
roaming the multiverse with random abilities!

this is sudden inspiration so I don't know how long this will go

SamiOyakodonLover · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

16th! philano the nasty tusk!

while Taiger and Robin were chatting in their minds , in the now broken cabin

"ughh, my head..that kick was painful... damn lass" the man groaned in pain from the headach but didn't have much time to think as were another kick hits him make them fly to the main deck of ship


"hey everybody , it's danger her so I advice to go away" Taiger warned the free people and turn to Lona and asks "mom , can you escort them to the near island?"

"hai~ sweaty~" she gave a him a peck and went to escort the them

'mom..? is she his mother..then why she gave a kiss?..are they in some kind of play? but they do look similar...well, none my business..the main issue her , how I can survive here.. these people saved the slaves her, so I guess there are not bad people at least, but they also ruthless..he definitely has some kind of devil fruit ability...I did eavesdrop on them earlier because of my habit spreading my ears and I eyes everywhere' robin though but didn't know that her actions where noticed but igonred by them since Taiger told them to.

'maybe if I ask them... maybe they can offer me protection...it's been 10 years since that day..I am tired from running..but can I trust them..?'

robin pondered in her mind until she felt a hand pats her head , in usual cases , anyone who tries to touch her , they will have they neck broken, but before she can do any action, a calming and warm aura cover her and her tense muscles start to relax , she looks upwards and was surprised to Taiger's big hand covered in white aura rubbing her head gently , Taiger smiles and looks to her "feeling better now?" she smiles and nods "thank you. tai-kun." she relaxed in the calm feeling but soon he remove his head

the calming aura disappeard and she felt a bit disappointed , but wasn't bold enough to ask him to pat her again , Taiger notice her disappointed and smiles teasingly "do you like it? that for your tease earlier~" robin pouts but refrained from answering to hide her embarrassment and looked away..

Taiger doesn't continue to tease her , he know her trust issues , so he just want make a good impression , so later making her open up would be smoother, and it seems their little interaction gave a positive reaction.

he then notice his mother return which the latter smiled meaningfully and send him a mind message 'ara tai-chan~ trying to be put your claws on her already~how fast and efficient you are~' her teasing tone says everything

Taiger smirks and smack her fatass while saying 'don't make trouble'

"ahn~, bad tai-chan~" she moans while trying to acts angry

robin hears that and blush a bit

'they seems a bit too close for a pair of mother and son.. again..none of my business.. everyone is free to be with anyone they want..if all parties constant..that it...' she thought while blushing.. she never been a relationship before, and while she tries to acts flirty and love to tease , she is pretty pure..

while the three in there own thoughts the elephant in the room , or rather on ship wakes up and stand while he is boiling in anger

"hey you remember me , asshole?!" bonney asks in venom

the man looked her in disdain "why should I remember you?" he asks

"you bastard , you killed my parents and enslaved me , can't you remember?!" bonney screams with anger

"hmph,do you have the slightest idea how little that narrow it down?! , girl!" how possible he can remember , he did similar things thousand of times..how should he remember with tiny informations

bonney kicks him again in fits of anger which let the man another painful groan

"UGHH!,DAMN LASS!! , If I don't capture you and sells you after I done having my way with you , my name isn't philano the nasty tusk!" then under Thier eyes , philano starts to transform,his figure become a towering 4 meter , his legs toes disappeared and got replace but a round foot with small nails , he whole body color start to look black grey , his ears start to enlarge and become thin , his nose was replaced with a long trunk and on it's both sides , two ivory looking tusks appears

*PHOOOAHH* long trumpet sound rang from his trunk , Taiger wasn't surprised since he already check his stats


name : philano the nasty tusk

age : 45

devil fruit : elephant elephant model : African elephant

physical power : low-rear admiral

spiritual power : low-captain

will power : low-captain

haki : armament (low-intermediate)

likes : woman , alcohol, selling slaves , torture

dislikes : marines

sexual fantasy : not relevant eww


he checked robin stats too


name : Nico Robin

age : 16

devil fruit : flower flower

physical power : mid-Lieutenan

spiritual power : low-captain

will power : low-captain

haki : CoO and CoA (locked)

likes : reading , exploring , sandwiches , coffee

dislikes : interpreted while reading, world government , kuzan, gums

sexual fantasy (new) : vanilla, likes to dominant , open-minded for exploring


'hmm , she seems to be younger, two years to be exact,I hope my existence doesn't change much..' Taiger though , since the Canon is about 10 years ahead , she supposed to be 28 , not 26.

he can see more stats now since he can mix his panel with CoO

"look , look tai-chan~ he became half elephant , fufufufu , he looks so funny!" Lona laugh heartily

"you're right mom , TEHAHAHA , he looks like a product of a circus , where a man and elephant a night of passion , TEHAHAHA" Taiger laugh while having tears in his eyes

"pfft" robin also tried to hold her laughter , she knows he has a not weak devil fruit, but never saw it in action , and she thought that Taiger description is pretty accurate..as equally funny.

"hehehehe ,Taiger is pretty savage,not to forget that his(Taiger) hyprid form perfectly mixs his both human and beast forms, he looks both sexy and majestic, unlike this aboimation" Bonney laugh and remarks while blushing the last part

'so he has a zoan? I wonder what his looks like in that, from pink-san description , it seems pretty strong, maybe his previous calming aura is connected to it' Robin mused while analyzing this piece of information

"HEY! SHUT UP , STOP LAUGHING YOU BASTARDS!" philano screams from his trunk , he knows this form doesn't fit him, and he is pretty sore about it , but it's strength back it up , he strong as high-rear admiral in this form

, while Bonney is only mid-rear admiral is physical power from her previous kick, with his tough skin her kicks meaning nothing.

Bonney kicks him again but notice that isn't effective as before so they change her attack type "if kicks doesn't work that how about this!"

his now let covered in pink aura then the said feat kick his jaw

" PHAHAHAHA, you attack aren't so strong , aren't they?!" he laughed creepily

"are sure about that?" bonney smirks

"wha-" from knowing what going on, his body start to age and become older albait slowly

"what the hell?!" he panicked and quick send his haki to push whart ever thing she puts in him, his haki pushing the pink aura and his skin return to normal..

"haaah , haaah ...wait...that power..is that the age age fruit?!" ask in anguish

"does that bell a rang , bastard?!" she asks while smirking , she didn't look surprised his skin return to normal , 'looks like he has a bit of skill...but his fate won't change!' Bonney thoughts

"I remembered you... " he starts to speaks but a wild cliffhanger appears!



