
Prologue (II)

Resulting in an outburst from Sherry,

"There was no reason to do that, Kadion! All we wanted was to discuss how we should distribute the inheritance rewards, no need to resort to violence to resolve this situation."

"Blah, blah, blah, of course to you, violence shouldn't be the means to resolve this solely because you are in an inferior position. But if we reversed our roles, we wouldn't be 'discussing' anything, as you so eloquently put it.

"However, I digress, without a doubt, it is incredibly evident that words won't resolve anything. That's probably, why battling with words; has been deemed as a tool of the weak. What use is arguing meaninglessly; when you can simply erase an existence instead.

"Hopefully, you are content with those words," Kadion said.

"Why would you say that? You don't think I will be as easy to deal with as..."


Kadion swung his arm, twice sending two waves of energy to the left and right, which eventually intersected right at Sherry's head.


A golden phenomenon appeared behind Sherry, forming into the image of a man who looked elderly, stoic, and otherworldly. As soon as he fully formed, he destroyed both waves of energy before saying,

"Young man, it would do you good not to liken our Young Miss to this glorified cannon fodder she had to surround herself with to complete this mission," Ancestor Liam said.

"You call them cannon fodder, yet without your interference, I fail to see the difference between them.

"If you were here, yourself, perhaps this would've provided a semblance of a challenge, but alas, all a mere sliver of your soul will do is delay the inevitable," Kadion responded.

'Does he really believe I didn't see the necklace around her neck go dim after his summoning? At worse, she has a few more uses; at best, it's a one-time life-saving artifact. Regardless the only difference between the two is how much energy I'll have to exert to end her life,' He inwardly thought.

Kadion finally expanded his domain, initially; it was merely 100 meters in a circle around him. Now, it had extended to a full kilometer circle, and if he used his Dao of Space, he would be able to appear anywhere within that one-kilometer range. And that is precisely what he did.


Kadion began appearing beside every individual who remained within his domain, making quick work of them with a swift and precise swing of his hand.

Which, Kadion had condensed into a blade of space qi, reaping a life every time he appeared, although some of them managed to put up a defense, for the majority of them, their efforts were fruitless.

A few even utilized the highest rank talismans and defensive artifacts they had. Still, all it managed to do was delay Kadion a few seconds. Unfortunately, that was not enough to preserve their lives.

Kadion started from the weakest to the strongest, knowing that the peak Dao Kings would have the means to protect themselves from an initial attack. And they would not let their guard down; sure enough, this led to only ten cultivators remaining.

Three of them were the scions of their households, Sherry included, while the rest were peak Dao Kings. Even if they were not the eldest of their family, they were still wealthy enough to own at least one protective artifact or talisman at the peak Dao Emperor realm.

Thus, Kadion decided to deal with all of them at once, especially Ancestor Liam. He was the most dangerous threat here, more so if he had sufficient energy to sustain himself long enough to tire Kadion out.

Although Kadion doubted that it was better to expect the worse; and hope for the best. As opposed to going in blindly and arrogantly just because of confidence in your strength.

"Now that we've thinned the audience a bit, perhaps we can solve the little dance we left unfinished, Liam," Kadion said.

"And this is what's wrong with the younger generation, you discard of a ragtag bunch of offshoots and mistakingly believe that places us in the same stratosphere," Liam responded.

"Then why don't you be a dear and come educate this misguided Young Master, Liam," Kadian said, beckoning him forth with a wave of his hand.

Yet, Liam didn't move forward in the slightest, remaining near Sherry. Almost as if he couldn't go too far from her without expending a significant amount of his soul essence.

"Oh my! Don't tell me you can't separate too far from your Young Miss? That's simply devastating. I suppose we must postpone that dance just a bit more, Liam," Kadion said, making a face that would fool anyone into believing he was sincerely aggrieved by the situation.

"Kadion, you speak as though my companions and I are nothing but air," Sherry said

"You said it, not me," Kadion said while shrugging.

"He only says that now because he is unaware of what we have planned for him, If..."


Kadion swung his arm three times in quick succession, sending out three condensed waves of space qi much quicker than the previous. The first met with a dark yellow barrier; the second met with a cubic golden shield that protected the neck and head of the cultivator, but the last met with its intended target.


The condensed space qi went right through the cultivator's head, decapitating him in one fell swoop.


Kadion snapped his fingers, causing a small black hole to appear and consume the remainder of the cultivator's body.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, and this is why I told you always choose your words carefully, imagine entering the karmic cycle and retaining your memories. No matter, what they were alluding to, they won't be there to see it regardless," Kadion said.

Kadion gestured his hand towards the remaining nine cultivators while asking,

"Now, would you rather come to me? Or that I go to you?"

Nobody moved, nor did they respond when Kadion asked those questions.

Thus, Kadion decided to take matters into his own hands.


Kadion teleported to the nearest cultivator and grabbed her by her neck. Once he constricted his hand tightly around her neck, a dark blue barrier enveloped her body. However, he didn't let go deciding to tighten his grip tighter.

She couldn't do much in this situation, and her barrier was weakening by the second. So, she decided to detonate with the full extent of her cultivation, attempting for mutual destruction.

"Hahaha, you sincerely believe your life is in your hands," Kadion said, weaving what seemed to be a lock over her body with space qi.

Thus, thwarting her attempt to detonate her cultivation base, Kadion used this momentum to decapitate her with his alternate hand.

Afterward, with the same hand, he crushed her body with a torrent of condensed space qi, effectively compacting it into oblivion.

"I sincerely believe the remaining five of you should come at me together. It won't change the outcome, but at the very least, it would speed up this farce. And before you say, 'but there's eight of us', this doesn't include the three scions. That is final," Kadion said smugly

Give the early chapters a chance, if minor punctuation is the issue and not the content of the story, I urge you to bear with me. With these chapters being a bit rushed for the contest, they are not as refined as I would like. But I promise it is only up from here.

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