

2020-10-14 BergabungUnited States





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Rise of The Forsaken Ones

(This is my entry into WPC#170 so if you like the direction of the story and/or find it interesting and would be willing to continue reading please use some power stones on it, the more I receive the more chapters I'll mass release) King lived most of his life alone in his orphanage but as he got older and found his first and maybe only love of his life Gaming it changed his trajectory at that very moment, what was previously a monotonous journey of school and helping around the orphanage turned into An adventure no one would believe unless they were there to experience it from Lone orphan to Peak Gaming Pro to One of the Greatest Cultivators of his Era become part of that remarkable journey today you won't regret it. Although it is my first webnovel i have a bit of writing experience in the past so bare with me as I shake off the rust along our journey together. Now on to the content of the story it is a cultivation novel I would recommend reading the prologue before starting because a bit of it will tie into an overarching plot within the story (no spoilers from me but I promise it is a twist you won't expect but will definitely appreciate) don't want to say too much here but if you enjoy the genre I can confidently say you will enjoy the story. P.S bear with me on the initial few chapters i've worked on them quite a bit but if I don't release them I'll never know how it is received by others I am already a harsh critique but we all have different tastes and interpretations so constructive criticism is welcome but I emphasize constructive there. P.S.S i don't own the cover art if it is yours please contact me to take it down I will soon have my own if you guys enjoy my novel as much as i enjoy writing it

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12 Chs