
Rick and Morty: Guide to Absolute Power

Jason was just an ordinary guy, a fan of Rick and Morty, but just an ordinary - above average intelligence, guy. who happened to be a scientist in his own right. When suddenly, he, outside the Central Finite Curve, found him in the body of a version of himselves inside the Curve. The areas in which Rick and Morty are real. With it being literally impossible to be smarter than Rick, but not at all liking being weaker than him, he decides to initiate a plan. But he's not alone. Infinite versions of himself, have also been transferred into the Rick and Morty Infinite-verse, all in different dimensions each with their own goals, most of them having watched Rick and Morty, but a few thousand have the same goal as him. Absolute power. And they all wont stop at anything for it, and they all know they will be fighting each other and whatever else this fuck-fest will throw at them. This is Jason Prime's Guide to Absolute Power. === The story is set 3 years before Rick C-137 meets Morty Prime. But this is the Rick and Morty verse, time barely matters, every reality is different, but just knows its 3 years before the events of the show. But other Rick's and Morty are already on their adventures. Going off this frame from the show; https://imgur.com/I1a572d The year is 2015 season three onwards. So Rick meets Morty in 2013(as stated in 'Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind, its been a year since Rick has been living with the Smith family, and then we can add another year by the time that episode comes on, as the show itself started in 2013. Its safe to assume the universe started there too.). This is a Rick and Morty fanfic that centers around a person residing outside the Central Finite Curve, in a reality where Rick and Morty are just a cartoon, finding themselves inside the Central Finite Curve, where Rick and Morty are real, and more common. Its about him fighting Rick's and other versions of him that are also from realities where Rick and Morty is just a cartoon. Fighting for the only chance they have at power that can rival Rick Sanchez if used right. Rhett Caan. This will be a pretty long story, and not the entire story will be just reaching the power, later on it will be messing around with the power. Waning: The amount of technical science in this story will be extremely high, like, Jason almost every other chapter will be spending the entire chapter developing one thing in extreme detail, with made up science, as authentic as I can make it sound.

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13 Chs

Chapter 12: The Mind (2)

"If we're going to store a lifetime's worth of memories, we need a lot more than traditional methods offer," Jason reasons, his eyes scanning the plethora of textbooks and papers strewn across his desk.

Jason begins by delving into the realm of quantum computing and storage, a field that promises unprecedented data density. "Quantum bits, or qubits, can hold vastly more information than their binary counterparts because of superposition. Instead of being a 0 or a 1, qubits can be both at the same time," he explains to an imaginary audience, a habit he developed to refine his thoughts.

The concept of quantum entanglement further expands the possibilities. "If we can entangle qubits, the state of one, instantly affecting the state of another no matter the distance, could redefine memory access and retrieval," he muses, sketching a basic quantum entanglement diagram.

Jason envisions a Quantum Memory Matrix (QMM) that utilizes densely packed qubits entangled across a microscopic grid. This setup would not only provide the high data density he requires but also facilitate rapid access speeds, crucial for mimicking the brain's quick recall capabilities.

To achieve this, he plans to use topological qubits, which are more stable and less prone to quantum decoherence—a common problem where qubits lose their quantum properties due to interactions with their environment.

"Topological qubits should theoretically maintain coherence longer, making them ideal for long-term memory storage," Jason notes, aligning his project with cutting-edge quantum research.

Jason sets up simulations to test the feasibility of storing data in a quantum matrix. He begins with simple digital images, converting them into quantum data and feeding them into the simulation.

The quantum behavior is modeled in a virtual environment, allowing him to tweak and refine the matrix's design before physical prototyping.

"The challenge now is miniaturization. We need to compress this technology to fit not just in a lab but within a device small enough to be practical," Jason ponders, exploring materials and methods to shrink the quantum components without losing efficiency or increasing error rates.

To tackle the miniaturization challenge, Jason explores the use of nanotechnology in creating the QMM's framework. "Using nano-fabrication techniques, we can build quantum dots that act as stable hosts for our qubits," he explains, delving into the intricate process of nano-lithography and electron beam etching.

He sketches a prototype design that integrates these quantum dots into a silicon chip, which could theoretically be integrated into existing electronic devices. 

"Man, I'm so fucking smart."


After days of relentless experimentation and numerous iterations, Jason stands in the midst of his lab, a space cluttered with the remnants of earlier prototypes—each one a stepping stone towards his ultimate goal. Today marks a significant milestone: the completion of the Quantum Memory Matrix in its most refined form, solely focusing on achieving unprecedented storage capabilities.

Jason examines the final prototype of the QMM—a sleek, compact device, no larger than a standard hard drive but with the potential to store data orders of magnitude greater than anything currently available. The surface of the device is unassuming, yet inside, a complex array of quantum dots forms the core of the quantum storage system.

