
Chapter 11

Beacon Hills High

Alex, Malia and Stiles walked into the school and the Alpha couldn't hold back his laugh as he heard Mason telling Liam all about his new expensive book on Werejaguars, Berserkers and their Aztec god. "He really needs to tell him soon." said Alex a he saw the panicked look on the Betas face.'

"He will he just needs some time." said Stiles before he and Malia started walking away from him, "Do I really have to take AP Biology." grumbled Alex as he looked down at his schedule, he had made the mistake of allowing Lydia to pick his classes for him and the damn Banshee had signed him up for most of the really hard ones. Aside from AP Biology, he had Economics, again, Calculus, World History, Computer Class, French and freaking German.

"Why the hell does this school offer so many language classes." thought Alex annoyed before Malia walked up to him, kissed him on the cheek and patted his face condescendingly, "We told you to sign up with us but you decided to be lazy and let Lydia do it for you, you made your bed now lie in it." said Malia with a grin as she backed away from the annoyed and growling Alpha.

"You know I'll get you back for this don't you?" asked Alex making Malia shoot him a decidedly wicked grin that made a shiver run down his back. "That's what I'm hoping." purred Malia making Alex grin back at her and Stiles shake his head before grabbing Malia's backpack and dragging her away.

"I swear you two are like dogs in heat." muttered Stiles making Alex laugh out loud and Malia growl at him. "I'm not in heat." said Malia as they turned the corner and disappeared from Alex's sight. The Alpha wolf was about to turn around to head towards his own class when he caught a powerful smell coming at him.

It turned out to be a girl, she had long brown hair, a red long sleeve shirt and was walking with her head down, she had a scared look on her face that made Alex feel bad for her. "She smells like reptiles, whoa that's strong." thought Alex as the girl passed by him, he had to hold his nose since the stench was almost overwhelming.

"That's weird, must have a snake or something." said the Alpha as he watch her walk to her locker and buried her head inside, he would've stayed to watch what else the girl was going to do but he was almost late for class.

When he got to the class it was to see Lydia and Kira exchange glances as they each nodded towards Scott who was sitting next to Kira with his book bag out. "If I get an F in this class and have to take summer school I'm biting someone." said Alex as he grinned down at his three friends and sat next to a smiling Lydia.

"Your always threatening to bite someone, so far the only bite marks I see are one you have in the morning after Malia spends the night with you." said Lydia with a grin as she saw the blush on Alex's face, from besides them Kira and Scott chuckled as they watched their banter.

"I can't help it if Malia likes to nibble, and look who's talking, didn't I see the mysterious Jordan Parrish yesterday afternoon with a nice set of hickeys on his neck." said Alex only to ducked down when Lydia harrumphed and swung her purse at him.

"I didn't leave any hicheys." said Lydia before she caught herself, from the laugh on Scott and Kira she knew they had heard her. "So you do admit to knowing the young Deputy in the biblical sense, you naughty minx you." said Alex but before Lydia could say anything else the teacher walked in.

She was an older woman, with long brown hair and a serious expressing that let anyone know she wasn't here to joke, she was here to teach and only to those that were deserving of it.

Welcome to AP Biology, lets see who's awake." said the teacher as she walked to sand before her students, "Can somebody tell me what plasmids are?" asked the Teacher and instantly Lydia and Alex had their hands in the air.

"Mr. West." called the teacher making Alex put his hand down and answer her, "Circular self-replicating DNA Molecules." said Alex with a grin that only got bigger when he saw the boggled looks on Scott, Kira and specially Lydia's face. "Did I not mention that I'm the bomb at Science." said Alex with a grin as he enjoyed their looks. He wasn't just a pretty face.

"Nicely put Mr. West, but can you tell me what vitamin is absorbed through the stomach..." that's the last thing Alex understood, he honestly had no idea what she had just said. "ahh V12?" aid Alex but it came out more of a question.

"Are you guessing or do you know?" asked the teacher as she stared hard at Alex, said Alpha werewolf just looked to the side to see Lydia was just as stumped as he was, "I'm guessing ma'am." said Alex with a sigh, fortunately for him he was correct.

"Good guess." said the teacher before her eyes moved to Scott, "Mr. McCall do you know the answer?" asked the teacher totally catching Scott unprepared. "Ahh no." said Scott before looking down at his book.

"Its a common test question, what's your number one college pick?" asked the teacher as she stood from leaning on her desk and moved over to stand before Scott, "Ahh" Scott was flustered as the teacher stared at him and Alex felt a bit bad for him.

"Stop saying ah." said the teacher making Scott shake his head quickly, "Sorry, UC Davis." said Scott with a small smile that got bigger when the teacher smiled at him. "Good choice, its the best school in the west coast for Biological and physical sciences, you're in the right class if that's what your hoping for, who else things they're in the right class?" asked the teacher making everyone raise their hands, even Alex.

He caught out of the corning of his eye as Scott looked backwards to glance at the smirking Theo who had his hand in the air as the looked back at Scott, "Creepy bastard." thought Alex when he saw the grin on the freak's face.

"Good then you should all be prepared for the test tomorrow." said the teacher ripping Alex's attention from Theo back to her, "There's a test tomorrow? Damn it Lydia." thought Alex annoyed, "It's the first goddamn day." thought Alex as he side glared at the sheepishly smiling Lydia.

