
roaming the multiverse with random abilities!

this is sudden inspiration so I don't know how long this will go

SamiOyakodonLover · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

15th! kicking babes and punching elders!

while the mother-son duo have an intimate moment , the situation wouldn't so warm on the slavers ship

bonney quickly descend on the ship and hits it with all her might!


"what the hell happened?!" slaver A said

"did some meteor hit the ship?!" slaver B

"oh god it's everywhere!! this..this...this is human matter!!" slaver C panicked when he saw all the grey matter and blood crushed together of curtain slaver

"ouch ! ouch! my head... I landed wrong and crushed a random mob, meh who cares" Bonney covered in blood complain but then didn't care about miserable bastard fate..

"OI!! who are you?! do you know even who crush into?!" Slaver D screams with at her which she responds with a shurg " I have no idea , but I'm sure you do...so I will be happy to make you follow him in hell!"

"crazy lass!"

"wait...isn't that the girl description that locher gave us earlier?" Slaver E asks

"now that I'm looking good at least.. yes...fefefefe it's seems that we didn't need to fetch her , she came to us on her violation" slaver F smile lewdily while totally forget his crushed comarde a moment ago

"gagaga , boss will be happy we brought him a prize" slaver G laugh creepily

"yes..have a good look you wastes... because this the last beautiful thing you gonna see! now I have a question to for you see trash"

the slavers had a bad feeling about the question but Their curiosity beats them so in wierd union they ask "...what?"

"if you have to choice between being an elder and being a child , what will you choose?" bonney asks with wicked grin

the slavers bad feeling grows even more but one by one they answered

"child so I can play my youth again"

"elder so I can sprankle my seniority!"




they each give Their answer

"why even ask us girl, we gonna catch you anyway!,HIHIHIHI!" slaver H laugh evily

"well, so I can at least give your last CHOICE!" bonney then shaved and hit the first slaver she come in connect with

"ugh!!" he punch broke his jaw but didn't kill him , she didn't want to kill them like that , no no she had other plans

the broken jawed man under the eyes of shocked slavers has hair turned white , his back arched , has teeth fall , become shorter and his legs began to shake , the now old man fell on the ground while muttered hatefully with his broken teeth "thou..thou shaid you thurn uth intho our choice...tho whyyy...whhy am I...an old man!!"

slaver I chose to turned into child yet he is now a miserable old thing!

bonney looks at him and smiles cutely "sorry I thought you want the opposite.. *teehee*" but that smiles didn't look cute at all to them but smile of the devil

but she didn't give time to slavers to react and wanted to next target who chose to be old man and turned into 2 year old child

under the shocked eyes of the malnutritioned slaves who is in cuffs , all the evildoers who tortured them and whip them this whole time becoming elder who can't walk and children who can't crawl!

in 1 minutes the whole crew become immobile

in this time Taiger and Lona on the ship and looked around

"look tai-chan , what a sad case" Bonney says

while looking pifully at the slave..

" poors bastards" Taiger says , be it the slavers or the slaves , they are in sorry states then he calls Bonney "hey Bonney don't do anything to them , I have nice idea" he grinned

"oh? do tell Taiger" she aged the slaver ZZ in her hand and asked

Taiger didn't give an answer but did action

he send a spiritual waves into the slaves , the strong waves crushed the restraints that holds them, all them broke at time

"we free!"



"thank you savoir! thank you!"



" I follow you rest of my life!"



"he is quite handsome too.." some females slave blushed

"don't celebrate just yet" he said then a white hemisphere come from him and warp the whole ship

<< heal field! >>

miraculously , all thier wounds, old scars, even burned mark went way and got replace with healthy skin, they now only look slightly weak due to their lack of food

"now ladies and gentlemen , do you want just go and forget what happened to you all this time..or...take some revenge.." then Taiger points at the formal slavers who is now crippled


"on them..?"

"but aren't they elders and kids now?"

"yeah.. wouldn't be immoral to ..hit them.."

"but...those bastard tortured us for months , our wives were r***d by them , our children sold by them..are we gonna...just leave them.. unpunched..?!"

