
roaming the multiverse with random abilities!

this is sudden inspiration so I don't know how long this will go

SamiOyakodonLover · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

31th! kikyo joins , march towards the empress!

I took kikyo to the ship and wait for the girl, she is rather quiet girl , so to avoid awkward silence, I start to explained to her about the world, and she was quite fascinated too, she come to realize that this world is as dangerous if not more her previous world , and here there isn't a side like humans and yokai , but only you choice in life matters not your race...at least if you're not a racist...

good thing the jewel shard is with her, now naraku can't do shit

also apparently I leaking spiritual energy all the time , that is what she said to me, CoO can hide your presence but not spiritual presence , that way she know I am twice as strong as her, spiritually at least

good thing she give me the way how to hide it, now the rest is practicing the technique, while we were chatting , group of women board the ship

mom was the first to notice us and said with smile "Ara, we left tai-chan with less than a day , yet he brought a girl with him~ she is sooo beautiful too~. great taste tai-chan~"

"kikyo , this is my mother, Lona , and they are..." I begin to introduce them to each other and said

"kikyo will live with us from now on, so get along~"

"... I am kikyo" she just said that and become silent


"she don't know how interact with people much , so excuse her if she is comes as rude or blunt" I say to ease the awkward atmosphere

"... Taiger.." kikyo said

"...are all of them your women?" kikyo said bluntly

"hahaha, what make you say that? besides one of them is my mother and sister" I said with awkward laugh

"...your spiritual energy are all of the two you said.. especially in private areas.." she said with blank face

"Ara? yay! so tai-chan is marking me with his.. something! so that does mean I marking him too?!~" mom didn't try to deny kikyo and even felt happy about the marking

"I definitely have to teach us how to hide it well" I said with deadpan face and looked at kikyo and asks "well now you know the relationship I have with my mother and sister do you still want to come with us?"

"..you both seems happy , I can't say anything about that.. besides from I came from,...polygamy is common and incest is not rare , so I don't have problems with that..." kikyo answered truthfully

"hmm... alrighty, you girls now got to know each other while I prepare the trip to next island" I said to the girls, this good opportunity for kikyo to have the friends and family she never had

robin asks "where are we going?"

"to gain allies and a place to train haki well" I said with a smirk, with my plan, worst case scenario I gain a a warlord favor best case most beautiful woman heart, I don't see a way to not at least have Thier gratitude...but I don't like to jink myself..so I will proceed with caution

"why do I feel this involved a woman, and by woman I mean a beautiful one" Bonney said with a glare , I know how to shut her up , I grab her waist and gave her a heated kiss


after 30 seconds of saliva exchanging we stopped , I give her smile "satisfied now?"

"hmm" didn't say anything and just nods with a red face

kikyo watch the exchange with a thoughtful face

'she seems satisfied with that even her jealousy were shut down...I wonder how that's feels..' she thought

"well, you aren't wrong, I will give you a hint, we will visit a current warlord" I said

"you can't mean..." robin who is knowledgeable said with surprised face

"yes" I said with a smirk

"fufu , now you got me curious how will you get her favor...she is known for hatred for men, ironically, her devil fruit charm the man and the women alike" robin remarks

I give a mysterious smile and said "stay tooned then"

"come on , let's go!" I said with a wide smile

"yes!" x5 , sadly kikyo wasn't that enthusiastic and just nods , well the kuudere archer warm up eventually

"ki-chan~, do you want to try different clothes? we come back from shopping and bought a lot of beautiful dress with us~" mom said while hugging kikyo's arm

kikyo was surprised by the sudden intimacy but didn't feel repulsive and said "..thank you..lona-dono , I prefer my current clothes though, it's the last thing it can remind me of home..."

mom said while smiling "come on~ it will be fun~ besides we won't force on change your clothes, just try new outfit with us~"

kikyo looked hesitated for a moment , but eventually nods 'just a clothes trying...it can't be that bad...right..?' she thought , oh boy she in for a treat, today kikyo will discover the joy of Modeling...






calm belt, Amazon Lily

with in the castle of the island , a woman were bathing while thinking about nothing in particular

had a jet-black hair flowing like a the starless night , a tender skin that resemble moonlight in color , a blue eyes that reflects the ocean , had a tall figure that looks down on all creations, but had a body that would cause a drool and face that can melt hearts , all spots on this woman seems perfect without any impurities... expect with one spot on her back that seems to ruin at all...

well..at least for her... other wouldn't care if they have such perfect body...but not her , who sees herself as the most beautiful woman in her generation...such a mark is her shame and willing to do anything to remove it...and would kill..and in her case would stone them to death in case someone would see it or know about it

the woman touch the mark while remembering the phantom burning pain that she felt all these years back...

"..it's still hurt... even time passes and the wound healed...this one still feels it's heat from her memories... damn celestials dragon...this one won't dies happily until this one sees you burn!" the woman cursed with venom

the woman continued with her reminiscing until the big bathroom's door opened

"Ane-sama!, { big sister } " a tall but slim orange haired beautiful woman entered with a scream

the woman in bath had an annoyed expression and said "what is it, Marie? you know I hate being interpreted during my daily bath, it better be urgent!"

"I'm sorry to disturb your bathing time, but the Scouts saw a small ship heading to our island!" Marie said with with slight fearful look, she knows her big sister temper so she said without much nonsense

"oh? a ship.. moving in the calm belt.. interesting..and towards us nonetheless..it means that they have business with us...it seems this day won't be so boring after all..don't attack them unless they show hostility! bring sonia with you and wait for this one to finish bath , we well then go and welcome our guests! now go!" the woman said

"yes, ane-sama!" Marie said while a giving at her big sister body a look with envy and sighs

'haaah, big sister body is perfect.. minus that spot...it make me envious... forgot it, soon I should start my sumo diet, so even my current body will fatten' Marie thought and left the bathroom

the beauty was left there while thinking who might be her guest and touch her back with pain 'who knows, this might be a fateful meating for this one...' the woman though...she wasn't more right in her life evermore , and this day will be the day her life will change for better..