"Don't be so disappointed, the test is specifically to help you determine if you should actually be in AP Biology, you have two weeks to drop, tomorrows test should just weed out the ones who shouldn't be here, and that could be any of you." said the teacher when she saw the mutinous look on Alex's face, she stood in front of him with a small grin when she said the last part.

"Now open your books on page 394." Said the teacher before she turned around and walked towards the chalkboard. "Sometime today, I'm going to bite you." said Alex with a grin as he glanced at his table partner, Lydia just raised an eyebrow at him in challenge.

"I don't think Malia would like your mouth on any girl that's not her." said Lydia making Scott, Kira and the eavesdropping Theo to let out a small chuckle. "Fine, then I'll get her to bite you, you perv." said Alex with a smile when he saw Lydia pale a bit, he and her both knew that Malia would do it if he ask.

"Don't you dare." said Lydia as he used her pen to poke him on the side. "Ms. Martin, Mr. West do I need to separate you two?" asked the teacher glaring at them from the head of the class, instantly making both of them sober up.

"No ma'am." both Lydia and Alex said at the same time. "Good, now open your books." said the teacher before turning around and leaving them alone.

After Class.

After AP Biology Lydia left since she had to got talk to her mother, and both Kira and Malia had Gym so that left both Scott and Alex alone in their free period. "Dude that teacher was scary." said Alex as he laid back on the steps they were sitting on, it made Scott smile since he wasn't the only intimidated by the no nonsense Biology teacher.

"You think she's evil?" asked Alex making Scott laugh out loud while shaking his head. "She didn't smell evil." said Scott playing along, "Dude really? How does evil smell, cause I have to tell you, Kate Argent, evilest bitch ever, but she smelled damn good." said Alex making Scott guffaw at the outrageous thing his friend had just said.

"Really, you smelled her?" asked Scott while shaking his head, making Alex nod at him quickly, "Really man, she smelled like coconut, probably her shampoo or something."said Alex before he got serious and glared at Scott.

"Not a word to Malia," said Alex making Scott nod his head quickly, "Bro Code." said Alex with a grin, before anything else could be joked about Stiles came running up to them "Hey you, you guys are coming with me, come on." said Stiles as he was almost jumping in place.

"We have a free period." said Scott as he turned to look at Stiles, Alex was just laying down in the shadow Stiles body made with a grin on his face. "We comfortable man, don't make us stand." Stiles looked annoyed as he glared down at Alex before he turned his attention back to Scott, "So do I, and so does Theo Raeken, lets go." said Stiles with a serious look on his face making Scott and Alex stand up to go with him.

"Wait..." said Alex making both Stiles and Scott stop and turn back to him. "...his last name is Raeken? What kind of last name is that?" asked Alex with grin on his face, his comment amused Scott but only serve to annoy the already annoyed Stiles.

"I will hit you." said Stiles as he glared at Alex.

"I love it when you talk like that, it gives me the vapors." said Alex making Scott laugh and it even made a small grin appear on Stiles face. "Now come on lets question Theo weird last name." said Alex as he threw his arms around Scott and Stiles and dragged them forward.

"I told you already you massive dork don't manhandle me." grunted Stiles as he tried to get away from both laughing Alpha werewolves. The found Theo waiting for them in the male locker room.

"Must we have all out meetings in here...its a bit gay I'm just saying." said Alex as he walked by the confused Theo and sat in one of the benches.

"Its the lacrosse locker room, its not gay." said Stiles as he glared at Alex before both his and Scott's attention where shifted to Theo, "So, when were you turned?" asked Scott softly trying to not make Theo go on the defensive.

"I was skateboarding." said Theo solemnly, "I was skating in a neighbors empty pool, trying to do a hand clamp, nobody was home, I'm not that good of a skateboarder but I guess I was feeling pretty determined because I completely lost track of time..." said Theo as his eyes moved from Scott to Alex then finally landed on Stiles. They were all frowning at him.

"His heartbeat steady, too steady." thought Alex as he glared at Theo his eyes flashing red for just a second as he concentrated on the wolf in front of him. That's when he noticed it, Scott probably wouldn't pick it up but Alex did, his nose being damn better than Scott's, Theo was lying, his chem signal were giving him away.

"...i didn't even realized it was night until the yard lights came on." said Theo as he moved back and sat down on the bench in front of Scott. "That's a move to show his submissiveness." thought Alex as he stared at the freak of nature in front of them. "...I said I wasn't very good, on my last try I went down and hit hard, really hard..." said Theo with a self deprecating grin on his face.

"As I was sitting there at the bottom of the pool I realized something, the board never came down." said Theo as he looked at all three of them somberly. He then described the monster that was standing at the edge of the pool, his bloody claws holding onto his skateboard as he glared down at him.

"He came at me fast, I barely had the chance to turn around before he bit me, right here." said Theo as he touched the right side of his stomach, and again his chemo signals betrayed him, he was lying about being bitter. "Why the hell would he lie about something like this." thought Alex as he looked towards Stiles catching his attention and shaking his head letting his friend know that someone wasn't adding up, fortunately Theo was too busy staring at Scott to notice their exchange.

