

What would happen, if any boy fan of the movies of the marvel universe, wake up one day in the body of another person in a world that apparently does not know with the phantom powers of what he believed a cartoon. The marvel universe has never seen anything like it. Note: Due to poor command of English grammar, this story will have spelling mistakes. If you don't like reading in these situations, stop and get out of the story. ... ... If you keep reading this it is because you do not care about that problem, if so then welcome and enjoy

Chris_Mayo · Filem
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24 Chs

Chapter 11 - Target, Knights Templar | end |.

Disclaimer Marvel and all its characters belong to their respective creator, as well as Danny phantom.

Note: This story is taking place in a universe similar to the MCU, therefore everything that happens inside will not be the same as any official story from movies or comics. In other words, it is a new universe created by me, I feel that I should not explain this, but it seems that many do not, they still understand this fact.


Location - New York | 7:00 AM.

When the sun began to rise in the west, the first warm rays of the morning fell on the city, gently spreading the slight sliding heat that started the constant drop in the temperature level, consequently causing a soft atmospheric contrast of two opposing forces colliding the cold and the heat coexisting simultaneously in a strange balance.

Taking advantage of these moments, the small wooded animals came out of their burrows, filling the silence with a beautiful echo of all kinds of mixed noises, announcing the arrival of a new start to the week, normally people who have tight work schedules are already awake before they arrived. the time and they do not manage to enjoy the subtle changes with which they coexist from day to day, stopping for a second can lead your senses to enjoy more than you could get used to, although on the other hand others prefer nightlife depriving himself of these natural privileges.

A boyish face looked up from his desk, staring at the competing gray and crimson hemispheres of the semi-night sky.

The face slowly turned towards the portable lamp, whose small flame lazily licked the darkness of the room, letting a thin trail of smoke drift out the window into the night.

The figure he was attached to his face slowly rose from its hard sliding seat, it took his time to discern where it was, the blurry view of his room reminding him that last night he had fallen asleep on the Cilla in front of the computer. With a sigh, she slid across the hardwood floor to a nearby bed and quietly descended.

The bed creaked like a heavy skeleton as it settled under the weight of the figure. A woody voice began to echo through the house calling her name echoing complaints from the foot of the stairs. The figure's gaze shifted once more to the desk, staring at the grayish-brown surface, now illuminated only by the pale light of the sun's rays.

"Peter, it's already ten o'clock! Why aren't you awake yet ?! We have to go to the supermarket! We've already wasted a lot of time hurry up!" A feminine but woody voice rang out from downstairs.

When the voice calmed down, the sweet silence returned to the room as if something was pulling him, his body was losing all sensation demanding a well-deserved rest, when he felt that he was about to enter the world of dreams, everything was frustrated by the alarm clock on her nightstand ringing as if it were meant to be or was something premeditated. Opening his eyes in annoyance as if the noise of a glass cracking echoed throughout the room, gradually pulling his hand out from under the sheet he tried to turn off the alarm clock many times without success.

Tired of this instinctively he gave it a strong blow destroying the alarm clock with everything and the table included as if it were butter, there was nothing left of what they were before when at last everything was returning to silence his eyes were closing, but again a scream resounded from the ground floor.

"Peter what was that noise !."

The chestnut's eyes widened again, cursing everything inwardly, if he could see himself at that moment he would be scared to see himself, letting out a sleepy groan he replied: "It's nothing May, I just dropped the alarm clock by accident."

Taking a hundred on the edge of the bed he ran his hands over his face repeatedly, until he was sure to stay awake he got up stretching his arms and his body lazily "I must stop sleeping late."

Little by little, he began to walk towards the shower, grabbing his towel. During the walk, he glanced at his computer smiling.

May Parker - Pov.

Mondays are regularly the days when the market offers are in full swing. I like to take advantage of these sales days to stock your pantry, even though money is no longer lacking in the house due to Peter's work, I would never spend more just to have. Even the move-out discussion was still being processed by her I didn't want to, but on the other hand, Peter's strong arguments ended up convincing me just that it would naturally be until the arrival of the new year.

