
Rise Of The Primordial Devourer

Liam, who used to be an average 21-year-old guy from earth dies and get reborn in another world. Facing challenges and hardships for thousands of years, Liam was about to reach the end of the road. Unsatisfied with the way he was about to reach his end. Liam makes his way back in time before the beginning of an apocalypse vowing to take everything that was originally supposed to be his. The Cover Doesn't Belong To Me, All Rights Belong To The Original Owner (grimmstein). If the owner would like me to remove the cover, please let me know. ____________________________________ -WARNINGS- -EXTREME GORE -EVIL MAIN CAHARCTER -MANIPULATIVE MAIN CHARACTER -NOT FOR KINDHEARTED -------------------------------------- Inspired by GREED

Primordial_Devour · Fantasi
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58 Chs

Making Move! [Edited]

As the sun dwelled into darkness, the moon rose and illuminated the dead world of Azreak. It was completely silent and lifeless. The only sound that could be heard was the groans of the undead walking through the dark streets of what used to be a city.

However, some distance away, a small house could be seen with locked doors and windows. This house was once the home to Liam and his family.

Inside the house was the dim light of a candle surrounded by four people: two male and two female.

The two middle-aged couple were his parents Nathan and Rose. The two teenagers beside them were his older brother Luke and his cousin Jasline.

" What are we going to do? the military still isn't here yet," the middle-aged woman called Rose said anxiously.

Seeing Rose so anxious, Luke tried calming down his mother's anxiety. " Mom don't worry, one the news it did say the military would make a safe zone around here. We just need to wait a little more, right Dad." 

" Rose, he's right. Getting anxious wouldn't help solve our current problems. it is better to stay calm and decide on our next move." Nathan replied.

"But what about Liam? We don't even have a way to contact him let alone see if he is alive or dead." The mother said with sadness while drops of tears rained down across her cheeks.

The whole room suddenly became silent as they had nothing to say that could make her feel better. They too started to think of the worst for Liam. 

However, for Luke, when the name of his younger brother was mentioned, his face was filled with bitterness and hatred. But the next moment when he thought of the death of his brother, his bitterness was instantly replaced with sadness. 

The reason why he possessed so much hatred for his younger brother was because Liam was considered a golden child. And from the moment of birth, he was always their parents' favorite because of how smart he was.

Being able to walk at the tender age of 7 months and talk 2 months later, he became the envy of the neighborhood and was even considered a prodigy.

 His fame began to skyrocket when he was able to hold a proper conversation with an adult a few months later.

Growing up his parents started to become more biased and tended to favor Liam more, which gave him all their parent's attention and focus on raising him while he was left out.

Although he may hate him for that, as an older brother he still loved him no matter what.

[What's wrong with me, why would I feel happy when my precious brother might have died] he thought to himself, asking the reason for his hatred knowing it wasn't Liam's fault for gaining his parent's favor. 

Author note: If you think about it, it makes sense a reincarnator would use his memory to the best of his ability, and since he was an orphan in his first, of course, he will use it to gain his parent's affection. 

Settling down from their sad feeling from Liam's death, Jasline asked "Uncle, I think we might need to make a run towards the supermarket, to get some supplies, we are almost out."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Back in the Auditorium, everyone was fast asleep except for a few individuals and each of them waited for the perfect time to make their escape.

Receiving a signal from the captain, the team left the auditorium as quietly as possible one by one to keep everyone else asleep.

Undenounced to her, he and his group knew of their every move and were patiently waiting for them to leave, so they could take action according to his plan.

It was only after the door that brought moonlight through the glass window finally closed did, they dared to open their eyes and move ahead on to the next stage of their plan. 

Thinking for a moment Emilia was once again about to open the door to the auditorium to take Liam along with them.

" Your Highness, what are you doing" Mateo asked her confused but when he remembered the boy she was along with, his confusion was instantly cleared.

Sighing he thought to himself [It's worse than I thought.]

" I am going to take him along," she explained.

Stopping her midway from opening the door, he said " Even if you may have a little crush on that boy, my orders were clear... To bring you to the emperor no matter the cost."

Seeing that she was already caught, a small blush appeared on her cheeks. 

" Mateo, why are you being so difficult" she asked.

"Although you might think that boy is harmless, I think otherwise." 

Instantly Kruti chopped her neck, and she turned ice cold as her body went limp but before she could fall to the ground, he caught her the next moment, only to put her on his shoulders like a sack of potatoes.

Taking the best routes free from any undead, the team walked into the school hall without a care in the world.

As they approached the school's main gate suddenly, he felt a cold metal pressed against him. " You move, you die," Liam exclaimed while holding a sharp kitchen knife against his neck.