"Well it wasn't an accident, he wanted to turn you." said Scott with a frown having caught Alex and Stiles shared looked. "So why aren't you part of his pack then?" asked Stile beating Alex to the question. "Yeah, why turn you then leave you?" asked Alex as he stood from his bench and walked till he was towering over Theo, he had to hold back a grin when he caught the scent of fear coming from the shifter in front of him.

"Because by the time of my first full moon he was dead." said Theo before swallowing hard and standing from the bench so he could back away a bit from the towering Alpha. "That's convenient." thought Alex as he glared at Theo.

"And how do you know that?" asked Stiles as he crossed his arms and stared at Theo, "I met another one of his pack a couple of weeks later, told me the Alpha that bit me was killed by two of his own Betas, twins." said Theo making Stiles and Scott share a look, and even Alex knew who he was taking about, Lydia had told him about the the Alpha Twins, Ethan and Aiden.

"Scott listen to my pulse I'm telling you the truth." said Theo desperately trying to get Scott to believe him. "Or you're just a tremendous liar." said Alex as he moved over to his backpack and picket it up.

"Why would I lie?" asked Theo as he smiled at both Alex, and Stiles, "That's the question isn't , why would you lie?" asked Alex a he glanced at Scott before nodding to Stiles, "We'll talk later, I have something to do." said Alex before he left the locker room, leaving Stiles and Scott to keep questioning Theo.

As he was leaving the school he passed by Lydia's mom's office and saw the girl from earlier standing in front of it, she looked scared and from the smell coming of her Alex realized she wasn't just scared she was terrified.

"Are you ok?" asked Alex as he slowly walked up to her and gave her a smile, one that the girl returned if just barely. From inside the office he heard Lydia talking with her mom about the girl, Tracy.

"You're Tracy right?" asked Alex as he put his backpack down and leaned on the wall besides her trying to get her mind of whatever it was that had her so scared. "I am." said Tracy before looking down at the floor.

"Well Tracy, My name is Alexander West, but my friends call me Alex." said the Alpha werewolf with a smug look on his face that made the girl giggle. "Aha, I got you to laugh." said Alex as he smiled at her.

"Now tell me, what's got you so freaked out." said Alex making Tracy looked up at him in shock, "Is it a bully? Point him out and I'll beat him up for you." said Alex as he looked around before rolling the sleeve of his shirt up so she could see his muscled arm.

"Its not that." said the girl with a small smile on her face, thankfully she was looking at him and not the floor this time, "I have bad dreams, like really bad." said Tracy embarrassed that her dreams had her this freaked out.

"Like night terrors?" asked Alex, already knowing the answer since he could hear Lydia and her mom discussing it inside their office. "Yeah, I sometimes can't tell if I'm awake or still sleeping." said the girl miserably and Alex couldn't help but pity her, now that she was looking at him and not the floor her cold see the dark circles under her eyes, which were bloodshot and tired.

"Well, I had a friend who suffered something like that and he told me of a way he could tell if he was dreaming or not, do you want to hear it?" asked Alex and the desperate look on Tracy's face told him all he needed to know.

"Yes please." Tracy almost begged making Alex frown at her, the poor girl had tears in her eyes as she stared at him beseechingly. "Come on sit down here with me." said Alex as he smiled at Tracy and slowly lowered himself till he was sitting on the floor, the scared girl mimicking him and sitting just opposite to Alex.

"Now, my friend Stiles swears by this trick so the next time you think you're having a bad dream I want you to look at your hands." said Alex with a smile as the girl sitting before him looked confused, unbeknownst to him Lydia and her mom had exited the office and were standing behind him silently watching as he helped Tracy.

"Why look at my hands?" asked Tracy as she stared at the massive hands in front of her, her attention so firmly on him she didn't notice Lydia or her mom neither, "Well I don't know all the science behind it but apparently when we dream the signal between the brain and the hands gets all jumbled up and it adds more fingers in our dreams." said Alex trying his best to explain to her what Stiles had told him a few months ago.

"So count with me." said Alex as he closed both his hands and started sticking his fingers out one by one. "One, two, three, four, five..."counted Tracy, the smile on her face growing bigger and bigger the more fingers she counted.

"...six, seven, eight, nine, ten, see Darling, not dreaming." said Alex as he showed her all ten fingers, Tracy was beaming at him with a thousand mega watt smile that made her face look less tired than before. "Just remember, next time you're in a bad dream, count your fingers, if you have more then ten, you're dreaming and well, dreams cannot hurt us, not matter how scary they seemed." said Alex making Tracy smile in relief.

"He's right you know..." said Lydia's mom from behind Alex and Tracy making them both jumped up from the floor. "...no matter how scary a dream is just that, a dream." said Lydia's mom as she smiled at both of them before going back into her office, leaving a smiling Lydia, an embarrassed Alex and a calmer Tracy behind in the hallway.

"Not a word." said Alex when he saw the smirk on Lydia's face, before she could say anything he turned back around and smiled at Tracy. "Give me your phone for a second." said Alex and Tracy gladly handed him her iPhone. Alex typed a number in it before handing it back to her.

"That's my phone number, if you ever need someone to talk to or if you even need a bully beaten up you call me alright?" asked Alex with a grin completely missing the blush on Tracy's face as he bend down to pick up his bag from the floor.

