
roaming the multiverse with random abilities!

this is sudden inspiration so I don't know how long this will go

SamiOyakodonLover · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

30th! unconscious priestess and the reverse traveling!

3rd PoV

Japan, sengoku period

in a thick jungle a young woman was chased by horrendous creature , she shoots him with what it seems spiritual enchanted arrow


the demon creature get hit the shoulder get and roars


"damn priestess!! give the jewel shard!! and I will let your corpse a whole!!" the creature roared with anger

the young priestess didn't bother to respond to damned demon and just stared coldly with expressionless face , and prepared to shot another spiritual arrow

the demon dodge by hair length and growls at her with blood thirsty look and attacks her again

the two continue and fight back and forth but the upper hand goes is now to the demon , cut on her body and her ,clothes half destroyed,visible tiredness appears on the beautiful girl face as she tries to collect her breath

"kukukuku, your fate is getting close to end, slut!!" the demon creepily laugh as he lunch at her with killing blow

the girl face remain calm as if isn't an ugly abomination tries to cut her life , she regularize her breath and took a deep one and stretch the bow to it's full length intending to put her whole strength in this blow

'...this blow has all my spiritual power in it , I will be vulnerable and will get unconscious...will I be fated to die under the yokai..or be r**ed by random bystander... I always hoped to have normal life...maybe even that is impossible..' she shake her head and had determined look at her face, at least if she falls this bastard will fell with her!

with a swift movement, the arrow unleashed with explosive power like nothing before and hit the yokai heart destroyed it in the process

*PUH!* blood fall from her lips as consequences of high restraining her body

but fortunately for her , this shot had taked his life with him

the yokai body begin to disintegrate as a result of the purification of the arrow

".. DAMMIT!!...we will catch you.. Sooner or later!" THE yokai cursed and speak his final words

"haaaah haaaah , at least...I got..hi..m" the girl weakly fell on the ground and the fatigue won over her and fainted and left unconscious

a bit far from the girl a young man with white hair and dogs ears and red kimono clothes appears and gives a toothy grin

"YOSH! now that they destroyed each other, I will be the fisherman and took the benefits! the sherd is mine! I finally will able to become full demon! and by this my family won't disrespect me any longer!" the young man said with excitement

he got closer to the fainted girl and decided to take the sherd "you did well priestess, I won't kill you since that's not my natural, but I will take the sherd with pleasure~" he closed his hands and was about to snatch it..

but suddenly a binding light revolve around the girl brightly , this cause the young man to put his hands on his eyes trying to protect his vision

a few dozen seconds later the light disappeared and unconscious girl is no where to be seen

"what?! where the hell she did go?! nooooo!!" the scream with anger seeing his dream shatter

the man looks lifeless and decided to room the forest without direction....

he doesn't know that what happened change the girl fate from a miserable to a happy yet wild one..







water 7 , on a junkie and crap shore Taiger stand on it while arguing about something with himself

the girls went on girls shopping and night , they are strong enough for him not to worry

he standing here after buying the Amazon Lily eternal pose from the black market , since this thing are rare and costs more , not a problem for him tho

'should I try it? it was never specify who would do the travelling...' he thought 'and it can confirm if the travelling is working in reverse' he had a thoughtful look on his face

"ahh fuck it..I won't lose anything... expect EE.." he then open the RDT menu and think of something 'reverse the travel!' and like magic the menu change it option 'it is really dynamic! good' Taiger had a happy face


reverse traveling : invest fixed amount of EE to summon random character to your correct world.. can be done one summon per year , can't summon someone from the same universe,

the summon can be specified but the costs will exponentially increased with ever details added with the costs increase with how strong the details is written

current EE : 15.65k

random summon : 100 EE



summon : son Goku : current strength : ultra instinct, cost : 15b EE


'too much! well at that level he can sneeze and destroys a planet' Taiger thought with amusement

'well here goes nothing' he thinks of details he wants and the final panel is this


summon : random

details : female , legal , have a tragic fate

cost : 1.5k EE


not much details he wrote, female of course he doesn't want a random dude , having a random girl is better than random man , that doesn't mean he won't summon men at all , but if he will at least he will specific , and at will be rare thing to do anyway , legal because he doesn't want to deal with FBI..or angry comments , and have a tragic fate , by doing this he would save her from her destiny whatever that is

"well give me someone good!" he said and confirm the summon , a moment later a binding light appears in front of him made him cover his eyes

the light fade in front of him a fainted young priestess can be said

'no way!..is she..then which timeline did she come from...I hope she is isn't in her zombie form..' Taiger though with slight worry

he come near her and notice she is breathing and sighs in relief "good , she isn't a zombie..I can heal her normally..but..damn..the multiverse bring me her.. well, her fate is tragic alright..but since the same fate who were cruel to you brought you to me..I won't allow this to happen" Taiger said with convection

he then extended his hand and put it on the beautiful girl forehead and start healing her injuries , the girl stressed look relaxed and her breathing become calm, any sighed of wounds disappeared and it remains the cut on her kimono

, he didn't want to have drama with her all being her clothes have destroyed..so he uses alchemy to fix her wearing..

now the girl looked new just a bit tired and dirty but her beauty didn't decrease

the young woman in question had her eyebrows twitch and let a slight groan out from her mouth

the eyes of the girl slowly opened to see a handsome young man eyes staring at her , she realized she laying on his lap , she hurriedly stand up and check her body to see if he did anything to her but sighs in relief that her clothes are intact...

