

Adventurer: a profession admired by all. They had everything money, fame, Power, Influence. One could say they were the rulers, well that is only the high-class adventurers. Unfortunately, not many people live long enough to rise in the ranks. After all it's a dangerous job. Few have the guts to charge into hordes of undead or hold their own against a Fierce Dragon.

In the Banna continent there are many challenges and wars are commonplace. On the continent there are four kingdoms. The Human Kingdom Gouris, Beast Kingdom Garza, Fairy kingdom Unar and the Elven Kingdom Stucia. At this moment there is an era of peace, but it just might be the calm before the storm.

In Kuper, a small town in Gouris a young boy about ten years old was training his skills. He was swinging a small sword just perfect for his size. His name was Hale. He had snow white hair paired with his radiant golden eyes. He looked nothing like his parents who had brown hair and amber eyes. His father was a D- rank adventurer while his mother mostly stayed at home. Hale looked up to his father and more often than not he would claim that he would be a great adventurer and surpass his father.

"Hale lunch is ready" shouted Lisa, Hale`s mother.

Without delay he dashed towards the house and hugged his mother forgetting that he was drenched in sweat. "Hale!" his mother shouted in surprise. Soon after he was told to wash up as his father Benan arrived from completing quests.

They were a happy family with a stable income. The afternoon passed quickly as the family spent the afternoon together and soon, they were huddled up in their respective rooms sleeping peacefully. Meanwhile, in the nearby forest a change was occurring for the worse.

I dont think I did bad but open for criticsm and suggestion ty and chapter will get longer as well as an explanation of the adventurer system

Sandalaphonecreators' thoughts