"Thank you." said Tracy softly as he gave her one last smile and looked back at Lydia, "I have to go to class but I'll see you later." said Alex before he turned and left leaving two girls behind, one with a proud smile on her face as she stared at her best friend and the other with a blush as she watched the retreating back of the Alpha werewolf.

"He's nice." said Tracy with a blush on her face as she turned to look at the smirking Lydia, "Is he your boyfriend?" asked Tracy making Lydia burst out in laughter. "Me no, never he's too much of a dork for me, besides he's taken." said Lydia disappointing Tracy.

Before the girl could ask another question about Alex, Lydia grabbed her arms and started walking. "Come on honey, I have a friend you should meet." said Lydia as both Tracy and her left their school. The Deputy Parrish would meet them at Tracy's house.

Beacon Hills High

Drivers Ed Class.

"Jesus Christ I'm going to be sick." thought Alex as Malia once again stepped into the brakes making the car stop short, he was in the back seat while Kira's dad was trying, and failing, to teach Malia how to drive.

"Ease into it Malia, easy does it." said the professor as the car kept going and stopping, making Alex stomach turn, "I'm going to be sick." said Alex as he held his stomach and moved forward to see what Malia was doing. "Darling you don't have...Malia? Malia you OK?" asked Alex when he saw Malia's eyes had glazed over and she was staring at the road ahead of her.

Suddenly he could smell fear and panic roll of Malia in waves before she stepped into the accelerator and started driving the car forwards, straight into two parked buses and a gaggle of kids. "Malia." said Alex using his Alpha voice to get through to her, making Malia slam her foot on the brakes and stopping the car.

"OK, I think we're all good for today." said Kira's dad before unbuckling his seat belt and all but running from the car, instantly Alex was sitting on the front with Malia staring at his girlfriend with worry in his eyes. "What was that?" asked Alex as he moved to grab one of her hands, she had grabbed the steering wheel so hard he was surprised she didn't leave a dent behind when her hands left the wheel.

"Nothing, it was nothing." said Malia cofused before looking away from him, "It wasn't nothing Malia, I could smell the fear coming from you, it almost overwhelmed me." said Alex as he put a finger to her chin and made her look at him.

"You know you can tell me anything right?" asked Alex when he saw her eye fill with tears, she nodded her head but didn't move to speak so he decided to leave it alone, for now.

"Then come on, Stiles wanted a Pack meeting in the library." said Alex as he squeezing her arm trying to make her feel better, it worked if the smile she gave him was anything to go by. "Yeah lets go, he gets bitchy if we're late." said Malia making Alex laugh.

As they got out of the car Alex took of his bomber jacket showing her the long sleeve shirt underneath, "You like it? I had it made a few days ago." said Alex as he stood in a Superman pose to show off his shirt, it was a long sleeve blue shirt with the words, 'Alpha' in bold red and inside a black diamond.

"You're an idiot you know that right?" said Malia with a grin as he moved over to touch the letter on his shirt, "But I'm your idiot." said Alex while waggling his eyebrows and throwing one arm over her shoulder, making the werecoyote grin and nod her head at him. "I guess I'm stuck with you." said Malia making Alex give her a mock hurt expression before he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

"Let me down." squealed Malia when Alex picked up both their bags and started walking towards the library. "Don't wanna." said Alex as he took of running making Malia laugh as she started hitting his back demanding to be let down.

He had to put her down when they reached the library since the librarian, Ms, Pince, was a bit of a stickler when it came to rules. When they got to the table that Kira and Scott were sitting at the True Alpha and the Thunder Kitsune looked up and stared at his shirt for a few seconds before laughing.

"Where did you get that shirt?" asked Scott with a grin as he read the words on it. "I had it made, you like?" asked Alex as he once more stood in his Superman pose. "I do, its very...you." said Scott as he watched Alex grin before grabbing his bag from the floor. "Good, cause I had some made for each of you." said Alex before he started pulling out folded shirts, still in their plastic, and throwing them on the table.

"Do I get one?" asked Malia as she stared at the bag with pleading eyes, the girl liked nothing better than gift, well maybe deer pizza. "Of course you do darling." said Alex as he pulled out a shirt that looked just like his but was smaller and said 'Werecoyote' in bright red letters.

The others around him shook their heads with grins on their faces as they accepted their own shirts, Scott's was red with yellow lightning that had the word 'True Alpha' in yellow, Kira was half black and half red with the words Thunder Kitsune written in the chest in the opposite colors of the side they were one, and there were three more shirts on the table, one for Stiles one for Lydia and one for Liam.

"What does their say?" asked Scott as he took of his jacket and put the slightly too big shirt on, Kira and Malia leaving to the bathroom to change into theirs, "Well Lydia is the gold and red one, hers says 'Banshee' in red letters, Liam's is the green and black one that says 'Beta', and Stiles is the orange and blue one that says 'Human'." said Alex with a grin as he showed each of the shirts to Scott before he folded them and put them back in the table.

"Like the Mets, Stiles is going to like that." said Scott making Alex grin, "I was going to make it Orange and green to fit with the superhero theme but ehh, no one deserves to be called the Aquaman of their team, its too mean." said Alex with a grin completely confusing Scott.

"What superhero theme?" asked Scott as he stared at Alex shirt then his own, Alex stared at him for a few seconds before shaking his head. "Really man, its one thing to not see Star Wars but not recognizing Superhero theme shirts, that just sad." said Alex as he shook his head and sat down, at that exact moment Malia and Kira walked to the table, their shirts on with grins on her face.

