
Reversed Love

“In everyone's eyes, I'm mostly a tool.” Or so she thought. Andrea Soliace, who had been used her entire life by her family, Her Fiancé and Her Fiancé's lover. Getting broken up with in such a major event in her life left her feeling stabbed in the back and betrayed. Adding more damage to her already tainted reputation. Damon Gracia, The current CEO of the “” entertainment after his father's adamancy in the hospital, he gets a major drop in his company's finances as a possible hit from another company hoping to bring his family's business down. Leaving him frustrated, depressed and in need of a miracle. Coincidentally, two broken souls meet fatefully under the worst circumstances possible. How funny could that be? ———————————————————— Credits to the original artist of the cover. Ps/I edited the cover. THIS NOVEL IS BEING HEAVILY EDITED!

Selina_46 · Urban
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28 Chs

In your face! 3

"You really were great." He said again, he has been saying that for the past ten minutes and everytime he did I was fighting back tears. "Princess, I couldn't have done this without you." He added before he took my hand in his, placing a kiss on the back of my hand. "God dammit, you're so cheesy.." I mumbled as I quickly withdrew my hand, I looked away as fast as I can. My cheeks were burning slightly, but my eyes were stinging. I was never this much appreciated. I was never once told I mattered or that I was good enough from the people who 'Should've' supported me.

A tool that wasn't appreciated.

"Only for you."

"Shut up for once oh my goodness!"

. . .

"Everytime I remember the priceless look on Cameron's face I can't help but feel myself smiling. He looked so.. funny." He said as we were walking in the corridor towards the exit, I couldn't help but chuckle. It was indeed priceless.

He took my car keys before he turned to leave.

"I'll get your car, wait for me here. Okay?" He said as his hand messed my cropped, black hair. He gave me a fond smile before he left. I watched his back and my lips curled up into a happy smile, my eyes squinted slightly. I pulled my phone and scrolled through my social media as I waited.

That man definitely was having his way into the walls of my and I wasn't even fighting him. I didn't feel like I needed to. it doesn't make sense, how fast Damon liked me and how quick we got into a relationship although we know almost nothing about eachother...Well, rather, I knew nothing much about him, expect what everyone knows. On the other hand, he knows about all my drama. He understood my side of the story. He was the only person who understood the pain I went through.

Him, only him.

My...my lov-

"Andrea. Lian."

That annoying voice..coming from a distance..

I can't take any risks.

I quickly switched my phone's recorder on and switched the screen off before I gave her any face.


Rosie fucking Williams.

"You definitely seem happy for a girl who just made a huge scene." She said, her attitude words were told in a cold manner but her voice held anger.

I gave her an expressionless face as I watched her silently.

I wanna beat her the fuck up.

Didn't I do that already?

Ah...I'm laughing my butt off at this point.

I've started to mix rumours with reality.

"You definitely seemed happy when you ruined my reputation." I spat with equal coldness, I wasn't going to have any of her shit no more. I didn't have a reason to at this point. "Open your eyes, Andrea. No matter what you did, fans would still despise you for being a third wheel. Did you think that the world will remain revolving around you? that you're the center of attention?" She replied back as she crossed her arms.

This woman is tasting my fucking patience.

I rolled my eyes at her. "I don't think I'm the one who thinks the world revolves around her here, Which one of us stepped on the other in order to climb the ladder?" I asked with equal challenge. "Take a goddamn look around yourself, Williams. the world doesn't revolve around YOU!" I stated a matter of fact. "I worked hard for this, I earned this with my blood, sweat and tears. Unlike someone who became a trend out of no fucking where."

I saw her clenching her fists, her face showed no emotion, but I can feel it.

And it felt so satisfying.

Ah, how does it feel to be defeated, Rosie?

Her envy, the way she's shut now.

The confusion..

"I didn't use anyone's fame, I worked for this too. It was him who wanted me, don't you know that already, Andrea?" She said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes, she was mocking me. ("He chased ME. While he was still with YOU.")

"Pft...Haha.." I didn't realise I was stifling a laugh until I chuckled. "Hahaha!!!" I bursted out laughing, I couldn't hold it back, I found this genuinely funny. I even shed tears of laughter!

I could see the dramatic change in her facial expression. I wanted to laugh again, but I held back. "I can't believe you just admitted you were so cheap to be chased by a betrothed man, you even made him break up with his fiancée for you, Such true love...do you realise...you just called yourself a mistress? a fucking whore?" I said with a mocking smile on my face as I placed my hands in the pockets of my dress.

I wasn't going to hold back. I didn't care.

Not because I was recording this bullshit, but because I couldn't tolerate her guts.

"You said I kidnapped you, tied you to a chair and slapped that pretty face of yours, though..it wasn't that long ago..but why did I never see any bruises?" I questioned, stepping closer to her, not breaking our eye contact as I said in a low voice. "Oh, how I would've loved to see my masterpiece on your skin!" I exclaimed, I can tell, I was successfully shaking her up. My playful smile suddenly disappeared, it was replaced with a cold, serious and dangerous face. Just like weather, it can be a bright day, but it can betray you with a sudden storm. "If you don't stop bothering me, I swear to you, Rosie Williams, I'll beat the shit out of you. I'll ruin you. I'll fuck you up. Instead of it being a story you made up you with your damned boyfriend, I'll make your dream come true. Infront of everyone. I wouldn't fucking mind." I said with such seriousness I never thought I had. I saw her clenching her phone and pressing on it but I didn't catch a glimpse of what she was doing..

I've always been the calm, obedient, quiet and sarcastic person that didn't even curse much...But this...

This fucker changed me 180 degree.

She showed me how vicious I could be.

Want a villainess for your love story? okay.

I will be the villainess.

"I won't let you be happy, I'll snatch everything away in a blink of an eye. Fucking watch me." I added with sharpness. I saw how her knuckles had turned white from clenching them too hard. With that, I dropped my eyes and tugged my jet black, cropped hair behind my ear before I gave her my back, turning to leave.

"You can't do anything to me, Andrea. You're weak, pathetic, you let a man break you completely, do you think anyone would look at that face of yours with what you have with Cameron?? Face it, Andrea. All you can do now is threaten me or vent your anger on me, but you can never, ever, get the love you want!"

I paused. I'm done.

I will fucking slap this bitc—

I looked at her over my shoulder with a piercing gaze, I was about to shift and show her a piece of mind right there and then. But..

My body was yanked back, my waist was being snatched and the next thing I knew...

I was on his side, I couldn't even wrap my mind about what just happened...Damon's hand was on my waist, he was holding me back from doing anything stupid.

He was comforting me..

I couldn't help but I look up at him in confusion

How long has he been here..?

I couldn't help but ask myself.

"Did you wait too long, Miss Lian?" His soothing, deep voice flowed into my ears..for a second I forgot about everything. "Oh, Miss Williams, I didn't realise you were here." Damon said with such an uninterested tone..

("You exist? I didn't realise, not that I care.")

Damon meant that, I knew it. This man was just too...elegant to say that straight into someone's face.


I love it.

Rosie's cold face suddenly turned into one of discomfort. It was priceless.

"You were saying?" I said in a low voice as I looked back at her, Damon's hand was still on my waist.

Watch me, bitch.

I took him by his necktie, licking his lower lip before I placed my lips on his, his eyes widened slightly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to my height.

Please do follow my Instagram: _rae46 :D

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