
Road To Happiness

Laying on the bathroom floor, my hands on my head and my face in my laps… The noise from my parents room gets louder by the minute especially my dad's voice, he sounded like a beast whenever he got angry, I really don't get why my mom still stays, she wouldn't leave even if he stabbed her in the chest. I don't know if it's trauma bonding. I was tired of the looks we would get from the neighbors, A look of pity, I hated life … My name is Ella, and I am 18 would be 19 in a few months and I can't wait till I'm old enough to leave this place, I would always dream of a home filled with love and happy children, I wanted to create a life I didn't get… I grew up in a very violent home. I didn't get to know what it was like to have a completely functional home, my dad is what you would call a narcissist and in the world we lived in, it was really an encouraged trait in men. I've always wanted to grow up so fast, I guess it was because I wanted to get away from everything, my mom got married to my dad who was a literal walking red flag, he would beat her even before they got married, shame her and with all that he wasn't even rich I guess she was young and in love but i, I was on a very determined mission to find a man that would love and cherish me and everything I represented, I was going to find him even if it took half of my life…. Hi guys this is my first time writing a story, I've always wanted to but i have been too scared to, but please pardon me if it isn't so professional. Thankyou�.

Benita_Omomhenle · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter Seven ~ Fate

Cassie had followed her mom to God knows where,  how could she leave me by myself..... A maid was assigned to take me to my room, we went through a really long corridor decorated in fine artistic drawings which must cost a fortune, the floors were marble and were sparkling clean everywhere and everything looked perfect, the maid soon stopped in front of a door…

Your room madam" she said, thank you I responded … I closed the door behind me.

My jaw fell to my knees again for the second time today I was completely dumbfounded, The room was simple but really beautiful, It had a queen-sized bed, There was a carpet in the center of the room, and it looked really elegant, The room also had a walk in closet and a huge bathroom, I was starting to think the maid had brought me to the wrong room .....

I dropped my bag on the bed to unpack my things, I set them up in the closet and picked out something more comfortable to wear, I was perplexed as to why Cassie never mentioned anything about her family status. She definitely had a lot of explaining to do, I thought to myself…

I got on the bed and god it felt really soft like I was lying on clouds, I must have been exhausted because I went right to sleep…

I was awakened by the continuous knocking coming from the door, who is there I mumbled still very sleepy,

"Ma'am it's dinner time and miss Cassie asked that I call you"

Okay I'll be there in a minute I replied

I hadn't showered yet so I took a quick shower and changed into the clothes I had picked earlier, it was a gray (sweatpants) and a white tank top

I put on a slipper and headed downstairs…

Dinner was incredible, I hadn't eaten so well in the last months I've been surviving on cereal and noodles, I joked Dinner was lovely Mrs. ford.

Thank you, dear I'm glad you liked it she smiled softly, have a good night, I had stood up to leave and Cassie had followed right after me and from the look on my face she knew I had a lot of questions….

As soon as we had gotten into the room I gave her"the look", Why didn't you say anything Cassie? What? You don't trust either of us?

That isn't the case Ella and you know it, i j…just didn't want what happened in high school to repeat itself again.

What happened in high school? I said, with concern, her phone rang before she could answer.

That was my brother, she says with a smile on my face.

Really? I say to her, she had mentioned her brother a few times before so I knew she had a brother,

"Yeah, and he said he was almost home let's go wait for him downstairs"

b..but what about our conversation I asked her, we'll talk about that later she shrugs… she starts pulling me before I can reply her I just go along with her

"I can't wait for you to meet him" Cassie says.

"Yeah I can tell" I say with sarcasm in my voice

I was still in sweatpants and I wondered if it was appropriate after all I was meeting him for the first time, I doubt he would mind I say to myself. The sound of a car engine coming from outside indicating his arrival, Cassie excitedly runs through the doors I could imagine how happy she was I would too if I had just one sibling and hadn't seen them in months, I followed right after Cassie I was also eager to meet her brother, A black Mercedes-Benz S class was sitting pretty outside, this family definitely had a thing for black cars I thought to myself, the car door opens and I couldn't believe who my eyes were looking at, i was completely dazed it was "supermarket guy" yes that was the name I had given him I didn't know his name so that was the best I could come up with. H.how was he here?, and he was he Cassie's brother?, So many things were going through my head I couldn't believe it, and he looked just as good as I remembered him to be, the smile on his face was heavenly he was dressed in a black suit, he was sharp looking and the suit was well-fitted.

Cassie had gone up to give him a hug,

"You have certainly grown significantly more from the last time I saw you" he said, his voice was definitely as sexy as he liked.

"Yeah my appetite increased" Cassie said with a proud look on her face, That's good my little princess he said patting her on the head, he was a good 6.5 and Cassie was about a 5.4 there was a lot of height difference, I wondered if he remembered me from the supermarket.

"I want you to meet my friend Ella, we stayed in the same dorms in school" Cassie said smiling. I was shy all of a sudden, damn! I should've gone to change when I had the chance, I mentally slapped myself.

"Hi Ella! It is really nice to meet you" he said.

I guess he didn't remember, I felt a bit disappointed.

Do you guy's think he actually doesn't remember, or he is pretending?