"Like three people already asked me and Kira what our shirt mean." said Malia as he sat on Alex's lap and kissed his cheek. "Bah let them wonder, it makes you more interesting." said Alex with a grin kissing her and resting his hands on her waist.

"Guys I found something." yelled Stiles as he ran up to their table and slammed two papers on it, "Its another signature, this one if from a...where did you get those shirts?" asked Stiles when he finally caught sight of what they were wearing.

"I had them made, here this one's yours." said Alex as he picked up the blue and orange one and threw it at him. "For me, that's so nice." said Stiles before he took of his backpack and his jacket and put on his new shirt, like Scott's it was a tad too big but it was barely noticeable.

"Really...human?" asked Stiles when he saw the word writing on his, Alex smiled at him with a nod, "Couldn't find something better to put on it?" asked Stiles as his left eye twitched in annoyance.

"I should have made you Aquaman." said Alex as he mock glared at Stiles causing an affronted look to appear on Stile's face. "You wouldn't dare." said Stiles as glared at Alex back, before long both broke out in laughter.

"So you found something?" asked Scott annoyed that he didn't understand what they were talking about. "Yeah, yeah, a pair of signatures, one from eight years ago, from a parking ticket and one a few days old from the transfer form." said Stiles as he moved both papers forward on the table so they could see.

"How did you get his transfer form?" asked Kira as she looked up from the table to look at Stiles, Alex and Malia grinned when Scott shook his head and asked "Did you break into the administration office." asked Scott as he stared at Stiles exasperated.

"No I did not break into the administration office..." said Stiles before he noticed the four pairs of eyes starting at him unconvinced. "...OK I might have broken into the Administration office, just focus on the signatures please, they're different." said Stiles as he pushed the papers forward again, they all looked down and Alex saw what he meant, they did look different.

"They're sort of different." said Malia but her tone indicated she didn't believe Stiles, which annoyed Stiles to no end. "No...he's right, they don't match." said Alex as he looked forward, his eyes glowing red as he focused on the signatures.

"The first signature is smooth, made by someone used to signing his name that way, but the second one is shaky and full of errors." said Alex as he moved back, when he did both Malia and Scott moved forward to do the same and that's when they saw it.

"Thank you." said Stiles as he sat down on the table with a large sigh, "And did you tell them about the smell?" asked Stiles, making Scott and Kira looked at Alex confused.

"What smell?" asked Kira. Alex just glared at Stiles before responding, he had been hoping to keep that quiet till he found out what it meant. "Next time your around him Scott, focus everything to your sense of smell and you'll see, Theo doesn't spell like a normal werewolf." said Alex as he sat up, adjusting Malia on his lap so she wouldn't fall off.

"What do you mean? What does he smell like?" asked Scott completely trusting that Alex had a better sense of smell than he did. "He smells like Malia." said Alex only to groan when he saw the looks on both Kira and Scott's faces.

"He smells like a girl?" asked both Scott and his girlfriend at the same time making Alex glare at them and Stiles shoot him a grin, "See, I wasn't the only one that understood it like that." aid Stiles making Alex frown at him before he decided to completely ignore him, "No you morons, he smells like a coyote." said Alex only to shake his head when he saw both Scott and Kira open their mouth to say 'ohh'.

"But how can that be, he can't be a werewolf and a werecoyote can he?" asked Kira with a frown as she moved to leaned on the table. "I don't know, are there such things as hybrids?" asked Malia as she looked at Stiles since he and Lydia were the one that had made a solid copy of the Bestiary.

"Yeah is there something in the Bestiary?" asked Scott as he watch his best friend think, "I don't think so but we should ask Lydia with all the time she's spend looking through it trying to figure what the hell Parrish is she should have it memorized by now." said Stiles as he sat at the table.

"I'll ask her tonight, we have movie night at her place." said Alex getting look from everyone at the table. "Since when do you a movie night?" asked Malia as she turned to look at Alex in the face. He frowned as he looked from her to all the curious eyes at the table.

"Mondays are always movie night in the Martin Household." said Alex like it was the most obvious news in the world, which to him it kinda was. "We never been invited." grumbled Stiles as he crossed his arms and glared at Alex.

"Hey that's not my fault, I don't live there, but you should ask if you can come, Lydia's mom makes a killer lasagna for Movie Mondays." said Alex almost drooling at the thought of the Lasagna, it really was good.

"Well going back to Theo..." said Scott as everyone smiled sheepishly about going of track, it was Alex's fault really. "...just because he smells weird doesn't mean he has done anything wrong." said Scott infuriating everyone at the table aside from Kira.

"Yet, he hasn't done anything wrong yet." said Stiles as he grabbed the papers from the table and shook them in front of Scott's face. "He might be a psychotic killer, or his parents are, if his parents are psychotic killers that means we shouldn't trust him." said Stiles making a frown appear on Malia's face.

"My parents are Peter and the Desert Wolf." said Malia making Stiles frown at her and Alex to grin in response. "She's got you there buddy." said Alex as the table looked from him to Stiles to see what the jumpy teen would say.

