

The Forest that borders Kuper town is also known as the Beast Holt. It is home to many many magical beasts and monsters. Many adventurers often enter the forest in order to test their strength. It is a known fact that the deeper you go into the Beast Holt the stronger the monsters. Most people with enough common sense usually avoid going deeper into the forest lest they lose their lives.

However, earlier in the day a team of adventurers had ventured too deep into the forest. The party was lead by Roy Monte , the son of the lord of Kuper . The head of the family was a Viscount therefore they had ample assets. Even though Roy had the strength of a E- rank adventurer he had been aided by B- rank adventurers who were hired by his father .

The adventurer ranking system was common in all kingdoms on the continent. <Challenger rank - Highest>







<F-rank-lowest> There has only been one person who managed to attain the Challenger rank .He was revered as a hero and was the first king of Gouris. In team of adventurers exploration they encountered a rare creature.

"Hey isn't that a Dragon child over there" said one of the them as they navigated through the dense forest.

Roy filled with greed wanted to kill it in order to gain reputation and fame. Dragons are classified as S-rank monsters except for some few whose power has evolved they are known as Draconic Kings. When dragons are born they have a connection to the mother because they are very weak and they rely on her. It is very rare to see them without there mother. The adventurers saw this as a opportunity they cannot miss and as such they killed without hesitation.

In the depths of the Beast Holt a Large Dragon almost 20 meters high was hunting for food for its child. Suddenly, its sensed its connection to the child disappear. It could only mean one thing, it was dead. In a fit of rage it released an earth- shattering roar. The nearby beasts were shaken to the core and fled .

The group of adventurers could hear the roar from afar they knew they had a big mistake. How could they forget about the mother . Hesitating not they picked up the Dragon carcass and run to the nearby Kuper town . Intending to hand over the body and escaping. Thus a series of troubles began for that small town.