A voice took me out of my thoughts, when she looked to the side she saw her nephew go down the stairs still sleepy. It may be that this does not She had paid a lot of attention before, but lately her nephew looked different and there were no traces left of that shy, weak-looking boy who loved photography, the young man in front of her was the opposite I would swear I could tell that they were even different people.

"I'm ready Aunt May."

Nodding, she grabbed her bag and began to walk. "After shopping, we will go to have something delicious for breakfast."

Fortunately, the supermarket was not very far away, while we were walking through the streets, he looked up at her looking around, despite not living in a quiet neighborhood where there was always violence at night now while looking at the walls where there used to be large gruesome graffiti, now being painted again surprised her in a way that seemed like the neighborhood was becoming more peaceful.

"I'm glad the neighborhood is becoming more peaceful, I wonder why the sudden change?"

Peter looked at me out of the corner of his eye, smiling at the question. He raised his shoulders in complete doubt. "No idea, maybe someone is finally doing something good."

"That's good, it was a little scary to go out at night." Said.

"Well auntie, that is precisely why I proposed the idea of ​​moving to an even quieter place even in the place there are many women of your age just as beautiful as you so that they can already know how to do what they normally do. Peter said while laughing.

A slight grimace of anger appeared on my face "Are you telling me gossipy?"

Smiling nervously, Peter shook his head quickly "No, no, I meant that it is the taste of women to talk about the latest events that recently occurred between them, right?"

Laughing at that, he shook his head, the road had become very short as we spoke and we were in front of the automatic door of the supermarket as a soft blow of cold air entered our faces and the noise of murmurs from all sides as well as distinguished noise from the cash registers when opening. Looking sideways I saw Peter grab a pantry cart and start following me.

General - Pov.

I was mentally prepared for this long and grueling day of shopping, it is no secret to anyone how fussy women can get when shopping, especially if it is locked in clothes, while the older brunette was throwing things into the cart Peter directed his gaze Towards his right side, not far from his place, a group of girls dressed as schoolgirls were walking in a small group.

The uniform they wore was quite elegant giving an air of high society, they were all very pretty, elegant with creamy skin, big eyes of different colors, well-shaped bodies making the uniform look like, everyone took time to give them a look.

The brunette was able to distinguish an acquaintance among them, Cherry Osborn, the beautiful heiress of the Osborn family, despite being the youngest, is the most qualified and preferred of Norman Osborn. Harry on the other hand has nothing remarkable only the inhumane sums of money he spends on nonsense, a total waste even that who is he to criticize after all steals money from the Osborns under their noses.

Laughing at that thought, it felt good to be a genius a sudden noise brought him out of his thoughts.

"Hey, Harry hurry up!"

Speaking of the devil, Harry appeared in front of the girls wearing the same uniform but in a man's version. Peter didn't feel like seeing her stupid face so he was about to move on and stop paying attention to their conversation, but a girl's voice piqued his curiosity so giving a glance he turned to the group only for his eyes to They will broaden, right next to Harry was a girl of medium height, a slim body, a perfect figure with an hourglass waist, slightly long legs, well shaped, a pleasure to behold, the features of her face were very fine, full lips of color pink big flirtatious eyes that would make more than one swallow hard.

Peter had always wondered where this girl was, the strangest thing is that her appearance was the same as the last movie in which she appeared, next to Harry was Gwen Stacy.

Her blonde hair was cut short on one side than the other exactly like it was in the animated Miles Morales movie. That surprised the brunette greatly he always liked that hairstyle on the blonde in his opinion it made her look rougher without taking away the beauty at first he wondered how Gwen was in the same rich children's school as Harry and Cherry then he remembered that his father was the commissioner of the police force it should be enough to send his children to good schools, this was getting better and better a smile appeared in the eyes of the younger brunette when the blonde's gaze fell on him as if feeling that they were watching her It was seconds that seemed like minutes as they both looked into each other's eyes at the end Peter smiled and looked away.

Cherry realized that Gwen had been left standing behind so she moved towards her "What's wrong Gwen?"

Coming to herself, the blonde looked at her friend "It's nothing, I only saw the boy a few meters ahead, I found it curious."