"OK..." said Stiles rubbing his forehead as if trying to hold a headache at bay, "...its fine, you know what, I'll just figure this out myself, I don't need you, or you, or you and definitely not you." said Stiles as he used the papers to point to Scott, Kira, Malia and finally him.

"Hey, I was helping you ya jerk." said Alex as he watched the fuming Stiles leave the library. "Come on, don't leave mad." yelled Alex laughing only to laugh harder when Stiles threw him the finger as he was leaving the library.

"I don't need anyone." yelled Stiles just as he walked through the door, "He's very uptight." said Alex with a grin that was matched by everyone at the table. "You really need to stop making him mad." said Scott with a grin.

"What? It wasn't me this time, it was all Malia with her quick Peter and the Desert wolf answer." said Alex as he pulled Malia to him and kissed her cheek. "Still you enjoy it too much and it frustrate him." said Kira as she couldn't help a grin that came to her face.

"Its payback for all the virgin jokes." said Alex only to have Malia slap his chest, "Go make sure he doesn't get in trouble." said Malia in a bossy tone of voice. "Have I told you how sexy it is when you order me around?" asked Alex as he gripped her hips hard making Malia moan as she leaned back into him, besides them Scott and Kira stared dumbfounded and what their friends were doing.

"You said it last night after I made you spank me." said Malia causing Kira to squeak and Scott to fall of the table.

"Guys we're in public." hissed Kira when she saw Malia start to grind her ass into Alex's crotch, her hiss made them both stop as they looked around, thankfully only the red face Scott and Kira had been the only ones to notice their little lapse in judgment.

"Sorry, we forget sometimes." said Alex as he kissed Malia once more before standing from his chair and sitting her back down on it, "I'll keep Detective Stiles safe." said Alex before he grabbed his bag and ran out of the library.

After a few minutes of awkward silence Kira couldn't hold back the question anymore, "You make him spank you?"asked Kira making Scott quickly grab his stuff so he could run away. "Yeah, it gets me going before we have sex, Stiles didn't like to do it but Alex has no problem with it and his hands are bigger so it feels better." said Malia and Scott almost tripped when he heard that. He did trip when he heard what Kira asked though.

"So it feel good?" asked Kira in a whisper, making Malia nod her head with a smile, "Oh yeah specially is he rubs my ass after he slaps it." said Malia laughing when he saw Scott hit one of the tables in his rush to leave.

"You're very mean sometimes." said Kira with a grin as she watched her boyfriend run away from them, "I know but it was too good to pass up." said Malia holding back her laughter but just barely.

Outside the School.

Alex had to run to catch up to the fuming Stiles but he caught him as he was climbing into his jeep, Liam was already inside to he had to get in the back, "So, what's the criminal tremor?" asked Liam as he picked up the papers Stiles had dropped.

"It has something to do with signatures." said Alex from the backseat making Stiles glared angrily at both of them. "Shut up, both of you." said Stiles before he backed his car from the parking lot and drove off.

"Hey squirt, did you tell your friend yet?" asked Alex as he leaned forward so his head was sticking in the middle between Liam and Stiles. Liam looked embarrassed as he shook his head and looked out the window.

"Dude really? I'm waiting on you, I need my own Beta, its embarrassing I've been an Alpha for almost a year and I still have no Pack." said Alex as he swatted Liam's head, making the younger wolf frown at him.

"I know but its not that easy, its a lot to accept."said Liam as he looked down at the floor of the jeep with a sad look on his face. "He watched my dad blow up a Berserker with a landmine, I think the ground work had been pretty thoroughly laid for acceptance." said Stiles as his glanced at Liam with a frown on his face.

"Exactly, and dude remind me to tell your dad how awesome he is, and where the hell did he get a landmine?" asked Alex as he again moved forward so eh could be part of the conversation.

"We told him where The Mute's was staying after you moved in with Lydia, he got it from the abandoned building." said Stiles before Liam interrupted him with a whine. "But what if he freaks out, what if he doesn't' want to talk to me, what if he stabs me with something silver or what..." that's a far as he got before Alex swatted him in the back of the head again.

"I'll stab you with something silver if you don't stop being an idiot, he's your friend and he's driving himself nuts trying to figure out what happened to him last year, be a man and tell Mason you're a werewolf." said Alex completely ignoring just how insane his statement was.

"But what if..." before Liam could go into another panic filled rant he got slapped in the back of the head again, "Dude, I swear to god if you don't tell him I'm going to just go ahead and bite him, then I'm going to kick your ass." said Alex as he once again stuck his head in front and glared at Liam, from the corner of his eye he could see Stiles smirking as he drove.

"And what's so funny jerk?" asked Alex as he turned his head to glare at his spastic friend, "Sorry I just can't believe how desperate you are for Betas, its sad man." said Stiles with a grin causing Alex to pout at him. "Shut up." said Alex before he leaned back in the backseat with a huff.

"Hey where the hell are we going man?" asked Alex when he saw Stiles turned on a side street e didn't know. "We are following Theo around, I'm going to find something even if it kills me." said Stiles as he pointed out to the sidewalk where Alex spotted Theo walking along.

"Dude, I'm totally on board with the Theo is a bad guy thing but we are getting into stalker territory." said Alex with a frown his eyes never leaving Theo. "I know why Stiles doesn't like him but why don't you?" asked Liam as he turned in his seat to look at Alex. Before the Alpha werewolf could answer the question a grinning Stiles answered for him.

