
Road To Happiness

Laying on the bathroom floor, my hands on my head and my face in my laps… The noise from my parents room gets louder by the minute especially my dad's voice, he sounded like a beast whenever he got angry, I really don't get why my mom still stays, she wouldn't leave even if he stabbed her in the chest. I don't know if it's trauma bonding. I was tired of the looks we would get from the neighbors, A look of pity, I hated life … My name is Ella, and I am 18 would be 19 in a few months and I can't wait till I'm old enough to leave this place, I would always dream of a home filled with love and happy children, I wanted to create a life I didn't get… I grew up in a very violent home. I didn't get to know what it was like to have a completely functional home, my dad is what you would call a narcissist and in the world we lived in, it was really an encouraged trait in men. I've always wanted to grow up so fast, I guess it was because I wanted to get away from everything, my mom got married to my dad who was a literal walking red flag, he would beat her even before they got married, shame her and with all that he wasn't even rich I guess she was young and in love but i, I was on a very determined mission to find a man that would love and cherish me and everything I represented, I was going to find him even if it took half of my life…. Hi guys this is my first time writing a story, I've always wanted to but i have been too scared to, but please pardon me if it isn't so professional. Thankyou�.

Benita_Omomhenle · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter Six ~ A new place

The semester had come to an end, and it felt like I just got here yesterday, how time flies, I thought to myself ….

We were all heading to the coffee shop opposite the school library, we were going to wait over there for Cassie, she was having her last exam today and should be done anytime from now.

I can't believe Mr. Toby gave us those hard questions "Grace sighed"

You probably should have read harder Alex said, and who said I didn't? He just caught me by surprise that's all, she sounded annoyed, but that's how she sounded most of the time.

I, Cassie, Alex, Grace, and Lisa had gotten extremely close over time, we practically did everything together…

So, would you be going home, Ella? Grace asked me…

"I'm not sure, yet I hadn't really

thought about it"

Well I would be spending mine with John he wants us to go to the Bahamas "she said excited"..... John was Grace's boyfriend, his family had a lot of money, so there was a lot to throw around….

"Aww that's so sweet grace" we said it at the same time all three of us, we all burst out laughing….

Alex sighted Cassie from the entrance and waved to signal her, she had an enormous smile on her face, meaning she definitely Aced that exam.

Hi guys! Cassie greeted, I am officially done with this semester I can't wait until I go home, I need some pampering. Cassie was the last born, so she was always spoiled rotten she went home whenever she had the chance, plus her house wasn't far from school either.

Ella doesn't want to go home Alex said, I didn't say that Alex, rolling my eyes in annoyance I said I didn't think I needed to go home since it will be just a 2-week break

"Same thing"

"It's not" I snapped back

You could go home with me Cassie said or do you intend to spend your break all cooped up in the dorm and besides we all got our plans, so you'd be all by yourself here?

She was right, I couldn't spend the whole two weeks here by myself

"I'll think about it" I told Cassie.

"Good" she responded.

* *

My Duffel bag was out on the bed I was picking out clothes I'd be needing for the 2 weeks I'll be staying at Cassie's home, I had spoken to mom about it, and she gave me her permission she was really fond of Cassie so I don't think she thought much of it…

Cassie kept ringing up my phone, I was running late,

"I said I was coming goddamn it girl"

You better hurry your ass up the driver is downstairs already….

Driver? What did she mean by driver? Weren't we taking a cab, at least that's what I thought? Cassie stood in front of a black Range Rover I didn't think Cassie's family owned a car like that, and it looked really familiar I couldn't just place from where…

Is this our ride? I asked Cassie, she didn't give me a response, she just smiled and helped put my bag in the back.

"Get in" Cassie said …

The drive was a very smooth drive, I hadn't been in a car this smooth in my almost 19 years of life. The car had slowed down as we approached a mansion, I wasn't kidding this house was literally a mansion my jaw dropped to my knees to how beautiful and heavenly this house looked, Cassie didn't seem surprised at the expression on my face she seemed like she was used to it.

We got down from the car, the driver helped bring our luggage out, a middle-aged woman walked through the door she looked like she was in her 50s, Cassie ran over to her…. "Mom" Cassie called out embracing her.

Oh makes sense, I walked over,

It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am I'm Ella, Cassie's friend, I greeted, You're welcome dear Cassie has told me all about you, she pulled me in for a hug, it was warm, and she smelt nice too.

Cassie had completely gone into "baby mode" like I said before she was pampered a lot…

Thank you for reading ❤.