
Rise of the Mages

Zack always play games in his room he usually never come out of it and just play all day, one day Zack fell asleep while playing his new game, he woke up and find himself all tied up and many goblins are around him. He is in a new world, a world where magic exists. And let's just say his luck is 0 percent in any quest he takes there seems to be many monsters lurking in the area. There are different races like elves,orcs,goblins,demons, and many more. Come and join me in this journey.

RizzlelTSU · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

First Quest

"You should start off by taking some beginner quests in order to get used to being an adventurer. Most beginner quests involve simple quests such as hunting monsters, collecting ingredients, or escorting people."

"Most of the time you will be required to hunt monsters, and as you complete these missions you will build your abilities and learn how to do more with magic."

"After you feel like you are ready for more advanced quests, you will have the opportunity to take on C-rank and finally B-rank quests, which are a lot harder than beginner quests! But just don't go too fast!"

"Then how about this quest?"

The receptionist nods with a smile.

"That quest will suit you just fine! It requires a very easy task, and you will get to learn about the different monsters in the area and what ingredients they carry. There isn't any combat on this quest, so it is perfect for someone starting out as an adventurer! Just head to the area marked on this map where the ingredients can be found."

The receptionist hands him a paper with all the details of the quest and the rewards that he will be able to receive after he complete it. The quest rewards are listed as 900 gold pieces and 200 xp.

"Alright I'll take this quest, Bye Vala!"

"Good luck out there!" Vala says with a smile,

"You are bound for adventure!"

The receptionist hands the quest over to Zack.

"Make sure to head to the destination as soon as possible, and remember to always pay attention to your surroundings! You never know when a monster will be lurking!"

Zack follows the map to the location, and heads down a trail that leads farther away from the village.

It is quiet besides the sounds of the wildlife and the wind blowing through the trees. He starts to pick up on a scent in the air, which seems to be the scent of a monster nearby.

Zack soon arrives at a clearing in the middle of the forest. He sees a few small bushes and trees around him, along with the remains of a few monsters that have already been killed.

The clearing seems empty and quiet, except for the sounds of the wind blowing through the trees.

He gets a feeling of being watched, and just out of sight he can hear the sound of claws slicing through the wind and the rustling of leaves.

It sounds like the sound of a medium size monster trying to remain hidden, and he seems to have stumbled upon a monster lair.

"Oh great... Bad luck again."

As he hears the claws cutting through the wind, he also notice what sounds like a growl from the same direction.

It sounds like the monster is starting to charge up his attack.

The monster then suddenly leaps from behind a nearby tree, and lands on the ground, revealing itself as a giant wolf-like monstrosity.

The monster is taller than Zack, and its fangs and claws are dripping with blood. Zack hears blood curling growl as the monster stares down at him, it's golden eyes piercing into his soul, as the wolf's lips curl into a snarl!

"Oh sh*t, I need to do something before that thing eats," Zack thinks for a moment.

"Right magic they said I can use magic, alright then go magic!"

A flame shoots from his hand as he cast a spell for the first time, and he hear a roar of pain coming from the wolf, as a giant fireball completely engulfs the monster! The monster falls back, wailing in pain, as the fireball quickly melts the flesh off its bones.

The monster soon dies, leaving only the fireball and the smell of ash and burnt flesh filling the air!

Zack sees that he were able to access his '1th Tier Fire Spell', which allowed him to cast a large fireball to completely vaporize a medium sized monster!

"Holy! this is great I just cast a spell for the first time and it works." Zack is shocked by his own spell, after a while he remembers that he needs to collect the ingredients.

Zack search the monster's body, getting dirty from the smell of burnt flesh as he rummaged through the ashes, but are eventually able to find some of the missing components that he were originally looking for.

His clothes now smell badly of burnt flesh and his hands are completely black from the ash, but he is quite proud of his first kill!

He walks back down the clearing, and starts heading back towards the village, ready to deliver the ingredients to complete the quest and claim his full reward!

Zack soon return to the adventurer's guild, and notice a line of people waiting in front of the guild reception.

He is still dirty from the fight, and he can smell the monster's flesh on his clothes.

As he waited in the line, he noticed that there are other low-tier adventurers who are returning from quests like him, and he learns that they all have similar stories of how they killed monsters and completed their quests.

There are also a few higher-tiered adventurers ahead of him, who look noticeably more powerful and confident.

"What a long line." After a couple of minutes it's finally his turn to claim the rewards.

"Good work returning the ingredients! I hope you had an easy time killing the monster."

The woman smiles, "You did a great job, so you can take these as rewards."

Zack receives a pouch filled with 900 gold pieces, which feels very heavy in his hands, along with 200 xp!

After a couple moments, he slowly felt the feeling of his power grow stronger, he felt like he was suddenly becoming more in tune with his body and mind.

He's now officially have the title of Low Tier – Level 2 Adventurer! His intelligence has also increased by 2!

He level up his intelligence stat to 3.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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