"Cause Malia thinks he's hot." said Stiles causing Liam to giggle and Stiles to chuckle as they turned the corner, Alex wanted to argue against what Stiles said but he was kinda right, he knew nothing would happen, that Malia wouldn't cheat on him but it irked the hell out of him tat she found him attractive.

"OK 1. Shut up, 2. Stop giggling Liam, you're a ferocious werewolf, werewolves don't giggle." said Alex with a growl as he glared at his two friends from the backseat of the car. "Well he is very good looking." said Liam absentmindedly still laughing at Alex, he only stopped when her heard the silence in the car. He turned his head to see both Stiles and Alex looking at him with big smiles on his face.

"What?" asked Liam worried.

"So, you find Theo very good looking?" asked Stiles with a smile, a smile that grew bigger and bigger when both he and Alex saw the look of understanding that came upon Liam's face. "Stiles remind me to never shower in front of Liam again." said Alex chuckling when he saw the bright red cheeks on Liam's face.

"Will do buddy, will do." said Stiles barely holding on to his laughter. "I AM NOT GAY." screamed Liam making both Alex and Stiles break down in laughter.

"I'm not gay." muttered Liam angrily glaring out the window as both Alex and Stiles had tears streaming down their faces with how hard they were laughing.

Few Hours Later.

"Fucking Finally." muttered Alex when Theo finally left the sidewalks of Beacon Hills and walked into the woods, "We been following this fucker for hours." said Alex as Stiles parked the car on the side of the street so they could follow after Theo.

"Where is he going?" asked Liam as he got out of the jeep and wrapped his jacket around him. Stiles was almost pacing trying to hold back the urge to just run after the Omega werewolf/coyote.

They moved quietly after Theo as he walked almost randomly through the woods, "He definitely knows he's being followed." thought Alex with a frown as he walked behind Stiles and Liam, modulating his body to hide his scent and chem signals, Theo would know about Liam and Stiles but not him, he wanted to see how Theo behaved when he didn't know they were watching him.

He deliberately walked slower so that Liam and Stiles got ahead of him, enough that they didn't see as he walked behind some random tree and started undressing, when he stepped out of the tree's shadow he had already turned into his wolf form. "Lets see how he acts when no one is looking." thought Alex as he stuck to the shadows and ran after his friends.

He got there in time to see Liam fall into a hole. "This kid is an idiot." thought Alex amused as he watched Stiles berate Liam for falling into the hole. "The hell are you doing?" asked Stiles as he glared down at the hole Liam was in.

"I swear to god, and where the hell did Alex go to?" asked Stiles as he shook his head and looked at the woods around him, Alex was very well hidden behind some bushes so he was sure neither Stiles nor Theo would find him. "Oh never mind, there he is, Liam stop screwing around and lets go." hissed Stiles as he took off towards were he had seen Theo.

Liam stayed in the hole a few more second before jumping out and running after Stiles, Alex concentrated his hearing so he could listen in to what they were saying. "Try and get his scent, damn it where's Alex when you need his big ass." muttered Stiles angrily as he pointed towards where Theo was standing.

"Do you get anything?" asked Stiles as his eyes stayed glued on Theo's back, "A soap, it's nice it smells good." said Liam with a shrug, "Really Liam, my god." thought Alex as he moved a little closer to try and catch Theo's scent, he did, "Not his soap, his emotional state, chemo signals remember." said Stiles annoyed as he glared at Liam.

"Stiles would make a good werewolf." thought Alex before shaking his head and concentration on what Liam said, he wanted to see if Liam smelled the same thing he did. "He's sad, but not just that, it's more like grief." said Liam and Alex nodded along, he could smell the same thing.

"Grief?...ohmygod, we have to go." said Stiles in a hiss as he turned around and almost dragged Liam away from where they were standing, "That's the bridge where they found his sister." said Stiles quietly as he and Liam got further and further away from the bridge, unfortunately for them Theo had already moved. Alex could hear and see as Theo ran around them to intercept them, Stiles and Liam were about to pass under a big tree branch which Theo had climbed so he wasn't seen.

"Come on fucker, do something." thought Alex as he got ready to intervene if things got violent, "Just give me a reason to rip out your throat." as he watch Theo stand on the tree branch he saw the smirk on the kids face and it made him mad.

"That's the bridge where they found is sister." said Stiles panicking as he walked fast towards where he had parked his car, "What sister?" asked Liam not knowing the story since like Alex he was new to Beacon Hills.

"The one who got lost and died from exposure, he's leaving a flower for her," said Stiles annoyed he had to explain everything to Liam. "That doesn't sound evil," said Liam making Stiles even more annoyed since he was prover wrong once more.

"I know..." said Stiles before he looked up and stopped walking, he had finally caught sight of Theo as he stood on the branch and started down at them. Alex could feel his hackles rise as he saw Theo jumped from the tree to land in front of his friends.

"What are you guys doing?" asked Theo with a kind smile that would have fooled Alex if he couldn't smell the annoyance coming from the teen, he was mad about something but Alex didn't think it was about them catching him visiting the place where his sister died.

