
Rise of the Mages

Zack always play games in his room he usually never come out of it and just play all day, one day Zack fell asleep while playing his new game, he woke up and find himself all tied up and many goblins are around him. He is in a new world, a world where magic exists. And let's just say his luck is 0 percent in any quest he takes there seems to be many monsters lurking in the area. There are different races like elves,orcs,goblins,demons, and many more. Come and join me in this journey.

RizzlelTSU · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

We Meet Again

"Who are you?"

The voice laughs and says, "I am you but better and I will guide you on the path to true strength, and will make you a truly powerful mage! I am the voice that will tell you how to become the greatest mage in the realm! I am the voice that will lead you on the path to true power, so listen to me...Do not waste your time on these unimportant Demi-Humans. Instead follow my voice and follow the path to true power!"

The voice continues to echo in his mind as he hears the voice speaking to him from a dark place deep within your soul.

Zack can hear the voice echoing within his mind, as it continues to speak to him in a demonic tone.

"We are destined for greatness. Listen to my voice, and you will discover the power within yourself that was always there just waiting to be unleashed!"

Zack smacks his own face, trying to get himself to snap out of the darkness.

The voice grows quieter and quieter with each slap, until eventually it fades away and stops echoing in his mind. He is shaking slightly from the dark experience, and he notices that he feel quite shaken up by the voice.

It's as if the voice was trying to corrupt him, and as if the voice was speaking from a place of darkness. The voice was demonic, and was trying to tempt him.

"Are you okay? You suddenly started slapping yourself as if you were in some sort of trance…" the doctor says.

They notice that he is shaken up demeanor, and they seem slightly concerned about him. They then ask if his feeling alright, and if there is anything that they can do to help.

"I'm okay doc, it's nothing I just feel sleepy."

The doctor nods at him, and then turns back towards the Demi-Human girl. They continue to monitor the girl's condition, and they keep her in the infirmary as she continues to recover.

It seems that the Demi-Human girl is going to be alright, and that he done a good deed today!

"I'm going to leave now doc, take care of the girl, I'll see If I can come back tomorrow."

"Okay, you have a good day now," the doctor says as they continue to keep an eye on the demi-human girl.

A crowd of adventurers walk up and down around town, searching for an assignment quest to take. They all seem to be in a good mood, and they move with a sense of confidence and security. Some of them are even bragging about their previous achievements and the rewards that they have received for clearing past quests!

An adventurer comes near to Zack and asks him if he has seen any opportunities for another interesting quest.

Zack said no and the adventurer nodded at him and took off into the village. Zack notices that there appear to be some quests listed on the quest board, but they are mostly low-tier quests which give minor rewards.

Most of the adventurers walking around seem to be doing so in a sort of idle manner, as they search for quests, which they can easily complete to gain some minor rewards. But even the low-tier quests can still provide some good experience, which is always valuable for adventurers.

"That's all for today I'm coming back to the inn."

He walk back to the Inn, not wanting to take on any of the low-tier quests that are currently listed on the quest board.

He enters the Inn and find Vala sitting there at one of the tables. She is wearing a long brown robe, which features a wide variety of runes which give her a sort of divine appearance.

Her long grey hair shines in the light, and her features look more pristine and elegant than normal. Her clothing and equipment give her an aura of mysticism and magic power, while everything about her seems to radiate beauty and grace.

"Oh! Vala why are you here?"

Vala turns towards Zack and smiles, her beautiful green eyes meeting Zack's. She seems to be pleasantly surprised by Zack's greeting, and she begins to speak in her soft and enchanting voice.

"I am visiting this town in search of adventure and loot," she says.

"I have heard that there are many new and challenging dungeons in this area, and I have come here hoping to find some of them!"

Vala looks at Zack with excitement in her eyes, as if she is hoping that Zack will join her on her quest for dungeon exploration.

"Oh yeah? what's in it for me?"

"There would be plenty of amazing loot to collect," Vala says with a smile.

"And of course, some truly amazing adventures await us on our quest! It will be a fun journey."

Vala is so charismatic, and her words are so enticing and persuasive, that it's hard to resist her offer! He can see the excitement in her eyes, and he feels as if his mind is already set on the idea of joining Vala on her quest for Dungeon exploration.

"Alright I'll join you, let's head out tomorrow."

"Wonderful!" Vala says excitedly as she stands up and begins to ready herself.

She seems to be quite eager to start exploring the numerous new dungeons that are said to be deep inside the land.

It seems as if Vala has been traveling around for some time, and is quite experienced when it comes to exploring dungeons. Zack wonder how many dungeons Vala has completed, and what types of monsters she has faced in her time as an adventurer.

It's clear that she is a very capable and experienced adventurer, who will be a great ally on the quest for Dungeons and Loot.

"We'll meet tomorrow at the Adventurer's Guild, for now I need to get some sleep."

Vala nods her head at Zack with a smile, and she gives him a little bow before she leaves the Inn.

She gives off a sort of regal air as she walks, and it's clear that she is used to commanding respect and attention.

She seems like quite a formidable and respectable adventurer, and she is clearly a very capable and powerful mage! Zack can already tell that Vala will be a valuable ally and a powerful ally when it comes to exploring and searching for precious loot.