"Let's see if all those tweaks paid off," Jason murmurs to himself. He connects the QMM to his diagnostic tools, a network of computers and sensors prepared to test the device under various conditions. He starts with basic functionality tests, checking for quantum coherence and stability across the qubits.

One of the critical breakthroughs in Jason's development of the QMM was perfecting the quantum dot calibration. Each dot, a nanoscale semiconductor, traps a single electron or hole to form the qubits.

Jason had discovered that by adjusting the material properties and the geometric arrangement of these dots, he could significantly enhance the coherence time—crucial for reliable long-term data storage.

"Calibrating these quantum dots was the trickiest part," he explains to an imaginary audience, helping him articulate his thoughts, checking the alignment and output on his monitors. "But it looks like we've got them stabilized to the point where quantum decoherence is minimized, even at higher temperatures than expected."

With the system stabilized, Jason proceeds to the next phase: data encoding and retrieval. He begins by uploading a complex dataset—an entire library of classical literature, converted into quantum data. The process is meticulous, as each bit of information must be translated into quantum bits, which are then manipulated into their superposition states.

As the data uploads, Jason monitors the encoding process, ensuring each qubit reaches its designated state without interference. Once the upload completes, he initiates the retrieval sequence, pulling selected works from the dataset to check for any signs of data corruption or loss.

"Let's pull up 'War and Peace,' 'Don Quixote,' and a random selection of others," he commands the system. The retrieval is swift, with the texts appearing on his screen in mere milliseconds, perfectly intact and without error.

Satisfied with the basic functionality, Jason assesses the QMM's efficiency and potential for scalability. "The energy consumption is lower than any of my previous models, and the heat dissipation is well within safe limits," he notes, pleased with the outcomes

"Now I just need to combine the two for... Cognitive Continuity".


After rigorous development and testing phases, Jason has finally achieved a milestone in his groundbreaking project—integrating the Quantum Memory Matrix (QMM) with the Synaptic Array to create a comprehensive memory management system.

This new system, which he dubs "Cognitive Continuity," is designed not only to preserve his memories but also to protect them from any form of erasure or alteration without altering his core human experiences.

In the solitude of his lab, Jason meticulously aligns the functionalities of the QMM and the Synaptic Array. The QMM serves as the ultra-compact, high-density storage unit, while the Synaptic Array, with its bio-inspired network, manages the dynamic processes of memory encoding and retrieval.

"First, we need to ensure seamless communication between these two systems," Jason murmurs, programming the interface that allows data to flow between the QMM and the Synaptic Array. He establishes a protocol that ensures data integrity and security, using advanced encryption to protect the data from external tampering.

Jason sets up a monitoring system that tracks his cognitive activity, capturing data on memory usage and formation in real-time. "This isn't just about backup; it's about understanding and preserving the continuity of my cognitive processes," he explains, adjusting the sensors connected to his neural lace, which now acts as an interface between his brain and the integrated system.

The system is configured to record everything Jason perceives—every sight, sound, and thought—storing this information in the QMM. However, crucially, this vast repository of data does not feedback directly into his brain unless he specifically requests it. This setup preserves his natural memory functions, maintaining his human essence and preventing cognitive overload.

One of the most innovative features of Cognitive Continuity is its automated memory maintenance protocol. The system constantly scans for discrepancies or gaps in Jason's natural memory.

When a potential erasure or gap is detected—perhaps a sign of external interference or natural forgetfulness—the system cross-references the stored data in the QMM.

"If there's a gap or a conflict in what I remember, the system can provide me with the missing pieces, but only when I decide to retrieve them," Jason notes, finalizing the control algorithms.

This selective retrieval ensures that Jason maintains control over his mental landscape, accessing the backup memory storage as an external resource rather than an automatic correction mechanism.

With the system complete, Jason conducts the first live test. He attempts to recall a complex series of events from the previous week, deliberately trying to remember details he knows he might have forgotten.

As expected, there are gaps—minor details that his brain didn't retain. He then queries the Cognitive Continuity system, which promptly provides the missing information.

"Sometimes my genius generates gravity. I'm starting to believe I'm smarter than Rick." Jason gloats, laughing manically to the roof of teh basement.

Of course, he knows he isn't smarter than Rick, at most he believes he could be in the top 1000 smartest beings in existence, but nowhere past that, or below that.

Which may seem like a really bad placing, but with literally sextillions of intelligent life in just his reality alone, that would make him the top 0.00000000000000010 percentile.

Still, no matter what he makes Rick would always be able to best him, well not really, Rick can quite easily be caught off guard, but the risk is far too high, hence his ultimate goal of Rhett Caan.


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Cya bitches.