
Revival Of The Dead Heart

Shane Smith, a depressed woman who still cannot move on from her fiancé who died. After two years, Andrei Williams came to give the shot of making her heart beat once again. Will the resuscitation succeed?

anxiouschip · Urban
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21 Chs

Part 3


This is more comfortable for me to wear than the very short dress May and I bought earlier. I am wearing a purple long-sleeved, buttoned-down shirt, jeans, and cream flat shoes. It is better to be over-wrapped than over-revealing. Yuck!

She is taking too much time. I told her to come here to the house and we would ride in my car. It is now eight o'clock in the evening!

I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

"Who is that?" I asked.

"Miss Shane, Miss May is already here."

"Okay, I am coming out."

I grabbed the shoulder bag and walked toward the living room. I found her sitting on the sofa. She was wearing a blue knee-length dress and silver sandals.

She stood up in her seat and looked at me intently as if she saw a very horrible creature. "God, Shane! You are so wrapped up. It seems not enough to wrap yourself in a wrapper. You have beaten a sweetened wrapped banana."

I glared at her. What is wrong with my clothes? "So? Here is what I want and besides, it is so cold."

She rolled her eyes, not pleased. "My gosh! You did not dress like that before, ah. When—"

"You better shut up," I interrupted. She immediately understood what I meant so she did not speak again. I felt sorry for her. I did not mean to get harsh on her. What I blurted out was because of impulse. I am still sensitive when he is mentioned.

We walked to the garage and got in the car. I drove towards the location where the bar was.

"We are here."

I parked my white car on the side of the road near the bar and we quietly get off.

"Let us go," my companion said happily once slapping my right arm. Too much strength.

I am thankful because she did not open up about my mean attitude. However, there is a part of me . . . I want us to talk about that so I can apologize. I want to open it up but just like each time that a similar thing happens, I cannot pull myself to do it. I feel like someone is pulling me to just shut up and let it happen.

May walked first before I followed. I left my shoulder bag inside the car but I took my key and phone, just in case someone contacts me.

When we entered the glass door of the bar, we were greeted by a large crowd and noisy surroundings.

"Come on." May pulled my right arm. I did nothing but follow. She went here before but not me.

"Where are we going? Huh?"

She did not answer.

I noticed a table not far from where we were. Two familiar men were sitting there. Wait, those are Ben and Zy – Charles' friends.

"Hey!" they greeted us.

"Hi!" I tried to smile at them and they smiled back. The only difference is theirs are genuine, but mine is just forced. At that time, I was not sure if seeing them again was good for my healing.