
Reversed Love

“In everyone's eyes, I'm mostly a tool.” Or so she thought. Andrea Soliace, who had been used her entire life by her family, Her Fiancé and Her Fiancé's lover. Getting broken up with in such a major event in her life left her feeling stabbed in the back and betrayed. Adding more damage to her already tainted reputation. Damon Gracia, The current CEO of the “” entertainment after his father's adamancy in the hospital, he gets a major drop in his company's finances as a possible hit from another company hoping to bring his family's business down. Leaving him frustrated, depressed and in need of a miracle. Coincidentally, two broken souls meet fatefully under the worst circumstances possible. How funny could that be? ———————————————————— Credits to the original artist of the cover. Ps/I edited the cover. THIS NOVEL IS BEING HEAVILY EDITED!

Selina_46 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs

In your face! 2

"Bumping into someone..?"


Ah, yes. When I was Nineteen..


"Oh, I'm sorry!" I apologized as a young man bumped into me while he was making his way out. We looked at eachother for a split second..I was taken aback by his handsomeness and his cold, rare steel grey eyes. My eyes enlarged slightly before I heard him clicking his tongue, leaving the scene quickly. "What's wrong with that guy!? His good looks are such a waste on him!" I puffed my cheeks and stomped my feet in a childish manner.


"That rude ass was you?!" I immediately slapped my hand to my mouth after the words slipped from my lips, seeing Damon's unamused expression. "I'll gladly take the compliment, I suppose.." He sighed helplessly. "...What about the-"

"Come on, Andrea. You tag them in every single post you have."

Do I...?

Why can't I remember doing that..

"I see.."

His fingers wrapped around my chin, tilting my head up to him as he looked deeply into my eyes. "Let's leave, Andrea..Just me and you." He said, Brushing my hair and putting it behind my ear.. "...Okay." I replied, a soft smile played on my lips.

. . .



Can't they leave me the fuck alone for once?!

I thought as I stopped in my tracks, I agreed to leave with Damon but separately, He was surrounded with a group of former CEOs as well as other artists. That's when my parents called me as I was trying to leave. "What now." I sighed as I slowly turned to them, looking at them coldly. "Andrea...you look.." Evan tried to talk but I interrupted him as I said: "Beautiful? Pretty? Hot? Absolute shit? Thank you, now if you'll excuse me." I said as I turned on my heels, giving my back to them. I cut the conversation short. There was no way in hell would I let them talk to me at this point. "Andrea Lian, Stop right there!" Ann shouted.

I stopped in my tracks.

I could feel it.

What the fuck was that woman doing, Shouting in the center of the venue and gathering attention..?

Can't have her daughter's attention so she chose to draw other's?

('Pathetic.') I thought before I continued walking, clicking my heels with a cold face. Not giving My what so called mother what she wanted most.

MY attention and respect.

"Didn't I tell you to stop?! STOP THERE. ANDREA!"

"Ann, that's enough-"

"Shut up!!"

I ignored her, I knew that people were looking at me. Watching my 'Happy loving Family'.

I was at the red carpet now, surprising the reporters and paparazzi as I walked Infront of them. "Oh my god.. That's Andrea Lian...!!" "When did she get this beautiful..?" "TAKE A PIC! TAKE A PIC!!!"

I was used to the flashlights, it has been a while since I was Infront of them, though. I was hit with a question after question as I kept my cool. I was about to speak as if nothing happened until I caught someone approaching me from the corner of my eyes.



What the fuck?

"Leave, Right this instance!" He shouted at me, Infront of all these reporters as he held my shoulder.

How funny, the touch that used to send billions of butterflies flying in my stomach now makes me feel disgusted.

On a serious note..though..


"What do you think you're doing, Collins?" I said in a fit of anger, although my voice was calm when I yanked my arm from his grip. "I told you to Stop, NOW!"

"And who do you think you are?" I asked, my eyes narrowing at him. "Don't test my patience, stop it! I don't know how did you do this, But stop coming after me and Rosie! or else.." He said.


Let alone the confusion of the reporters, I myself was confused.


('Ah, Reporters. You sneaky loser..') I chuckled inwardly. I looked straight into his eyes. ('You wanna show him who's the boss? Fine.')

I will show them.

"Or else what, Mister Collins? Oh my! will you go on and kick me from the party where I'm invited as a special guest?!" I said. Taking him aback by surprise. Making the reports gasp as well.

"Oh my gosh Andrea is one of the special guests??!"

"She deserves to be one, she's amazing! and I think she cleared the misunderstandings in her last live.."

"I totally agree!"

"You know I can, Andrea. That's for scaring the person I love the most!" He defended, taking a step to me. I saw Rosie running from the back. Then it dawned me.

