - Exceeds Expectations

(A) - Acceptable

Fail Grades:

(P) - Poor

(D) - Dreadful

(T) - Troll

Arithmancy O

Astronomy O

Defense Against the Dark Arts O

Divination O

History of Magic O

Muggle Studies O


Professor Griselda Marchbanks - Governor, Wizarding Examination Authority.

"Blimey you've got six outstandings!" Ron said behind Robert's back.

"Its not nice to spy Mr. Weasley." Ron blushed from embarrassment.

"Don't worry Robert." Said Fred.

"He'll regret one day saying everything out loud." Finished George.

"Congrats on your OWLs both of them cheered." They started planning a party for Robert on the side.

"Congratulations Mr. Crow." Harry finally started to be more outgoing. The malnutrition also was wearing off. He even gained a couple of pounds and centimeters.

"Thank you all for the good words. I'm still waiting for my NEWTs." Robert scratched his head from embarrassment. It was nice to be praised by people that meant something to you. Speaking of which Zephyr flew down and sat on Robert's head.

"And what do you have there for me partner?" Robert handed Zephyr some of its favorite pistachios while taking a letter from it. The letter was from the headmaster to see him later in his office.

"This doesn't bode well." Robert scrunched his brows.

"Indeed. Even we haven't visited." Said Fred.

"The famous headmaster's office." George added.

"We'll know in a couple of hours. Anyway how are you too faring with runes?" Robert steered the conversation into a new topic. Today he'll also learn if his rune network was any good from Bathsheda.

"Lemon drop." The gargoyle shifted to the right to show a staircase deep within. After a dozen of steps or more he finally saw the familiar office. Nothing much changed. The headmaster wasn't here yet. Robert walked towards the desk only to turn because he saw the Sorting hat. Curious of its magic he put it on his head.

'You'd think there was more in your head judging by your face's expression.'

'It seems the old truly want to become the bane of my existence.' Robert rolled his eyes.'

"We can either play trying to figure out what you're thinking or you'll just talk to me normally lad." The hat said.

"You can't read my mind?" That was unexpected.

"Indeed I can't. Truly a curious predicament. Even the occluded minds can't keep me out. However, that comes at a cost of secrecy. I can't tell anyone what I've learned. Which can be frustrating sometimes."

"Never took you for a gossip Mr. Hat. Or would you like me to call you Florence?" The hat laught at that.

"No need. I don't have a name. Don't need one, never will. Because I'm a sorting cap. And that's what I'll always be."

"And yet you find the time for poetry and singing. Aren't you trying to hard to fool other people?" Robert raised his brow while the hat laught even more.

"It's refreshing when somebody uses logic for such nonsensical things Mr. Crow." The hat replied.

"And how do you know my name if you can't read my mind for it?" He inquired.

"I may not be able to know your thoughts. But I'll always know who uses me." It said with a hint of mystery.

"You truly embody the wills of the founders. Were would you sort me then?" Robert asked with curiosity.

"Difficult. I can see you prosper in every house. However, both loyalty and ambition guide you. Both of those houses would gain because of your influence. But Helga's wish would be to sort you in Slytherin." Robert didn't seem surprised. He was too much of a coward to take unknown risks. And knowledge wasn't his cup of tea. He only wanted the means. No need for hours of study.

"It seems two have met. Hopefully you haven't waited too long." Albus appeared from the floo network. Behind him was Griselda Marchbanks.

"I rather enjoyed my little exchange with Florence here. Maybe I'll come next time just for him." He grinned mischievously towards the now sulking hat, muttering that there's no respect in the younger generation these days.

"It's a pleasure to see you Madam once again. Hopefully, the journey here was peaceful." Robert bowed towards the woman.

"Those tricks won't work on me Robert, dear. Minnie wouldn't want that." She winked.

"Foiled again. It seems I'll need to find a good Christmas gift for Mrs. McGonagall." Robert jokingly replied.

"Come Robert, Griselda has some things to talk with you." Dumbledore transfigured two comfortable armchairs and summoned Milsy to bring some refreshments.

"Is there something the matter Madam?"

"Don't worry yourself. It's quite the contrary. You've made such a spectacle that now you're my seventh favorite student. The first one is sitting before me. I still remember the day when little Albus constructed a beautiful intricate carriage pulled by mice turned into horses."

"And the carriage was made from pumpkin?" Robert quipped.

"Don't be ridiculous dear. It was from a matchbox." Griselda answered.

"It's a blessing to be held so highly in your heart Madam." Albus said with a smile.

"Returning to the subject at hand. To hear Alastor say something more then his infamous catchphrase was quite an achievement by itself. However, he did express a wish to train you as he didn't want your talent to go to waste. But you can owl him yourself for that." Griselda took a sip of tea.

"My favorite. Albus you shouldn't have." She was delighted with the aroma and bouquet of subtle flavors.

"I always have some prepared for your abrupt visit." Albus replied.

After a couple of minutes of blissful silence the woman continued.

"You've made quite an impression. Here are your NEWT results. All O's with an exception in Divination. Only an EE . But you'd have to be a seer to get an O." She winked.

"Well i certainly didn't see that coming." They chuckled while Robert scratched his head from embarrassment.

"But this can be the only reason why the head of the department personally came here." Robert said thoughtfully.

"Alastor asked me when are you going to stop playing around and join the Auror Program."

"I don't think I'm right material Madam." He quickly replied.

"Thought as much. You don't look the part. To much freedom flows in your veins Robert." She said wistfully.

"That it does." Albus added with mirth.

"Alastor through the grapevine heard about your little endeavor. Training the younger generations the ways of combat. And he came up with a proposal or wish you could even say."

"Hopefully he doesn't want me to stop. I may not be as good as he'd like. But I'm certainly making strides in making them much better than before in years." Robert defended his teachings.

"And that's why when Flitwick lettered him, Alastor agreed to find funding for your club. Since you also have met the necessary requirements for hosting one. I as the representative of governors give you the green light to do as you please. Just don't make us regret our decision." He said coldly for the first time. Robert was shocked that she had that side of her as well.

"I'll do my best to not disappoint you, Mrs. Marchbanks." Robert bowed.

"Good boy. How about we discuss what you need for your project?" She said

"Of course, let's." Robert nodded.