'wait my clothes are half destroyed from the yokai..how there fine now' she looked at the boy infront of her with suspicious look

Taiger seems to realize what she is thinking and said with smile " I didn't take off your clothes, I have abilities to fix clothes up" and to prove his point he cut his shirt a bit and fix it up

it was then the priestess let the suspicion go for now at least , she already realize she doesn't have wounds on her body , she shots Taiger a grateful look and said "thank you , I don't know what was will be my fate if you didn't save me" but soon returned to her stock face

"no worries , miss shrine maiden,can I ask something?" Taiger said with smile and ask

the priestess just nods as confirmation, she didn't communicate much in the past so her social power is lacking

Taiger didn't take it to heart as he knows her situation and ask "what the last thing happened to you?"

"...I was fighting a yokai that wanted to take my sacred item..I shots him with all my energy and fainted afterwards" she answers honestly, Taiger can do anything bad to her while unconscious , but didn't instead healed her and fixed her clothes, so she he had good impression on him, what's more she notices his spiritual power is massive, at least double Hers, and she is a special priestess!

"did you noticed anyone around you?" Taiger asks , this question is crucial for his next step for her

"...now I think about , I felt a demon who was following me had a red kimono and dogs ears and white hair.., but his pressure was pifully weak so I igonred it.." the priestess answered

'..so it was before she meets him, good now I won't feel bad NTRing him' Taiger though

the priestess then looked around to notice she isn't near the forest but instead around junkies and can see the sea from her location

, which she saw it for the first time

"... beautiful..." she muttered

"yeah it is.." Taiger agree

"...can you tell me we are I am" the priestess asks, if she didn't have the sherd with her she would be anxious..but since it not the case , she a bit relaxed, this also the effects of remain yang aura which she didn't force it out, honestly she doesn't have anyone waiting for, her parents died early , and her sister left her searching for her fated one, she didn't stop her but miss her sometimes , her duty was to protect the sherd and extremely lonely

Taiger had a complicated expression on his face 'what should I tell her? this is afterlife? nah.. lying to her would do bad than good

"..this my hard for you believe..but you aren't in Japan anymore..not even earth " Taiger then decide to tell her the truth since nothing would help if he lied

" then where...?" the priestess ask

" you are in a different world..this world is 90% of it is water and the land of composed of thousands of islands except in the middle were I thousands of kilometers height red wall that revolved around the globe , the main thing that this world doesn't have yokai" Taiger explained

"then why I am her?" she asks the million dollars question

"...I brought you...here.. unintentionally..."

"... can I go back?.." she asks but doesn't same to care for answers

"I could bring you back but you have to wait a year" Taiger answered truthfully, anything built in lies will fall , as much as he want her to stay to evade her fate , he doesn't want to restrain her

"... alright.."

" you don't to same care much..?" Taiger asks

"...I don't really have anything to return too, besides my duty as to protect the sherd from the the yokai , and since there aren't any here , I prefer to stay here.." the priestess said without much expression , it's not that she is emotionless , just her lack of family effect her and doesn't know how to express them

Taiger mentally sighs in relief and and said with a smile "what are you going to do?"

"... since you brought me here...you have to take the responsibility for me..." she said without much thinking

Taiger give her a teasing smile and said "oh? are you proposing to me? it is a bit early though~"

the priestess then run over her sentence and have her cheeks become rosy , she aimed in arrow at him and lunch at "...pervert..."

Taiger skillfully dodge it and said with smirk "is that how your treat your savour~"

the girl cheeks become more red and become embarrassed but said" I'm.. sorry..I didn't interacted much with people.." she know he could dodge it since she sense his spiritual power earlier but doesn't justifies her attack so she apologized

Taiger put his hand on her head and pats her with yang aura to calm her down "hehe, sorry for teasing you, come on" in the start she flinched under his touch and wanted to back off but the moment he touch her head she felt at peace and bliss , but didn't last long, she felt a bit lost when he removed his hand but didn't voice it and returned to her expressionless face

"come on , let's meet my family , you will love them.." Taiger said

the young shrine maiden didn't said anything and nodded..but then asked in low voice as if she whispering " ... can you tell me your name"

Taiger smiles and said "lunar D Taiger, you can call me Taiger"

"...kikyo is my..name..." she whispered her name but Taiger heard it and smiles and said "pleasure to meet you , kikyo."

then the pair moved from junkie yard towards the ship and kikyo said very lowly "...the pleasure is mine", Taiger heard that and smile but he didn't notice that kikyo had very slight curve on her face while saying that...





