
Ricky Gallagher

'What The Fuck.'

'I said I loved shameless not that I wanted to be reborn in it, oh well I guess a win is a win.' I thought to myself while being held by the addict that goes by the name of Monica as she rocked me in the tub surrounded by my newly acquired family. A younger version of Fiona was in the bathroom who looked to be around 4 years old crying at all the blood around her mother but there was one notable person missing from the bathroom, my new father, the drunk, Frank Gallagher.

"Ricky Gallagher." she said while looking down at me with adoration that didn't last for long, as Frank burst in the bathroom with a empty beer bottle in his hand and smiled at the scene in the bathroom, Fiona's face dropped a little bit at the sight of the beer bottle in her father's hand, though her little mind didn't understand much it didn't take her long to understand that whenever her father had that bottle in his had she wouldn't be getting the treatment that most regular daughters wanted from their fathers.

"Ah, A new Gallagher. You know Moni, It's always a beautiful day in this house whenever a new Gallagher is born." Frank said in his slurred speech while leaning on the bathroom door, Monica handed my newborn self to the young Fiona and started running the water in the tub in attempts to get all the blood out. While Monica was doing that Fiona had no idea what she was doing, she had no idea how to coddle a crying new born but she would soon get used to it.

Though I was grateful for my new life, I knew it was gonna be hard to grow up all over again and being a Gallagher wasn't gonna be easy, the only thing that was running through my mind was cursing the fallen angel that sent me into shameless instead of giving me an easier life.


Over the years in the Gallagher house there was tough times but none as tough as this, We were walking in the freezing cold in the dark streets of Chicago our little bodies freezing and shuffling in the snow because of Frank. These years growing up made me despise the man more and more, but me being a child right now I couldn't really do much to hurt the man.

Me and Lip held each other's hand while walking behind Fiona on our journey to the hospital for the baby Ian and the sick Lip to the local hospital, although she was just 6 years old Fiona took care of us like she was our mother. While Monica and Frank were running around doing any drugs they could lay their grimy hands on Fiona was the one helping raise us.

"Aye girl come here," whistled a crackhead while staring at Fiona with a dirty gleem, but Fiona kept walking and ignored the crackhead that didn't seem to take kindly to that as he walked to us and grabbed Fiona little wrists and pulled her towards the alley that he came out of.

Fiona screamed while being pulled by the cracked head. I grabbed the stroller with Ian in it pushing it one hand and holding Lips hand in the other as I followed after them, I saw the man as he had my sister on the ground while on top on her, hurriedly rushing to let go of Lip's little hand and grabbing the broken bottle by the dumpster before the child predator could finsh having his way with my sister, I snuck behind him and tried to my best ability to stab him in the neck with my little strength.

Luckily it worked and the crackhead got off of Fiona feeling himself losing blood from his neck, he got up stumbling to grab ahold of something feeling himself losing the grip of life, I laughed while making my way to the man who was on his way to hell and stabbed him a couple of more times in the wound that caused him to lose his life.

After finishing my job I dropped the bottle and helped Fiona up ignoring the fear in her eyes, I hugged her with all my little might. Though I wasn't here for long this girl has taken care of me and my little brother's as well as she could and I was thankful for that.

"Thank you sis." I said but before she could respond a man entered the alley and looked at the dead body of the crack head then turned to look at my bloody self with a smile, a smile that alerted me that I was in danger, I was now in the presence of someone who was equally as crazy as me. Immediately I ran grabbing Fiona and leading her to the freezing traumatized Lip and the crying Ian.

"Fiona you have to go and take them to the hospital." I told her with seriousness unlike a two year old.

"No you are coming with me." said Fiona in a shaky voice from her fear of almost getting assaulted and the cold.

Before I could respond to my sister, The man who was in the alley grabbed my little body placing a cloth over my nose and mouth making me inhale the chemical that was on the cloth, the last thing I seen before being knocked unconscious was my little brother and my older sister crying and calling out my name.