
Rise of the Dino King (Yu-Gi-Oh)

MC wakes up from sleep in the world of Yugioh in a body not his own, without any cards, in a world where the Life itself is dictated by a game he hasn’t played since he was a child…

Link_Kokiri_Fan · Komik
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4 Chs

Surprise in the Card Shop

"Now I just need to wait until 8am for them to open... good thing I brought my phone."

--- 50 minutes later ---

In front of Daniel's Card Shop, a long line can be seen waiting outside, waiting for the shop to open, and in front of the line, is an impossibly tall and muscular man listening to some music on his earphones with his eyes closed and arms crossed.

'Just need one shot! One shot to ignite the world! Man am I glad DPS and his songs are still a thing in this world. His Sins of the Father rap is my favorite song and the lyrics still touch me.'

When the song finished, I opened my eyes and turned off the Kaiba Corp Music app and put away my headphones, just in time to see the store owner come out to unlock the doors.

As soon as they were opened, I leisurely walked into the store and made a beeline towards the register, randomly picking up a large card carrying case, three card binders with the sleeve pages already in them, and two deck boxes along the way, since I didn't really care what they looked like, i just needed them to hold my cards when not using them.

Once I arrived at the register, still before anybody else despite picking some items up on the way just because of how much ground my strides cover and how quickly and dexterously I can move despite what my size and physique would suggest, I briefly nodded to the woman behind the register immediately started looking at what they had out on display before telling her my order.

"Good morning ma'am, I would like to buy an entire case of the Jurrac Series Packs that just came out, along with two boxes of any other Dinosaur Series you have in stock please." I said politely, no point in rushing to purchase everything and seem desperate after all.

Although even with that, Mindy, the lady behind the counter, seemed to be shocked anyways, not that I blame her. Back in my old world the cards alone would of cost me a couple hundreds dollars, but in this world, where everything Duel Monsters related is vastly more expensive?

If the price tag on the exposed single packs are anything to go by, I am looking at least a thousand dollars.

Credit where credit is due however, Mindy quickly recovered and quickly yet efficiently gathered up what I asked for, ignoring the cries of shock and indignation from the other customers behind me.

As she was getting my order ready, I was looking at the cards in the display case, they were interesting, but nothing really called out to me. Until, that is, I felt a 'pull' towards a card that was kept in a protective covering within the case, laying on a velvet cushion. A Prismatic Ultra Rare of a card that in my world, was just a fan-made fake. Jurrac Magmasaurus.

Curious, I approached its display case and looked at the card's stats and effect, only to be shocked by just how overpowered it was.

While its 3,200 ATK and 2,000 DEF were pretty low for a level 10 monster, its Effects, however, more than made up for it. Upon being summoned, it destroys all cards on the field. It is immune to all card effects, nor can it be used to Tribute summon a monster, so it's not even susceptible to cards like Revived Serpent Night Dragon.

Jurrac Magmasaurus gains 300 ATK and DEF for every Dinosaur-Type monster in your Graveyard and while present on the Field, your opponent cannot activate any Spell or Trap cards. Finally, once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 Dinosaur Type Monster from your Hand, Deck, Graveyard or Banished Zone.

'I know that wasn't the effects the card had in my previous world, but to hell with the discrepancies for now. I NEED THAT CARD! I'm also sure that this card has a Duel Spirit within it as well, since I felt a pull towards it. Expensive as hell though, costing a good $5,000, with the price most likely going to rise up astronomically after its used in a few professional Duels, especially with how powerful this card is when used in a Dinosaur deck.'

Walking back to the register, I arrived just as Mindy came back with my order, but before she could ring everything up, I interrupted her.

'As expensive as that card is, in a world where Duel Spirits and Shadow Games are real and determine the fate of not only your life, but the world's existence as well, I can't afford to pass up the chance to get my hands on such a powerful card and Spirit.'

"Pardon me, Mindy, before you ring everything up, I would also like to purchase the Jurrac Magmasaurus card as well."

As soon as the words left my mouth, Mindy gasped, and so did everybody else in hearing distance as well, not that I blame them, that card is expensive as hell.

"E-excuse me for a minute sir, I need to get the owner for such a transaction. I'll be back in a moment."

With that said, she called over her coworker that was watching the other customers to make sure they didn't try and steal anything, as well as to help anybody should they require help, to man the counter while she went to the back office to get the shop owner, Daniel himself.

A couple minutes later, a relatively tall and well built black man came out with the beautiful stacked red-head that is Mindy. Upon seeing me, his face lit up in a large smile.

"Good morning sir, so I heard you are interested in our new center piece today?"