This man is selfish, He never thought about anyone's feelings. He always thought about himself as far as I've seen it.

"Cameron. Collins." I spat his name in so much hatred. As if I was warning him from getting close to me. I took a step back.

"I Apologize for my actions, I was blind enough to run after you—.." I paused.

A moment of silence came over as everyone stood there. I could tell why, They never expected me to apologize. I was a villainess, wasn't I?

"—as I couldn't see how much of AN ASSHOLE YOU ARE!" I lost it. The next thing I knew is that my hand had landed on Cameron's face in a harsh slap. I didn't even realise what happened as I snapped into his face as I continued on. I let everything spill out.

"My apologies for making an effort, my apologies for trying to make you happy, my apologies for pushing myself, my apologies for reading YOUR signs wrong, my apologies for losing 4 precious years of my youth for you, my apologies for thinking I could make you love me, my apologies for letting all the hard work I've put in my career go to waste, I'm sorry." I said before I chuckled. Maybe everyone thought I was crazy because this was no situation to laugh in. "I'm sorry, To myself. Because you know something, Mister Collins?" I said, lowering my voice with a cold smile as I held Cameron by his collar while he was still recovering from the fact that I slapped him. "You. And Your little Williams girlie can go and fuck yourselves in depths of hell for all I care." I said as I stared deeply into his shocked eyes. I made my voice loud enough for the reporters to hear. Maybe even more, Their microphones. My motive exactly.

I let go of Cameron's collar before he could even react as I flipped my hair and turned to leave. "I, Andrea Lian, Declare my outmost hate for the young and talented CEO of G.L.D.N Entertainment, Cameron Collins. I reject his feelings wether they're love, hate, contempt or whatsoever. As I refuse to acknowledge his existence. And if you think you're strong, Collins, then I must tell you that there's someone who's stronger than you. You're the second, not the first. Mister Collins." I said without looking back as I made my way to my Tesla, Opening the driver's seat Infront of everyone before I left.

. . .

Ring, ring♪

"What now?" I answered my phone without even checking the caller's ID as I drove to the restaurant.. "You did well, Princess." When I heard his voice, my heart skipped a beat. I checked who's the caller before a long sigh escaped my lips. "I'm sorry, I wasn't having it.." i said, my voice not above a whisper as I apologized. "Don't apologize, I understand. I saw it all just now." He replied. "What you did was great. I'm proud of you." He added.


"You're proud of me..?"

"Of course I am, How can't I be? You faced them alone, you shone on the stage, you even slapped him. How can I not be proud of my princess charming?"

My heart..

Is someone cutting onions in the car? Because I could feel my eyes stinging with tears. "..Thank you.."

"...Andrea? Are you crying?"

"I'm not." I lied, my voice cracking as a lone tear ran down my cheek. Followed by a stream of salty drops a few moments later.

"I'll be there in ten minutes, wait for me..Don't cry please..for me?" I heard him say, I nodded as if he was Infront of me and tried to control my tears. "Okay.."

. . .

"Just ten minutes. You'll find me Infront of you immediately." I reassured her before i ended the call as I watched the drama unfolding in the entrance of the venue, The bastard with his little girlfriend being poured with questions. ('That's for trying to steal what's mine.') I felt the corner of my lips hooking up, drawing a smirk on my face before I left the venue secretly from the back exit, leaving Everything in Lawrence's hand.

. . .

"Boss? How did your meeting g-"

"Did Andrea Lian come here?" The young man asked, crossing his legs as he scrolled through his iPad in the back seat of his Lamborghini. "Huh? Andrea Lian? As in the model?..." The assistant asked as he started the engine. "Is there any other Andrea Lian in the firm that I don't know or something?" The young man asked coldly. He was totally not having it today. "Uh..I..I think so? if I remember correctly, I've seen her latest story on IG...She was doing a make-up tutorial for first dates. Before you came out I've seen her updating once again with a picture of this restaurant.." The assistant replied, stuttering a bit as he started to drive. The young man, once again, clicked his tongue as he threw the iPad on the seat beside him, looking outside the window with his arms crossed and brows furrowed. "Boss..if..you don't mind me asking..."

"Spit it out."

"Why are you so curious about that young model?" The assistant asked hesitantly. ".. She's talented. I was planning on having her under Bloss." The young man replied curtly. "Seems like someone else has beat me to it." The young man clenched his fists. "...Boss, it's just a date! it has nothing to do with professional matters whatsoever, the person she's meeting probably only has a romantic relationship with her-"

"Lawrence, I swear on my father's grave if you don't shut up I'll shut you up myself!"

"Y-yes boss!!"

Please do tell me if you prefer 1st person perspective or 3rd. :D

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