
Rick and Morty: Guide to Absolute Power

Jason was just an ordinary guy, a fan of Rick and Morty, but just an ordinary - above average intelligence, guy. who happened to be a scientist in his own right. When suddenly, he, outside the Central Finite Curve, found him in the body of a version of himselves inside the Curve. The areas in which Rick and Morty are real. With it being literally impossible to be smarter than Rick, but not at all liking being weaker than him, he decides to initiate a plan. But he's not alone. Infinite versions of himself, have also been transferred into the Rick and Morty Infinite-verse, all in different dimensions each with their own goals, most of them having watched Rick and Morty, but a few thousand have the same goal as him. Absolute power. And they all wont stop at anything for it, and they all know they will be fighting each other and whatever else this fuck-fest will throw at them. This is Jason Prime's Guide to Absolute Power. === The story is set 3 years before Rick C-137 meets Morty Prime. But this is the Rick and Morty verse, time barely matters, every reality is different, but just knows its 3 years before the events of the show. But other Rick's and Morty are already on their adventures. Going off this frame from the show; https://imgur.com/I1a572d The year is 2015 season three onwards. So Rick meets Morty in 2013(as stated in 'Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind, its been a year since Rick has been living with the Smith family, and then we can add another year by the time that episode comes on, as the show itself started in 2013. Its safe to assume the universe started there too.). This is a Rick and Morty fanfic that centers around a person residing outside the Central Finite Curve, in a reality where Rick and Morty are just a cartoon, finding themselves inside the Central Finite Curve, where Rick and Morty are real, and more common. Its about him fighting Rick's and other versions of him that are also from realities where Rick and Morty is just a cartoon. Fighting for the only chance they have at power that can rival Rick Sanchez if used right. Rhett Caan. This will be a pretty long story, and not the entire story will be just reaching the power, later on it will be messing around with the power. Waning: The amount of technical science in this story will be extremely high, like, Jason almost every other chapter will be spending the entire chapter developing one thing in extreme detail, with made up science, as authentic as I can make it sound.

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13 Chs

Chapter 5: Nerding

After waking up from their nap and having dinner, Jason and Angel find themselves in their bed, reading to pass out and wake up the next day.

The soft light of the bedside lamp cast a warm glow across the room as Jason and Angel lay side by side, the quiet moments of the night surrounding them. Jason turned towards Angel . 

"Angel , I made some trades today," he began, he did technically use the money she had put away to start, so she does have a right to know. Jason isn't that heartless. Plus, she's growing on him.

Her eyebrows rose, a sign of interest quickly shifting to concern. "Trades? What kind of trades?"

"Stocks and a bit of cryptocurrency," Jason continued, watching her reaction closely. "I used some of the savings—"

"You used our savings?" Angel cut in, her voice sharp, her body stiffening. "God fucking damnit Jason, those were our emergency funds. You know we talked about this!" she shouts.

She is very obviously resisting the urge to strangle the life out of Jason. The urge is winning.

He nodded, taking her hand gently. "I know, and I'm sorry I didn't discuss it first. But it paid off. I made $3,500 today alone, and there's potential for much more."

Jason shudders internally at the sappiness of his actions, but quickly ignores it. All for the act.

Angel's expression softened, her initial irritation giving way to a cautious relief. "Really? That much in one day?" She let out a slow breath, her grip on his hand tightening slightly. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "Okay, I'm not happy you went behind my back, but I'm glad it worked out this time."

'Wow. Who knew she could be this cute...' Jason thinks wryly.


The next morning, after Angel left for work, Jason prepared for a full day of study and experimentation. He grabbed his notebook, a few scientific texts, and headed to the local library—a place he figured would be perfect for uninterrupted research.

Arriving at the library, Jason found a quiet corner equipped with a large table. He spread out his materials, his laptop open to a complex array of scientific papers and digital books. Today wasn't about finance; it was about physics and engineering, the foundational knowledge he needed to build his spacecraft.

Jason began with general relativity and quantum mechanics, diving deep into the theoretical underpinnings that might differ in this universe if the "Rick and Morty" laws of physics applied. He scribbled notes vigorously, occasionally pausing to ponder over complex equations and theories.

As he absorbed the dense material, Jason decided to conduct some simple experiments to test the physical laws of this reality. He started with a basic experiment involving a pen. He threw it across the table in various ways—spinning it, heating it with friction by rubbing it quickly before letting it go, observing its trajectory and behavior.

Each throw gave him slight variations in results, but nothing conclusive. He noted the conditions: the angle of release, the force applied, and the spin. Jason hypothesized that if this universe's physics were altered—perhaps more akin to what he'd seen Rick utilize—there might be subtle hints he could detect even in these mundane experiments.

Next, he experimented with small amounts of water, observing its behavior at different temperatures and in different container shapes. He heated the water with a small portable device, watching for changes in evaporation rates, surface tension, and boiling points.

Throughout the day, Jason moved from one small experiment to another, each designed to be subtle enough not to attract attention but insightful enough to inform him of any deviations from the physics he expected. The library's vast resources proved invaluable, offering him not just information but also a quiet space to think and theorize.

By the end of the day, his notebook was filled with observations, hypotheses, and more questions than answers. It was a start, though — though he knows he needs much more time.

Continuing to utilize the library's quietude and the stacks of books around him, Jason delves deeper into advanced aerospace engineering concepts. He knows that constructing a functioning spacecraft, even a rudimentary one, will require an intricate understanding of materials science, thermodynamics, and propulsion systems.

Flipping through textbooks and downloading open-source papers on aerospace innovations, he sketches preliminary designs, incorporating the unconventional physics principles he suspects are at play in this universe.

He cant confirm whether or not they will work without actually trying, but its nice to write it down. He does plan to burn all the designs once he gets home though. Can't be having the goverment, or that mysterious company knocking at his door with one slip up.

As the afternoon wanes into evening, Jason begins to study propulsion systems more intensely. Traditional chemical rockets wouldn't suffice for his needs; he needs something more efficient and powerful, potentially harnessing exotic materials or energy sources mentioned in speculative science articles.

He scribbles down notes on ion thrusters, nuclear pulse propulsion, and even theoretical antimatter engines, weighing their feasibility against the technological limits he's bound by.

With each topic, Jason takes meticulous notes, occasionally stopping to verify his understanding by constructing small models from paper clips, rubber bands, and other miscellaneous items he finds in his backpack.

These models aren't just physical representations; they're a way for him to mentally process and apply the information he's absorbing, translating theory into tangible concepts.

Barely accurate tangible concepts, sure, but tangible nonetheless.

His mind particularly lingers on the antimatter engines as he leaves the library, and walks back home. He opens the door to his apartment where he see's his lovable partner knocked out cold on the couch as usual, wearing nothing but one of his oversized shirts and panties.

"Goddamnit Angel" Jason sighs, placing his stuff down before hefting her up into his arms and carrying her to the bedroom. Where he lays her down, before covering her up.

He returns to the kitchen, where he memorizes the designs he dew down, before hanging them over the stove top, turning them to ash.


Hope you enjoyed. Do all that Webnovel stuff, y'know, power stones, library, comment and leave a review.

Cya bitches.