
Rise of the Mages

Zack always play games in his room he usually never come out of it and just play all day, one day Zack fell asleep while playing his new game, he woke up and find himself all tied up and many goblins are around him. He is in a new world, a world where magic exists. And let's just say his luck is 0 percent in any quest he takes there seems to be many monsters lurking in the area. There are different races like elves,orcs,goblins,demons, and many more. Come and join me in this journey.

RizzlelTSU · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs


Zack meets Vala at the Adventurer's Guild, and they start heading off together towards the dungeon. Zack follows Vala as she leads him through the forest, and they soon arrive at a dark entrance to the dungeon.

Vala is the first to enter the cave, and as Zack steps inside he find himself in the entrance room of a cave dungeon. There are several different paths, as the cave complex extends into multiple directions, leading to different levels of the dungeon.

"So what path should we take?" Zack ask.

Vala turns towards him and says, "I think we should begin by heading down to the left," she says.

"From there, we can branch out and explore the dungeon based on the loot that we would like to find."

She seems to have a great amount of dungeon experience, and Zack wonders how many dungeons that she has explored during her adventures.

She is very good at leading and planning routes based on the reward and the loot that she is looking for, and Zack is excited to see what rewards he will find inside of the dungeon!

"What loots are we talking about here?"

"Well, there are chests that contain lots of gold coins," Vala says, with enthusiasm, "and there are also great prizes that can be collected and sold for money, such as powerful weapons and rare alchemy ingredients."

Vala smiles at Zack, her grey eyes shining with excitement and anticipation of finding the great treasures which await inside of the dungeon.

She seems very confident about her ability to navigate the dungeon, and she appears to be eager to start her exploration of the dungeon!

They travel deeper and deeper into the dungeon, and they soon come across a large door.

The doorway is made of a thick dark stone, and it has a large metal lock which looks as if it could only be opened with a key. On the wall of the dungeon is a plaque which describes the door as the entrance to the Tomb of the Great Emperor.

The door seems to be one of the most important areas of the dungeon. They can see a couple of runes engraved onto the stone door, and they can feel a dark presence radiating from the door itself.

"This door is locked."

Vala looks at him and says, "Yes, it does. But luckily I have a magic key that we can use to open this door."

She reaches into her pocket, and she pulls out a key that is made entirely out of gold. She holds the key up, and she smiles at Zack, "Shall we open the door?"

"Are you sure about this?"

"As I said, I have an extensive amount of dungeon exploration experience," Vala says with a friendly smile, as she turns the golden key in the lock. She twists the key around until the lock clicks, and then she opens the door. The golden door unlocks with a click, and then Vala pulls open the door and enters the room.

"Let us see what treasures await inside of this Tomb!"

They look inside of the room, and they see a massive creature which stands in the middle of the room.

It has an enormous body which is so big as a house, and it has a row of large sharp teeth which protrude from its jaw.

The creature is standing still as it stands in front of them with a fierce look in its eyes.

It is a large beast which reminds Zack of a dinosaur from his world, and it has a strong aura of magic power which can be felt radiating off of its body. The creature does not look friendly.

"What the hell?! why is there a dinosaur here?!"

Vala turns back towards you.

"What is a dinosaur?"

Her face looks as if she has seen a lot of terrible things during her dungeon exploration, and she is not phased by the sight of such a big creature.

"Calm down, it's just a dungeon monster. This creature is no match for my magic power anyway," she says with a smile.

Zack sense the magic power radiating off of her as she gives off an aura of great power! She seems quite confident about taking on the big dungeon creature.

Vala ready his bow and shoots an arrow towards the big creature.

Vala's arrow quickly reaches the dungeon beast, and it hits directly in the creature's left eye. The arrow has greatly damaged the eye, as it quickly starts bleeding out.

The creature roars loudly out, and it lets out a loud warcry before it starts charging at Vala with tremendous speed.

Zack can see that the creature has two massive claws which look as if they can cut straight through steel.

Zack quickly used a magic to cast a fireball towards the beast. The fireball hits the creature directly and completely scorches half of its body. The creature turns it attention towards Zack, it seems that it cannot be damaged by regular methods and that they have to use stronger magic in order to hurt it.

They can see that the creature still has great speed despite being nearly half-burned.

The creature roars at them angrily, clearly wanting to tear them to pieces.

"Vala! a little help here!"

Vala draws her bow and shoots a couple of arrows at the monster. Her arrows hit it square in the chest, and the creature takes serious damage.

The monster is still very angry though, and it is moving quickly towards both of them and attempting to attack both of them with its sharp claws.

Zack and Vala have only seconds to think of a plan of action to avoid being brutally murdered by this dungeon beast.

Vala drops her bow and casts a magic circle above the beast, which rains down a light lance that deals a ton of damage to the creature. Its body starts to crack and fizzle, and before long the creature's body is entirely disintegrated.

Vala let out a sigh of relief as the battle was over, having both worked together to defeat the powerful dungeon creature.

They both feel a surge of energy as they see a large amount of precious magical gems fall from the creature's body.

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