
Rise of the Mages

Zack always play games in his room he usually never come out of it and just play all day, one day Zack fell asleep while playing his new game, he woke up and find himself all tied up and many goblins are around him. He is in a new world, a world where magic exists. And let's just say his luck is 0 percent in any quest he takes there seems to be many monsters lurking in the area. There are different races like elves,orcs,goblins,demons, and many more. Come and join me in this journey.

RizzlelTSU · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

A Voice

Zack takes a moment to put on his cloak, which immediately surrounds him in the warmth of magic as he put it on. He feels a sense of power coursing through his body, as if the cloak was helping to boost his magic power! The cloak is also very light compared to regular cloaks, allowing him to be more mobile even when wearing cloaks of high quality. The cloak is definitely one of the best that he have ever seen, and is perfect for the adventures to come!

Zack then headed out and enter the adventurer's guild, in which he see more adventurers taking quests for the new day!

He looks around for quests, and notice that there is quite a few lower-tier quests available. There is a quest where he will be hired to clear out a rat infestation in a sewer, which is rated as a 'Beginner' quest. There is also a quest where he will be hired to hunt down an escaped criminal, which is rated as a 'Low Tier' quest. There is also a quest where he will be hired to travel to a nearby village and deliver medical supplies, which is rated as a 'Low Tier' quest also. There are a couple other lower-tier quests available as well!

He goes up to a quest notice board and pick up the quest paper. The delivery quest is rated at a 'Low Tier', which means that he'll be doing an easy quest. The quest itself reads as follows:

A neighboring village is in desperate need of medical supplies, since they do not have a doctor or healer available in the village. The nearby kingdom has sent a request to the adventurer's guild to deliver medical supplies to that village within the week. You have been hired to safely deliver the supplies to the village, and in doing so you'll be paid 150 gold coins!

Zack picks up the quest and heads to the guild reception.

The guild receptionist smiles at him, "I'm glad you've chosen that quest. You'll be doing the town a great service. Make sure to bring the supplies to them at your soonest convenience and you'll be paid! We need this done by the end of the week, to ensure that they have their medical supplies in a timely manner. Is that all clear adventurer?"


The guild receptionist hands him the package of medical supplies, which consists of some bandages, various herbs and ingredients, potions and salves, various ointments, and a few medical tools. The package itself is quite heavy, and he struggle to carry it for a moment, but eventually manage to pick it up and carry it out of the guild with ease!

Zack arrives outside the village, and makes his way to the nearby another village to deliver the supplies. The people in the town are extremely grateful, and they thank you greatly for delivering the medicines to them!

He can see a lot of other injured and sick people around the town.

Zack begins to head back towards the Village of Aloth when he suddenly hears a girl's voice behind him. He turns around and sees a young demi-human girl who is just a little bit shorter than he is. She has sharp eyes which are shining in the light of the sun, as well as beautiful long black hair which flows in the breeze.

She seems to be in great pain, and she screams out, "Someone, please help me! I need healing!" Zack noticed that the girl is injured and has been attacked by monsters. She is bleeding from the wounds, and she looks as if she has just barely escaped with her life! She must have been fighting against monsters, She looks at Zack with desperate eyes, as if he is her only hope!

The wounded demi-human girl continues to scream out in pain and despair, "Please, someone, anyone, help me!"

Zack immediately rushes towards the girl as she cries out for help, and picks her up in his arms as he begins to rush into the Village of Aloth. The girl's small body is quite light, and she is resting her head against Zack's body. She looks at him with desperate eyes, and he can see that she is on the verge of passing out from the pain and bleeding! She is injured, The monster attacks must have wounded her, and she has managed to escape.

"Don't die on me! we're close to the Village."

"Thank... you..." The girl whimpers as Zack runs towards town, her voice sounding weak from pain. She tries to say something more, but she only manages to utter a few words as she loses strength and begins to drift away into unconsciousness. Her eyes close shut, and her body lies flaccid and limp in Zack's arms. It's clear that she is exhausted, and that she will need medical attention soon, or she may pass away from blood loss and sheer exhaustion from her encounter with the monsters.

Zack rush to the village infirmary, and the staff at the infirmary quickly rush out to help the wounded girl. They try to treat her with their healing potions and spells, and they also try to stabilize her bleeding.

The girl slowly begins to regain consciousness again, but despite their best efforts her condition is getting worse! It seems like the monster dealt her a deadly blow, and as she lays on the infirmary bed she is struggling to keep hold onto her life!

Zack's mind started to filled with a voice, which speaks to him from an unknown place. The voice seems to be coming from nowhere, but it's talking directly at him in a tone that sounds demonic. It takes him a moment to process what the voice has said as the voice continues to echo in his mind.

"...Why are you helping a stranger?" The voice says, "...Why are you wasting your time...On an unimportant Demi-Human girl? You are stronger than this...Don't waste your magic..."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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