"Hey?." Looking towards the place where Gwen was observing before, the beautiful honey-haired brunette smiled as she recognized the boy "Oh you mean him? His name is Peter Parker, he's the genius boy from Midtown school."

Raising an eyebrow in apparent curiosity, the blonde looked at her "Genius boy? Wait ... Midtown wasn't the school where your brother used to study?"

The youngest of the Osborn smiled in response "That's right Midtown is a middle-class school, Harry was studying there, but had to leave because he failed everything, even the subjects that were impossible to fail, the boy you saw studies in I've seen that school on a few occasions, it's quite impressive if you ask me. "

Surprised by this revelation, Gwen turned to look towards the boy's direction, seeing him talking to an older woman who I imagine was his mother, she looked back at her friend, a boy who left an impression on the princess of the Osborn undoubtedly caught her curiosity " Impressive why? What's so special about it? "

"According to his data, Peter has an IQ greater than 190, his academic level is above the university level, the reason why he does not skip the course is that the person in charge of him, which would be his aunt, asked that he will finish school like any normal boy. " When she said this she saw Gwen's eyes widen in surprise "the nickname genius boy suits her like a glove, even in our school no one has that level so I think it's impressive."

The blonde was astonished by her eyes open, certainly finding someone with that level is very rare even more so she was surprised by how well her friend was aware "Wow, I must admit that the truth is Impressive, even that it is more curious how well researched than what you have." A teasing smile played on the girl's pretty pink lips.

Laughing softly in response the princess of the Osborn replied in response "I am investigating what makes me curious, it is only that."

"That is somewhat disturbing if you ask me." Gwen giggled slightly at the flushed face her friend was putting on. "You seem to do a lot of research lately, like that ghost boy rumor that gets mentioned a lot lately."

Cherry's eyes glowed brightly at the mention of the ghost boy. "Of course, I've never stopped looking for him I have several personal investigators tracking him night and day."

The blonde's eyes flickered in surprise, almost with huge beads of sweat falling down the back of her neck. While on the other side several meters from them near some shelves of canned food Peter almost dropped a package from his hands, despite being far away he was still attentive to the conversation, even more, when his alter ego was mentioned.

(Oh great, the crazy one likes me.)

He thought quickly as he chuckled, amused by the thought of investigators pulling out his hair in frustration.

"That's something strong, have you got something at least?" Gwen asked.

The burning look on Cherry's face faded, denying sadly repeatedly "Nothing, it's as if he leaves no trace or there is only evidence that he leaves behind can be found."

Smiling in support, Gwen replied to her friend "Well I guess the name of ghost is not for decoration, don't you think?"

Before she could answer, the voices of her friends caught the attention of the two girls, ending this conversation, they joined the others.

Returning with the brunette he finished arranging things in the cart he was interested in the fact that Gwen and Cherry are friends, maybe the spider woman is one of the two of them, even though being honest he would prefer it to be Gwen Stacy, maybe because he liked her the character, but that was not the important thing here, forgetting the subject he also focused on his plans for tonight, the final blow for the Knights Templar clan, apparently the leader was mobilizing the entire combat force to his mansion as a guard. Thought to disappear for a time to prevent his rivals from taking any opportunity to attack him while he is weak, he can always get back up while he is alive.

It is an intelligent way of thinking, I knew that I had no way to kill the ghost, heck I did not even know what it was like or if it is a threat that you cannot fight, understand, or see is a lost war, preventing more disaster decided to get away from the city with all his assets, a good plan in his eyes at least for Peter is like a corral of fat sheep together waiting to be devoured, with that he saved himself the trouble of attacking one by one the pillars of The clan they don't expect an attack so soon.

A strong smile appeared on Peter's face, even if now it seemed that he was doing nothing when in reality he was herding the sheep to the slaughter without their knowing it, in hindsight, it was like a cook waiting for the meat to be just right. perfect to eat.

The morning passed normally after finishing shopping with May they went to eat still a good restaurant.

As was customary they received extra food for free, rather his aunt received it, but it ended up being eaten by him, apart from that and the constant questioning about whether he had someone he liked from May there was nothing new.