"no.." someone whispered, then like a Domino's fall









"NOOOO!!!!" all of formal slaves all screams at the same time and went the piles of old and young wasted and shower them punch and kicks

"take this! bastard!"

"this for me!"

"this for my wife you r***d!"

"this for daughter you sold!!"

"this is for my sister you tortured!!"

"this is for me again just because I wanted too!"

under the rain of human limps, the humans wastes begin to die due to Thier body unable to keep up to injuries..

"hey bon-chan, can you turn them to normal? I think they had their share now.." Lona ask Bonney

even if these are the worst scum on earth beneath the CD they still look kids and elderlies thus made her uncomfortable

"okay mom~" Bonney then took her fingers and aim at the corpses piles

<< unage bullet! >> a pink aura gathered around her fingers and formed an air bullet and shot toward it , this technique combine the shigun technique from six power and her original devil fruit ability

the pink bullet hit the pile the envelopes it then the bodies start to return to Thier origin age

after that Taiger stare at the now dead slavers and shot at them

<< corrosion bullet >> black aura involved his finger and shot a black bullet towards the corpse

once it hit , the corpse were warped in black aura then behig to get corrosived by the mist until it all turned to black Ashes and scatter into the sky

"tai-chan~ I always got fascinated seeing your

amazing abilities...nee~ when you gonna bring me a devil fruit~"

"soon mom , I have the best one in my mind , it even will gives you nice rhythmy title" Taiger said with a smile

but suddenly the captain's cabin bursts and two figures can be seen,one a 18 looking beautiful woman , she stares at the situation in front of her with stuper look , she then looked around and saw a handsome young man around her age with apple green eyes with made her dazed a bit but soon return to her calm temperament

the other is an ugly looking fat middle age man that can be the protagonist of NTR hentai

the man didn't notice until now the commotion because he made his cabin sounds isolated for his private matters and didn't have observation haki just armament and the look at his face is priceless

he searched around to see none of his men around, all slaves are free and healthy albait a bit weak, and three people looking at him with disgust

'what a beautiful bombshell!' he stares at Lona beautiful figure and start to drool at the thought of ravage her , but his line of pervert thoughs has been served by a pink shadow who had her legs coated in haki and crushed his head into his cabin

"you flithy bastard! don't you dare ogling at my mother, she isn't not yours to dirty!!" bonney rages and crushed her foot with face , the woman besides him couldn't comprehend how the pink girl vanished from 10 meters afar and landed next to her, but she didn't have the luxury to think as the same girl stares at her and ask her in hostile tone

"are gonna interfere?" the woman hurriedly shakes her head "no no, he is all yours , pink-san , I hate his guts too, but I have to warn you , he has a not weak devil fruit , so he won't get down in one shot" the woman advice Bonney politely then Bonney removed her hostility but still smiles savagely and replies "thank you for advice , but that's even better, that way I can punch him until I satisfied! you can stand beside my brother there so you won't get affect in battle" she points at Taiger and says

"thank you!" the woman hurriedly run to Taiger which the later smile to her "nice to meet you, my name is lunar.D.Taiger, do you mind share you name?" Taiger knows her name but need to act his role

the woman had her share seeing handsome men so wasn't that affect by his natural charm but couldn't help but smile a bit and have her cheek a bit pink and says "hmm, do I have to say my name ,tai-kun?"

"tai-kun?" Taiger got off guard by this nickname

"Ara? don't like it? I heard the miss next to you says something similar , I thought I will be fond of it" the woman smiles faintly

"I don't dislike it honestly or mind , but isn't a bit too intimate to says that without knowing your name" Taiger also smiles , which the made her smiles and says "so it's decided , and about my name , it's a bit sentive to say out loud" she shake her head

'then say it in loud' his voice appears in the woman mind which made her losing her composure a bit 'wha..?! how you in my mind?!' she panicked , her mind has top world secrets and she won't like someone to take a peak but his voice rang again 'don't worry if something you wouldn't like me to know , I wouldn't get to know' she says in relife but look a bit wary so he ask her again with smile 'so can you tell me what is your name now?' the woman collect herself then looked at his green eyes and said

'Robin..Nico Robin..'


