
roaming the multiverse with random abilities!

this is sudden inspiration so I don't know how long this will go

SamiOyakodonLover · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

17th! the nasty tusk is now broken...

"yeah I remembered you...you the brat I took from south blue, I only remember that because I found the age age fruit there..if that rear admiral bitch wasn't there by twist of fate I don't lose in that time..but it doesn't matter know because...heh you ate it , well isn't that a perfect coincidence, I have a client who want a legal Loli but milf at the same guy , weird guy but the price is good , you're are the perfect candidate!"

*PHAAAWO* he roars and rushed to her catch her in one swap

"dream on , nasty tusk!" she did not retreat but advances

<< trunk whip! >> he swap his coated trunk in great swap that can destroy a building! she countered by crossing her arms

<< armament tekkai! >> she used tekkai with armament

*CLANGSS* huge spark generated by the collision!

while in air she pushed the air the appeared behind and send a fierce kick on his back bone

for a huge direct , he quite nimb as he dodge the kick in hair width

she land with backflip and coated her limp with pink layer "let's so who emptied first , my stamina or you haki!" she rushed to him to continue her fight



Lona , Taiger and Robin watch the battle with opened eyes

"are you not going to help her" robin suddenly asks

the pair shakes their heads and Taiger said

"she said she wants to deal with herself , we can only support her decision , worry not , she is not in danger with me around" he smiles

which made robin giggles "fufu, she is not my sister , why should I get worried~?" she replies with tease smile

"yeah I guess not , she is not your sister.." he said but said a word any his mind 'yet..'

robin though his sentence is a bit strange and had a hidden meaning but did dwell in it much and focus on fight

"can I ask something, tai-kun?" robin ask

"sure , robin" he replied

"why her fruit doesn't effects him?" she ask

she saw all weird kinds of devil fruits , but this the first time she saw a devil fruit that doesn't work on someone

this time Lona cuts and ask " I know! I know , can I answer you , robin-chan~?"

"sure miss..?" robin doesn't know her name since both of them refer to her as their mother

"oh, you can call me mom or lona-chan~" she said with wink

"then I will call you mother-san please tell me" robin said smile which made Lona pouts

"mou~ I didn't give this option there! well suit yourself~ anyway , it's not like bon-chan does not affect him, it does actually affect him but since he use his haki to push the pink aura which hold the power with in , the effects reduced and not visible"

"so that's what it is..but what is haki?" robin ask , she never hear of such a thing

"oh tha-" Lona starts to explain but Taiger cuts her

"sorry , this information will costs you~" he said said with smile , no way robin doesn't trust him yet , he isn't naive enough to share this with her, she is an experienced assassin , knowing haki will cause her to upgrade exponentially but before at least trust each other , he won't share much with her

his actions cause robin to pout and say "Ara? what price should I buy to know , tai-kun?"

she said while giving a flirty tone

Taiger then shamelessly ogling at the her supple body , that hot gaze of his made her blush and avoid his gaze , which made smile become a smirk "we will discuss that later~" while thinking

'if she is canon robin , teasing her will be harder , but since she is early 10 years , he experienced fall short compared to her future self'

'he doesn't trust me completely..well that a given since we just met..and I wouldn't trust me either that easily.. beside I still don't trust them completely.. even though he has some kind of calming aura around him..which made me relax, and it doesn't seem neither intentional nor unnatural , that just what he is...well..he seems wants to trust me,and that's a good start , maybe my 10 years of nightmare will end..' she thought with hope , since the day of cursed ciperpol that destroyed her island she has been on run from government and pirates alike...she just and achieve her dream and have a place to call home

'hey tai-chan, what is your plan for her' Lona asks in his head which the later answer 'she is a good girl , but has trust issues , we have to approach her slowly if we wanna her to trust us'

'so tai-chan does something for her'

'depends on her , if she agrees we will take her in'

'fufufu , tai-chan begin to collect girls~ does that contains the two girls in the basement~?' she ask teasingly

'when we meets them we will decide , their seems special not make them work like the other'

while the three in though , the battle is almost at the end

"I caught you , you little slut!" philano catches Bonney with his trunk and begin to crush her with pressure force!

"ugh!" she groned from the pressure on her

"no stay obedient and let me capture you!" the client didn't ask to have his goods untouched

"ugh..hehe...you dumb tusk I let you catch me!" bonney laugh dispite the pressure on her

"hmph! for what exactly!" he hmphs and ask in arrogance since he thought he caught his prey

"for this!" she raised her feet and hold his tusks in her toes and used her control on her body part and made her toes extremely strong , adding to that armament them to the grim , resulting like Pliers like crushing force on the ivorys and get them crushed


"AHHHHHH! my tusks?! how dare you?!!?" he stream in agony

"HAHA , now you philano broken tusk!" she laughed at his misery and used the chance of discretion and focused will her haki and pink aura around her terso and struck the trunk with full force!

the trunk begin the to get short extremely quickly as if it's baby trunk which made it releases her,

in that second she raining at him with pink fist and kick that made part of his body old and another parts young!

this mix made him look extremely hideous to the watcher

she gives final kick on his third leg cush

"AHHHHHH!" philano let a birth scream and got knocked blue and black out of his conscience

"ouch!" this made Taiger shiver in phantom pain

every guy would do the same guy would do

"that for every woman you made her suffer , you flith!" bonney says her final venomous words and went beside Taiger and said to him

"that your warning if try anything similar, UNDERSTAND?!"

"noted Bonney" he nods , she visibly angry and no reason to argue with her while she is like that

"good..." she said and suddenly jumps on him and gives a passionate kiss!



she gives a sloppy kiss while trying her best , he was surprised but decided to respond..

after good 30 seconds they stopped

".. Bonney..I thought I wanted to do that in better environment.." he ask her , he doesn't mind but it's for her after all

she looked at him with blush and said

"I k-know what I said..but I saw you and mother kiss earlier.. this made me jealous..and my jealousy and anger mixed together ,which made me outburst before..I'm sorry..I didn't mean to scream earlier at you... please forgive me.."

he didn't respond but give her another kiss which was a loving type different than the passionate before , Bonney respond with equal love

after 10 seconds they separate and ask with smile while caressing her cheek "better now?"

"mhm" she nods with a blush

*cough* *cough*

their moment ruined by a cough

"ehh..I'm sorry to interrupt..but do you want to check the safe?" robin couldn't handle the love atmosphere and interpreted them while blushing with embarrassment

now Bonney realized that a third party exits and separate herself from Taiger while trying to hide her embarrassment

"ara~ bon-chan is so bold~ even I did not kissed him like that yet~ I guess that's is you won~!" Lona teased Bonney which made the later even more red

"mom!" she shouts and start chase her while Lona just run "hehe , can't catch me~"

'..what a weird family..the mother and the sister love their son/brother..but even so..I envy their bond...' robin looked the pair of mother-daughter running and chasing respectively with both smiles on their faces and sighs

Taiger notices her longing look and sighed internally and said "if you willing Robin, you can come to us"

robin sees that he noticed her look and smiles "thank you for you offer tai-kun, but can you give time to decide? I give my answer next chapter.." she says

"of course , but the offer is limited , so take the chance fast~" he smiles and said with tease

"fufu, I'm considering it seriously" she said with laugh

then Taiger went the elephant mess and out his hand on his head

<< memories observe!>> then a torrent of 45 years of contain flew to his to his mind

this skill of derived from observation haki, about that later

while sorting his memory he scaned he suddenly notice a piece of information