The afternoon began to descend on the sky, his routine in the dojo also happened normally, well as far as possible, since the sensei colleen almost went back when Peter gave him an envelope in which came the contract of sale of the whole building, in a nutshell, he was now the owner of the building, and the dojo could be left without rent worries, an opportunity for him to improve as a team.

Colleen was so happy that she could not measure herself and hugged the brunette tightly, it was several minutes like that until she realized that Peter already had her on top of him, holding on to his waist with his legs while he hugged her waist with his arms, I look at the brunette's face only to see him raise his eyebrows at the same time in a foolish attempt to look handsome.

Causing a laugh from the black-haired woman, and a hit on the shoulder, after that they only talked for a while until Peter said goodbye.

When he came out of the dojo darkness was almost falling over the city, and that only meant one thing it was time to start.

Adjusting her hood, and a new acquisition that she bought a few days ago was a complete mask that covered from her nose to her chin in black with the drawing of a skull on it, when the classic Halo of light was transformed, it appeared with. He had gotten very strong he knew, but he was still far from being able to compete against the crazy bastard Thanos.

When he finished his transformation, the clothes he was wearing were tubed sports pants which took on a strange ghostly appearance, as if the clothes were ripped from the back and sides making her look black as strong as night, contrasting his tennis shoes that took the Metallic white color the heads of these floated against gravity making them a quite striking detail, their upper part consisted of the inner shirt, a glued jacket that seemed to disappear and appear constantly, next to the hood which floated giving a view similar to a shadow which had a life of its own, at the top her hair turned metallic white as she gently fluttered through the air the mask on her face seemed to disappear leaving only the cadaverous drawing of the lower part of a face.

Combining with his they gave him a very incredible appearance not to mention his deep green sparkling eyes that echoed in the darkness of the night, anyone who managed to see him from the front would lose all strength in his legs urinating on the spot.

Without further delay, it took flight into the sky.

Location - Knights Templar Leader's Personal Mansion.

Inside a luxurious old-fashioned mansion, several clan elders were in a meeting with the leader, the fervent conversation filled with anger and frustration. When in the entire history of the clan they had been forced up to this point to lower their heads and run like dogs, despite all the explanations on the part of the leader the bitter feeling in their hearts could not disappear so easily.

"We have to fight! The Knights Templar clan will never fear anything if we lower our heads and withdraw we will lose all credibility we will stain the names of our ancestors!" An old man sitting on the far right struck the table hard.

Several nodded to his answer, but others shook their heads, the decision was divided into two equal parts. Those who thought ahead and those who would never do something as shameful as escape was raised old-fashioned and nothing could change their minds.

"Rushing only leads to the bottle, we do not know what to face, what to do, or how to stop it, we are blind, the most sensible thing is to think ahead for the welfare of the clan, power is useless when you are dead. Another old argument to the conversation.

Nodding another added "That's right, only a fool runs to attack to someone with their bare hands when the opponent could have a whole hidden Arsenal. "

Frowning in annoyance, he replied, "THEY ARE JUST A FEW COWARDS !."

After that comment, a discussion was set up among everyone, each one giving their opinion on the other hand. Ah Zualim looked at everything seriously when he hit the table I easily ended the discussion, he looked at everyone and said "All your suggestions are feasible, but because of recent events, being more sensible is the best way, however. Taking into account the long legacy that is demonstrated behind, we will stay a few more days to try to find something with which to have means to deal with this ghost, if we do not find anything in a week we will be leaving New York. "

He finished his final order, even though he did not leave everyone satisfied, the leader's final words were a law that they could not refute. At least they still had time without a doubt they were determined to find something against the damn ghost that haunted them.

They were about to leave the meeting room, when the sudden sound of screams echoed throughout the place, everyone was static for a few seconds, until another noise this time from the weapons, began to sound without stopping. Getting up right away ah zualim ran to the patio balcony, they had to climb the stairs, since they were on an underground floor, when he reached the main room the noises became clearer someone was attacking his mansion, the names of the other clans arrived at his mind like a flash, being followed by the elders all reached the upper floor upon opening the door the sight of a security member hiding in a corner as he trembled abruptly holding his chest tightly, his skin was white as the paper and under it a pool of urine spread on the floor, everyone was surprised at the sight of what was a strong and arrogant chief guard always showing efficiency now in a more deplorable state of the word.

