
Rise of the Dino King (Yu-Gi-Oh)

MC wakes up from sleep in the world of Yugioh in a body not his own, without any cards, in a world where the Life itself is dictated by a game he hasn’t played since he was a child…

Link_Kokiri_Fan · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Gaining a Ka

75 minutes later

After spending 15 minutes or so just talking with Daniel and reassuring him that I actually was interested in buying the card and had the money to purchase it, I finally arrived back at my home, excited to meet an actual, REAL, Duel Monster Spirit.

As soon as I entered my home, I quickly set aside all my purchases on the living room table, before focusing all my attention to my potential partner, and ticket to overwhelming power, Jurrac Magmasaurus.

Finally after staring intensely at the card for several seconds to calm my nerves, i steeled my mind and called out to it.

"Magmasaurus, I felt your pull in the card shop. I will be honest, I bought your vessel in hopes of bonding with you to gain both a partner and power. So if my reason for buying your card hasn't killed my chances, I would like you to become my Ka. In exchange, I will make sure ALL know, fear, respect and admire you and yours."

As soon as I finished speaking, I felt more than heard a loud bone rattling roar as well as immense amount of pressure on my very being, maybe even my Soul since this is the world of Yugioh.

I won't go into too many details on just how overwhelmingly terrified I felt in that moment, as the small lizard part of my brain told me to just run or submit, but I managed to fight the feeling off and slowly but surely straightened my massive frame, which almost crumpled to the ground without me noticing, and stood tall with my shoulders back and head held high.

"I will not bow! I will not break! And you cannot make me submit! I want power and I know you do too! So bring it on! I will prove to you that we WILL be feared as the DINO KINGS!!"

With that final shout, the pressure suddenly stopped, and a miniature version of Jurrac Magmasaurus's spirit slowly rose out of its card stares into my eyes, into my soul, before it seemed to grunt in acceptance before rushing into my torso, presumably where my core essence, containing my Ba, is located.

Once it's body finished being infused into my own, I was overwhelmed with an insane amount of pain, as it seemed like my entire mind, body and soul were set on fire and then being hammered by giants, feeling like my whole being was being broken and then put back together, stronger, BETTER.

'FUCK THAT HURTS!!' Was the last thought that passed through my mind, before I fell into blissful unconscious after managing to stay awake the entire process, until it finished, with the last thing I felt being a sense of comforting warmth envelop and empower me.