

Floating high within the sky, shortly after exiting the portal within the Celestial Emperor's Inheritance, Kadion was surprised to see quite the welcoming party.

Before Kadion's eyes stood exactly one hundred cultivators surrounding him from every side, a sight that would deter most; left him simply unfazed, only leading him to wonder what exactly brought this coalition into existence.

"To what do I owe this pleasure? Don't tell me you're here for the inheritance. I hope that isn't the case. I'm sure you all know once I arrived that anything inside belonged solely to me, right?" Kadion said with a face exemplifying he was only stating the obvious.

"You've elevated your arrogance to a new level with this one. If I wasn't here to see it today, I'm unsure I'd believe this transpired."

"If we all entered at the same time, this wouldn't have happened; we could've competed fairly for our share of the treasures," A few of the surrounding cultivators said.

"Dread it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same.

"The unfortunate reality that you all refuse to accept is that no matter what you do when in my presence, defeat is the only outcome.

"Although, I will say your late arrival granted you something more precious than any inheritance known to man, your life.

"Journeying into the inheritance with me would've only expedited your demise. You should be grateful you're still breathing as a result of your absence,"

Kadion said, exuding an aura of confidence so powerful that even if what he said was a lie, those around him would only see it as the truth.

"Kadion, you bastard!!!" One of the many cultivators surrounding him exclaimed.

"That is indeed my name although, I believe you don't quite understand the meaning of that word.

"Hasn't your mother taught you that using words you haven't grasped the meaning of makes you look ignorant.

"Better yet, I believe your best bet would be to remain silent. At least that way, you would refrain from embarrassing yourself and anyone unfortunate to share the same last name as you," Kadion said while shaking his head as if he was a concerned senior reprimanding a cherished junior.

"What does my mother or my family have to do with you being a bastard?"

"Ignore him. He is just trying to distract us in hopes of finding a way to escape. Unfortunately, your silver tongue won't be enough to find a way out of this entrapment," another one of the cultivators surrounding him said.

"You seem to be hearing me, yet you aren't quite listening. It is not your parents nor your family that is inherently the issue. Alas, all of the blame lies with you.

"Unfortunately, for them, not only do you carry their last name, you are the scion of your family. The light they once believed would guide them to greater heights. Instead became a small flame that would inevitably burn down what little of a legacy remained.

"Don't worry. I haven't forgotten about you, young lady.

"Even your mother wouldn't have the unmitigated gall to speak like that in front of me. Yet, for some reason that I'm sure exists in those excuses of a brain you all possess, you felt that you possessed the rights to do so.

"But who would I be if I didn't correct your misguided actions, which could lead to your untimely demise," Kadion responded, his head shaking once again in utter disbelief at how clueless these mere children could be.

"Once again, you've done absolutely nothing but spew a torrid of superfluous words in an attempt to find a way to escape," Sherry said, one of the few cultivators standing at the forefront of the entrapment.

"Ahhh, I see this boils down to a simple misunderstanding. It seems you believe that by surrounding me, you have the means to either force me against my will to adhere to your demands.

"Unfortunately, for one to force anyone to do anything isn't the prerequisite, superior force."


Kadion unleashed his peak Dao Emperor undulations, forcing those around him back with the sheer pressure of said eruption alone.

At this point, no one was within 100 meters of him. Anyone who tried to step back into that 100-meter range felt an irresistible urge to kneel, their pride preventing them from getting any closer in an attempt to salvage what remains of their dignity.

Which caused quite a sight, one hundred cultivators all erupting with the full power of their cultivations bases ranging from early to peak Dao King, and yet none of them could break through that 100-meter threshold.

All they had to do was accept Kadion to be their superior and kneel, which was unlikely to transpire from their previous behavior.

"How disappointing. Hopefully, you now see the fault in your logic. Why would a dragon be intimidated by hundreds of ants even altogether; the lot of you are still inconsequential!

"I'd venture to say a hundred ants may provide more of a challenge. Don't feel bad though the result would be the same even if your parents arrived, maybe your ancestors could provide a challenge.

"Also, even if I wanted to give away what I received from the inheritance, it would be impossible," Kadion said.

"What do you mean?" Sherry said, making a face full of disbelief.

"I meant exactly what I just said," Kadion responded.

" So, you are saying that you have no way to give us what you received inside of the inheritance. Correct?" Sherry said with furrowed eyebrows and an expression full of distrust.

"Such a great listener! Finally, an heir that a household can, at the very at least, accept.

"I understand why you're leading this poor excuse of a coalition of cultivators now. The Queen of trash is still trash. I suppose even if I did have a way to give you what I received, I still wouldn't.

"I'm unsure why you all believe any of you have the rights to this inheritance while I still occupy the same land as you. Once I arrive anywhere, the lands themselves become my property, let alone any treasures that they may hold.

"Now, on behalf of your parents themselves, I'll ask you all to remove yourself from my line of sight. If that doesn't happen, trust that I have no qualms reaping your lives as if you were merely stalks of grass. Although, that may be an insult to the grass," Kadion said.

"He is merely bluffing in an attempt to...

"Surely he sounds convincing, but...

"If that was the case, why hasn't he...


Kadion waved his hand once, and three distinct, sharp, concise waves of energy burst out, resulting in a quick decapitation in the three individuals who had just spoken.


With a quick snap of his fingers, Kadion sent the rest of their bodies with them into the afterlife, using his Dao of Space to evaporate their existences into nothingness. He did this, so there was no hope of a miracle medicine or undead technique in which they would be brought back in any capacity.

"And this is why I always say that choosing your words carefully; is of the utmost importance. You never know what words; will be your last."

I am entering this book in WPC#186, which is for male leads with face-slapping. However, I don't intend to limit myself just to that when creating this novel, it will play an integral part initially, but the story will provide much more than just face-slapping.

As far as editing and proofreading go, I will do the best I can initially; so it doesn't detract from the reading experience. But ultimately, I will look to get an editor and proofreader so I can release chapters quicker. The more love this story receives, the more time I am willing to dedicate to it for my readers.

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