
Rise Of The Forgotten: Yautja Ascension

A diehard Marvel fan who wakes up to find himself reincarnated as a Yautja, one of the legendary hunters from the Predator movies. Big surprise he is in marvel. 'Mother@#$_&!!'

Vekay_Legend · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter 4



~Yautja Language~

Cautiously approaching Victor, she could not help but be wary of this creature that managed to kill the beast that many of her people have succumbed to. As soon as she was close Victor haven to declare his victorious battle, turned his head to her she flinched underneath his stare. ~Don't worry, I won't harm you~ Victor clicked to her causing her confusion, seeing that she could not understand he gestured that he came in peace placating her. But nonetheless she did not let her guard down, Victor now knowing that she was not fearful of him turned back to the beast admiring his kill.

Since he did not have a knife or anything similar to that he did not know what to use to skin it, he looked at his wicked and sharp claws finally getting some idea on what to do. Taking the bone which he used to kill the beast, as he removed it from the wound he dealt to the creature he was thinking of how he could turn the bone into a weapon since it was not sharp neither blunt he sat on the beast and started to sharpen it with his claws. The girl now seeing what he was doing was only looking at Victor curiously, she looked around and found herself a place to sit and rest as she then started to monitoring his actions all the while secretly admiring him.

(Couple of hours ago, The Female's POV)

She was always taught in the way of the hunt ever since she was just a kitten, her bearer has always taught her the code to live by. Honor and never pride, be always wary of the prey you hunt for the very conered animal can prove more dangerous than predators.

Dishonor is heavily frowned upon by her people even to the point of either exile or execution, she had only saw her father among the warriors that guarded and protected her people and she was proud of him. He was a hunter and soldier who provided for her and her bearer and brother, everything was well until the day HE came.

She remembers the screaming and fear her people and she herself experienced when he came, declaring himself their savior all the while slaughtering her people.

And after all was said and done there where only a few who survived, including herself, her bearer and brother. Her provider sacrificed himself to buy them time to escape and hide with her bearer picking them up and running, the last thing she saw were untold destruction unfolding as what seemed like stars fell as from them came all manner of horrible creature with her father jumping in with his spear fighting to the end drawing their attention.

Ever since then she vowed to avenge her people, they were never a warmongering type only fighting when necessary, she remembers HIS purple smiling face as he witnessed the genocide he committed on her people. THANOS she would make sure to feed him his heart as she mutilates him no matter the price, and so 20 years has come and gone with her always training in the ancient combat styles, in spears, swords, mace.

Whatever weapon her people fashioned she mastered, training day and night until she collapsed, at first the elder was against training her stating that their women were never meant to fight nor hunt. "To hell with our tradition and cultures, the day that bastard came and destroyed our people is the day our culture died so save the culture speech for our dead!!"

And so the elder taught her combat while her bearer taught her about medical herbs and poison as well as the antidotes to them. Her brother not wanting to fall behind also trained with her, when asked why he said "She's my baby sister, it's my job to help and protect her." And so the duo trained until they could not stand.

After she was ready she set off to find an antidote for her brother after he was poisoned by the blue scaled serpent, it was said that the crimson colored herb there can cure his affliction and so she set off until she was ambushed by the Giant monstrous creature, hitting her on the side before she could react sending her towards a tree.

Her Father's spear was a few feet from her she tossed herself from her position towards the spear as her previously occupied place was crushed the tree groaning as it was crumbling from the impact of the creature's hit. Not wasting time she ran and slid as she picked up the spear, she turned towards it, the only thought she could use to describe it is hideous with itself drooling at her.

Screeching it charged at her as she herself also charged fearlessly jumping with her spear stabbing at it but the creature blocked it. Scratching at her as she bobbed and weaved at it's attempts and stabbing at it on various parts of it trying to find it's weakness, as soon as she stabbed the creature under the chin it aggressively smacked her away as it took the spear from it's wound tossing it away with it being buried to it's hilt on a tree not so far from it.

Groaning in pain as she cradled her definitely cracked ribs as she slowly stood not taking her eyes off of the creature, it roared as it charged once again at her with her barely dodging the strike it dealt to the tree behind her finding the spear she ran towards it before she was blindsided by the creature's hind leg sending her even farther from the spear. With her rib now obviously broken from the blow she could only wince in pain as it roared in what it assumed in victory, leaning on the tree with her hand clutching her broken rib she did not give the creature the pleasure of seeing her fear, looking at it defiantly at it as she bared her fangs at it hissing.

Roaring in fury it charged again at her as she closed her eyes, for she has fought valiantly in the face of her death as she did not cower not run from it so she embraced her end with honor. With her eyes closed she could only see her life flashing before her eyes as she saw her mother's face, her brother's face, her people's face and her father with what she could only imagine a look of pride. But before her thoughts could continue she heard a collision, slowly opening her eyes she was shocked by what she saw.

A being taller than her, heck even taller than the average males of her people was standing before her. His muscular back facing her's with what looked like tangled hairs like rope trailing down his back, his skin was like scales with his color a mix of earthen brown and lighter shade of brown. He turned his face to regard her with his appearance surprising her, he did not have a muzzle like her people or herself did in it's place she saw was very strange amalgamation of a face with his eyes being the things that catches her attention.

His eyes was glowing blue like a ring that is surrounded by black sclera, time seemed to freeze as their eyes made contact seemingly for hours except it was barely couple of seconds. Noticing the beast she tried to warn him when he gave her what seemed like a facsimile of a smirk, swiftly he turned around and caught the creature's horns. And because of the momentum built by it he was pushed backwards with his feet dragging on the ground, before he stomped his feet on the ground stopping all movement before he gave it a swift uppercut sending it backwards. Reeling from the blow the creature shook it off before roaring at him, but what she did not expect from him to respond to the challenge

"ROOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRR!!!!" Needles to say that all her fur stood in fear of his beastial roar as they charged at one another, with both of them fighting she knew she could not sit idly by and do nothing. So locating her spear she turned towards the brawl she saw that he managed to get on top of the creature broke off one of it's spinal bone, try as he might he could not pierce it's head.

So against her better judgement she called out to him drawing his attention, pointing towards her chin she gestured between herself and the beast. Seeing that he now had the knowledge on how to deal with the beast, she hid and waited for the conclusion of the battle. Jumping down the beast panting but still motivated to kill was swinging it's hands but could not hit him, he was as agile if not more than even her who was one of the elites of her people. Dodging the limbs as if he was water yet struck with the same intensity as lightning, getting under the creature he stabbed it in it's wound with the bone being more thicker than the blade of her spear. The creature seemingly paused for a moment before it started to struggle even more violently, growling with the intensity of thunder he only kept stabbing at the wound even more viciously again and again until it dropped to the floor.

Panting as he took a moment to catch his breath, he approached his kill he then stomped on it with his foot on it as he reared his head back and let out his victorious roar. His roar echoing so loud and strong that it sent chills down my spine, seeing that the immediate danger was over she slowly yet cautiously approached him.