
Revival Of The Dead Heart

Shane Smith, a depressed woman who still cannot move on from her fiancé who died. After two years, Andrei Williams came to give the shot of making her heart beat once again. Will the resuscitation succeed?

anxiouschip · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Part 11


Was it my fault why he became sad?

"U-um . . . the girl thing . . . that was just a joke, okay? Do not take it to heart," I said with a laugh. Yes. I will do everything for me not to be guilty.

He came closer to me, making me nervous. I thought, he was going to scold me because of his very serious face but he just patted my head and messed up my hair.

"My hair," I complained. I glared at him. I even had a hard time combing it earlier but then he just messed it up? Every strand would get tangled and would possibly fall out if I combed again.

I slapped away his hand resting on my head. He took a small step back but his sight was still on me.

I sighed and closed my eyes tightly. "Why are you here?" I asked, diverting the topic.

"Nothing. Is it forbidden?"

"No. I just asked. Can I not ask? Besides, why did you take my phone number from May?"

He smirked again. I hope you get wrinkles with your smile! "Nothing. Is it forbidden?" Different questions, same answer. Great. Brilliant.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Of course, it is private," I said seriously.

"Yeah. Private. For your friends only," he added.

Unconsciously, I raised an eyebrow again. "You already know. So, why did you get it?"

"Because I am your friend too."

"Sorry, okay? As far as I can remember, I am not your friend."

Instead of being ashamed of what I told him, he smiled. Gosh! Is he not tired of smiling? I am tired of seeing it.

"Okay. Miss Shane Smith, I am Mister Andrei Williams. Will you be my friend?" He held out his right hand in front of me.

I raised an eyebrow at him for the nth time. Oh, so formal, huh?

I looked at him again from head to toe. There is nothing wrong with me making friends with him. "Okay, fine, Mister Williams." I held out my hand and shook hands with him.

"Now, we are friends."

"Fine, Sir."

"Hi! Let us play." A boy approached me. Surprisingly, his face was blurry.


Only one thing was clear to me – we were playing catch in a park . . . familiar park. After we played, we sat on a bench while drenched in our sweat.

"It is tiring," said my companion.

"Yes, it is," I agreed while panting.

"I have a question. What do you want to be when you grow up?"

I answered mindlessly, "I do not know."

"Is that so?" I nodded. "If I am asked, I want to be a doctor."

"Nice. Why do you want to be a doctor?"

"I want to cure my dad." His tone of voice became sad.

"Why? What happened?"

"He has cancer."

Gradually, the surroundings changed. Now, I was outside a green gate.

"You are a liar!"

"Do not take my daughter with you! If you are leaving, leave alone!"

"You do not deserve to be a father to her. You are a bad influence!"

I could hear Dad and Mom shouting. They were fighting again.

Mom was holding my right hand and carrying a black suitcase on the other side. I did not know but tears flowed from my eyes.

"Mom, Dad, that is enough!" They were shocked by what I said and both looked at me. "P-please."