A very bad feeling arose in everyone's heart as if something heavy were attacking them, by sheer inertia they advanced towards the roof when they arrived they were received by a scene that would be kept forever in their memory, the entire huge courtyard of the mansion was full of bodies every inch of grass-stained with blood and bodies bent in such an irregular shape that it gave chills just to see them, even though they weren't all dead, definitely if they lived serious enough in a hospital for their whole life, this one made sure to leave only unconscious several because he had a plan for them.

The color in the body of the elders changed even ash white, when their gaze fell to the person in the middle of it all, they could finally see it the imposing figure in front of them was held by the head two men whose state of health was impossible to know, this one as if he felt their presence, the phantasmagoric figure looked at them raising his face, the penetrating eyes made contact with everyone on the roof, it was at that moment that everyone knew it within their old hearts, everything was clear, they never had a chance, his old legs lost their strength falling to his knees to the ground, Ah zualim had his face shaded, the bullets, the explosions, they could not harm the monster in front of him, was there something that could do it? Even though he tried to control his fear, his body couldn't hide the trembling.

He quickly turned around to try to escape and nothing mattered to him if he could survive if only he could, he would have the opportunity to look for more ways to get revenge, to return to the level he had, even to reach the top this time, he had to survive no matter that, the breathing of his body became heavy every breath of cold air that entered his lungs made him feel terrible pain, the sweat of his body began to flow like a runaway stream.

His heart almost stopped when he heard the screams of terror from the elders he left behind, he could feel the strangely oppressive sensation on his neck, as if a sharp scythe was ready to slice him open.

When he reached the garage he saw his favorite car at the end, it was almost at the end only a few more meters and he could escape, the clear anxiety mixed with desire was reflected in his pale face.

Unfortunately for him, Peter had no plans to let him escape and that he could retaliate later, just when ah zualim was about to arrive he was taken by the neck being lifted from the ground he felt like the sensitive joints that lodge in the neck began to thunder an after another like a chain, he tried to speak for mercy, but his voice froze at the cold green eyes.

"Were you going to ask for mercy?"

The environment inside the garage began to feel heavy, the car collections began to produce noises as Peter's gaze grew more and more furious.

" Do you think you have that right? Do you think you even deserve mercy ?! "The ground under his feet began to shake as if a slight tremor was making the earth move" From now on, you will live prostrate in a bed rotting slowly you will not be able to move you will not be able to speak for the rest of your life you will live in despair, you will have nightmares about this moment every night, you will see my face every time you close your eyes, death will be your only way out, but even that It will be denied to you and when you are broken, rotting in your shit then! and only then! If you want mercy, YOU WILL HAVE TO ASK FOR IT TO ALL THE INNOCENT PEOPLE WHO DIED UNDER YOUR HANDS, TO ALL THOSE CHILDREN THAT YOU KILLED WITHOUT MERCY FOR EVERY DAMN DAY OF YOUR MISERABLE LIFE. YOU WILL ASK THEM FOR MERCY !. "

The powerful tone of his voice echoed through the walls, cracking them as the aura in his body grew crushing everything in its path like dust, the ceiling, the walls, the cars, the floor all collapsed in a sonorous explosion the furious look on his face From the chestnut tree caused tears of terror to the one who considered himself the leader of a powerful clan beyond despair, he could only see the boy's deformed face in anger listening to the words that broke his soul, still carrying him a cycle of intense torture which would be his eternal punishment.


A fun fact is that Danny's ghostly powers would be incredibly op in the Marvel universe. Since there is no easy way to counteract it even less before the superheroes appeared, for normal people it is impossible to stop it and even those who have skills could not make it that easy, of all those who happen to me Thanos with the gauntlet would

What Peter is doing is what would happen, if a transmigrate would appear in Marvel. I would not even have to make plans just by going directly could end everyone, something that I will make clear is that I am not going to nerf the character for the sake of the plot or anything like that.

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