Theo walked over to Stiles and Liam and Alex couldn't help the pride he felt when he heard Liam growl at Theo threateningly. "Atta boy." thought Alex as he watched the confrontation. "Why do I get the feeling this kid's tougher than he looks." said Theo with a grin as he raised his arms up to show he meant no harm.

"Only when we let him of his leash." said Stiles making Alex shake his head, "Really Stiles a dog joke, now?" thought Alex as he rolled his eyes. " Stiles we where in little league together why are you so suspicious of me?" asked Theo with a sad frown that didn't fool Alex one bit.

"Cause of these." said Stiles as he pulled out the speeding ticket and transfer form and handed them to Theo. "One's a speeding ticket signed by your dad eight years ago the other one's a signature on a transfer from to Beacon High, they're different." said Stiles all the while glaring at Theo, Liam by his side acting like the perfect backup and glaring at him as well.

"Huh, yeah they look a little different." said Theo lightly but Alex could smell the annoyed coming from him. "Someone messed up." thought Alex as he concentrate harder on Theo.

"They're totally different, signed by two different people.." Stiles all but screamed as he pointed to the papers in Theo's hand. Liam looked really unconformable as he stood there listening to the two argue. "So my dad's not my dad? Like he's an impostor?" asked Theo now getting more serious as e noticed Stiles wasn't messing around.

"Something like that." said Liam with a gruff tone of voice that would have amused Alex if the situation wasn't so serious. "Who do you think I am?" Stiles shook his head with a frown as he glanced at Liam then to the forest around them. "We don't know yet." "but we're going to find out." thought Alex sure that his friend wouldn't rest till he found out the truth.

"Want me to give you a DNA sample or something?" asked Theo with a week grin on his face that made Stiles frown at him. "No, I don't have anything from the fourth grade to match it too." said Stiles looking at Theo like he was an idiot.

"You know stiles I came back here for Scott..." said Theo and that made Stiles angry, "...but I also came back for you, someone like you, someone who's willing to walk into the woods in the middle of the night to protect his friends, I don't have anyone like that, Scott does you all do, I know I'm in the right place, I'm meant to be here, I'm meant to be a part of this pack." said Theo with passion, it was a nice speech, unfortunately for him Alex didn't buy it for a minute.

"The whole time he was speaking, there wasn't an once of emotion coming from him, it was like he was reciting some line." thought Alex as he watched Stiles shake his head and walk pass Theo towards his car, Liam growled one last time at Theo before following after Stiles.

Theo staying in place listening to Stiles and Liam as they walked towards his jeep, Alex doing the same, and both were surprised when they heard Scott's voice coming from where Stiles jeep was parked by. "The True Alpha is here." thought Alex with a grin completely sure Theo was about to make his way towards Scott to try and talk to him.

To his utter surprise Theo turned the other way and made his way deeper into the woods. "Malia will probably kill me but, what the hell." thought Alex as he sneaked his way after Theo.

He followed after Theo for a few minutes before he walked toward the bridge where his sister had died, while there Theo started taking off his clothes surprising Alex, "He can't be going swimming now?" thought Alex as he hid in the shadow of a tree and averted his eyes when Theo pulled down his pants.

Then to Alex's complete astonishment Theo started shrinking and growing hair all over his body, "He can't be..." though Alex and sure enough in seconds Theo had transformed into a black hair wolf. It looked a bit like Alex's wolf form only Alex was bigger and a much more muscular than Theo was, and also his eyes were red.

"This little bastard is full of surprises isn't he?" thought Alex as followed after the now running Theo, lagging a bit behind since he had to be much more quiet since he didn't want Theo to hear him.

To his surprise he recognized where Theo was running to, he was making his way towards the High School, as they got closer and closer Alex started picking up two different scents in the school, Liam's and Mason's. "He's going after Liam." thought Alex deciding to throw caution to the wind, he tookk off running much faster than before as he went around the school and entered to the back. He got to Liam and Mason just in time to watch Liam turn around an roar at Theo who was busy following after him. Deciding to give his little friend an extra hand Alex walked over standing behind Liam and glaring at Theo, his red glowing eyes making the wolf stop in his tracks.

He could hear the small squeak from Mason as he caught sight of him standing behind Liam, almost before Liam finished roaring at Theo, said wolf had turned around and run off. "Liam, there's another one behind you, and his eyes are glowing." said Mason causing Liam to turn around in panic only to calm down when he saw Alex's red eyes.

"Mason, there's something I got to tell you." said Liam as he turned back to his friend only to see an excited grin on his face, "You're a werewolf." said Mason stunned as he looked at Liam with wide eyes, deciding the opportunity was too good to pass up Alex walked up next to Liam and changed back into a human, completely shocking Mason who looked like he was about to pass out.

"See Liam, there was nothing to worry about." said Alex as he threw one arm around Liam's shoulder and smiled a Mason, a smile that slipped off his face when he saw where exactly Mason was looking.

"Hey, eyes up here buddy, no peaking at the goods." said Alex as he glared at Mason, making the teen look up in a hurry an embarrassed grin on his face. "Dude don't touch me while you're naked." screamed Liam as he tried his hardest to get away from Alex.

"You're both werewolves?" asked Mason as he almost jumped in place with ow excited he was, Alex just smiled at him, his eyes glowing red as he let go of Liam and took a step forward. "We are and that's what I wanted t talk to you about." said Alex his eyes glowing even brighter as he smiled at Mason