
Revival Of The Dead Heart

Shane Smith, a depressed woman who still cannot move on from her fiancé who died. After two years, Andrei Williams came to give the shot of making her heart beat once again. Will the resuscitation succeed?

anxiouschip · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Part 4


May and I sat in the two vacant chairs opposite them.

"So, Shane, how are you? It has been two years since—"

"Oh, shut up," I cut off what Zy was saying. I do not know, but I do not want to hear anything about what happened then. "I want to forget what happened, only for now."

"Here is your wine, Sir and Ma'am." I turned to the waiter holding the tray. He placed on the table four shot glasses and a large bottle of wine.

Yeah, wine. I wish it could help me to forget everything that happened two years ago.

After the waiter opened the wine, I quickly grabbed it and pour it into my glass. I drank it straight away. I closed my eyes tightly as the liquid drew in my throat.

"Whoa. Take it easy, Shane. You would not run out," Ben joked, laughing softly.

I put the glass on the table and gave them a bad look. "Please. I want to forget everything," I said as I smiled bitterly.

"All right, but take it easy," Zy said. He put wine in my glass. "Here." He handed it to me and I quickly drank it.

Two hours had passed but I just kept on drinking. I did not care how many bottles I had.

I am getting dizzy. My head hurts! What is that? Am I drunk?

"That is enough, Shane. Let us go home," May told me.

I refused. "I do not want to. Go home if you want."


Shane already has three bottles of wine. Gosh, I would not have forced her to go. I have been forcing her to go home since earlier.

"Shane, let us go home. Come on."

"One more!" she shouted and giggled.

Did not she hear me? How annoying!

Zy would have put more wine in her glass but I snatched the bottle. "Why?" he asked innocently.

I raised a brow. "Seriously? Are you asking that? Cannot you see? She is already drunk! She is already drunk so enough."

My gaze shifted to Ben as he got up from his seat. "Where are you going?"

"Dance," he replied while smiling mischievously.

I gave him sharps stares. "Oh my gosh! Are you going to leave us here? Gosh, look at Shane. We cannot stop her from drinking but here you are, going to have fun?"

"This is a party. Everyone is supposed to enjoy this night," he defended.

"What a—"

"Let him be. Worry not, I am here," Zy assured.

"Are you serious? Are you going to let this idiot enjoy while we are having trouble?"

"Ahem. Sir Morris will take care of it. Thanks, Bro." The two winked at each other.

I glared at Ben before he finally walked away from our table. I just sighed.

I turned my gaze to Zy who I caught staring at Shane.

"May, give me that wine!" Shane forcefully grabbed the bottle I was holding. Her movements were different. She was really drunk.

"Shane, stop. Please. You are drunk now."

She stopped and looked at me. Suddenly, sadness filled her eyes. I feel sorry for my friend. Loneliness always envelopes her.