

"You can't just take random kids Santiago!" screamed a black man with long dreadlocks at the taller man who didn't seem to have a care in the world as he sat on the dirty couch lighting a blunt as I pretended to be sleep because of the unknown house that I was in. I could hear the man get up and walk towards the guy with dreadlocks.

"I'm telling you Rell, He would be a good investment." Santiago said while passing the blunt to Rell who was distraught on how much the man lacked remorse for taking a child from his family, If Rell didn't know his best friend more he would think he lost his mind more than he usually had but brushing that aside for a second he took the blunt and hit it.

"This kid, He's like me. I seen him murder a man with a smile on his face. He is a worthy successor to my business." said Santiago in his accented voice with a slight smile no doubt thinking of me with his creepy ass. I peeped open my eyes to look around at the rundown house that I was in, It kind of reminded me of one of my stash houses from when I first started selling drugs.

Assuming that this house was like one of my stash houses I slowly moved my hand between the couch tryna to feel for a gun while the two men were occupied in their conversation, not long after I put my hand between the couch did I feel something cold and heavy but before I could grab it and aim it at the two men I heard Santiago's voice come from right beside me.

"See he's already reaching for a gun," Santiago said with a chuckle at my attempt to grab the gun between the couch, Rell looked at me with suprise in which I responded with a middle finger which caused a hearty laugh out both of the men. If I didn't know any better I would see this scene as very heartfelt if not for that fact one of the men here took me from my family.

"How old are you kid? What's your name?" Rell asked the boy after calming his laughter down. He sat next to me and presented a caring and compassionate aura but if his friend was capable of kidnapping a child and having guns in this house then he was also capable of putting an end to my young life too, seeing my situation there was no doubt jn my mind on what I was gonna do next.

I pushed my little body off the couch and made a run for it, as far as my little legs could take me. I turned to look back at the men who were surprised by how fast my little legs ran but soon almost caught up to me, turning to look back at the cracked open door which was my goal I tried to push my little legs as hard as I could to hurry up and reach it as I dived towards the door.


My head was ringing, I touched my nose feeling the red liquid pouring from my nose, I thought I made it to the door, I don't know what happened. Getting up off the dirty carpeted floor I looked around me while holding my sleeve to my nose in hopes of stopping the blood from flowing more freely.

"Demonio Loco!" Santiago hissed at me picking me up and carrying me to the kitchen and sitting me on the counter followed by Rell who grabbed some tissue handing it to Santiago. The man who kidnapped me took some tissues rolled them up and roughly stuck them inside of my small nose.

"Now, What made you think of doing a dive at the door loco?" Santiago said delivering a smack to my head like a disapproving father, I rubbed the back of my head after feeling the sting of the man's slap who looked at me like I had mental issues which I definitely did.

"Shut up bitch." I said with my squeaky voice to the man with venom in my tone which caused him to deliver another smack to the back of my head. Rell laughed at the scene for him it was like seeing his brother come face to face with a minature version of him.

"Shut up." Santiago snapped at Rell who was trying his best to calm his laughter down but couldn't after seeing the angry face of Santiago who looked like an angry Chihuahua in his eyes, well in both our eyes as I cracked a smile at the face of my kidnapper as well.

"My name is Ricky Gallagher and I'm two." I announced to the two men who were caught of guard.

"Well, Ricky. I took you now you are my son." Santiago announced with a proud look on his face, me and Vell looked at the idiot with an 'what a dumbass' look and pretended like he did not say that.

"As your new father Ricky, I feel it is right that I teach you how to make money quick and easy-ish." Santiago said opening the kitchen drawer and pulling out some googles and two beakers.

"You need to learn how to make amazing meth." his accented voice told me with excitement in his voice like making meth was a common thing to do, In my past life I didn't know how to make meth, but every other drug was a breeze for me to make.

Almost immediately Rell started to insult him for offering to teach a two year old how to cook meth, staring at the two funny men in front of me I knew that living here would be funner than living with the Gallaghers which I would be eventually returning to.

'This is gonna be fun.'