
Reverse apocalypse

The world was in chaos The things that only happened in fantasy Happened in real life The start of the apocalypse It was a virus that the human didn't expect The government shut down Rape, murder, and stealing were common There are some safe base But there are some toxic base Many of my loved ones died right in front of my eye Friend, family, and comrade This was all the fault of the apocalypse I who have lost everything Hang myself with a rope As the rope choke my neck The airflow can't get in I can't breathe It hurts I don't want it anymore No Just let it be The more I live in this world the more I suffer As the clock past I died But a light struck through my face Is this heaven? I open my eyes It wasn't the heaven But it was the sunlight that strikes through my face I stand up and look around I was in a familiar room No It was my room before the apocalypse I look at my cellphone to see the date It was a week before the disaster I was shock I slap my face But it was the truth I smile and laugh hard as I can God didn't abandon me This is a story where a boy who tries to save humanity failed, but now he can redo all the things he wanted, he became a playboy who plays around with many women he wanted to, he doesn't care about humanity anymore, he just wants to enjoy his life now

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16 Chs

limited time

Arthur is the name of our MC; he is a senior high school graduate who goes to the city to study at a university.

His parents are overseas workers; he is also an only child and doesn't have many friends.

You can somewhat call him a loner.

It was just a week before the disaster would happen, and he wanted to do a lot of things.

But he needs to do the most important things first.

Using his phone, he made a loan at several banks, since it will become an apocalypse in a week.

He made a fake ID, and after making a loan, his bank account now has lots of money.

He ordered some weapons on the black market online; he knew all of this because one of his old comrades was a hacker.

His orders should be shipped in 3 days at most, he then buy a house that was inside a forest.

A house where it was away from any settlement, and the house have walls in it.

It also had solar and a well with a water generator; it was a house you can only dream of having when you are in an apocalypse.

The shelter and weapons are done; he finished this all in just a few hours.

Now only food is needed. He ordered some canned foods, cupped noodles, and other foods worth $10,000.

He also ordered some other things that were needed by them.

Lastly he ordered medicine that a entire pharmacy would have.

He still have 6 days before the apocalypse, as he think for things that Is important he can't think of any.

Since his parents are abroad, he can't just let them come here and tell them there will be an apocalypse. 

They will just think of me as a person who has lost his mind.

Also, he will meet his parents after a few years, so he didn't think too much about it.

If you're thinking, "Why don't I say this to the police or the authorities?" well, if someone told you that there will be an apocalypse next week, would you believe it? The answer is no.

After a few minutes of thinking, he thinks about getting comrades.

That will work for him; he doesn't have any close comrades nor friends, so he thinks for the famous characters near him that he can work with.

He can only think of two people: the famous ice queen Liza, a girl who is cold to everyone and good at sniping and assassination. 

There were rumours that she was raped before the apocalypse, and because of that, she was cold to everyone.

And the other one was Chika-Chan, a kindhearted woman who was good at killing zombies with melee weapons.

She was like the perfect woman you can dream of, but she was in a toxic group that she herself didn't really want to be in, but she was saved because of them. 

Since she was a kindhearted woman, she can't leave unless she pays off the things they did to her.

But because of that, she was easily manipulated.

That's the only comrade I can think of; I did a lot of research on them and found out that Liza will get raped tomorrow night.

I hacked some devices and found out that they would meet up in a place near me. So I make my plans.

while waiting for tomorrow I go to a gym and buy some dumbbell to train.

I also ordered some weights and other devices and materials for body straightening.

It's already night when I get back from buying the dumbbell; I slept early.

In the morning I went outside for a jogging, and after that I carried some weights.

After waiting for many hours, the night came, and as planned, they met on the street.

It looks like Liza met the boy online; what a shame.

Arthur hid near the meet-up place; he hid there for half an hour.

The boy came first; it looks like he was waiting for Liza.

After a few minutes, Liza came, and they talked and laughed for a few minutes.

But the tragedy began when the man brought out a piece of cloth from his pocket and cover her mouth.

As she breathed in it, she fell asleep, and the other guys came.

They go inside the dark widow alley, I secretly follow them.

I watched them as they stripped her clothes and one of the boys slapped her face.

Liza woke up in shock; she couldn't believe that the man she trusted was going to rape her.

She immediately screamed, but they covered her mouth. She desperately tried to escape.

But she can't; she just cried and screamed in her heart, and regrets began to come to her mind.

She began to think about why she should not meet this stranger, why she shouldn't trust him, etc. as her tears began to fall.

They still continued what they did; they began pulling her pants.

Her pants got pull off, and they were grinding and laughing.

When they touch her Panty, Liza already knows that she can't be saved anymore.

Her hope shattered as they pulled her panty slowly.


Arthur walked towards them and shouted, "What are you doing!?" 

They immediately look at Arthur nervously.

"N-nothing, man, it's just a doll." 

Arthur already knew that it was a human being, but he played along.

"Doing things like that in this street! Let me call the police." 

He got his phone out and immediately dialed. He put the phone near his ears.

"hello? "There is a pervert here doing some stupid things in here; yes, it was in the 11th street; yes, ok, thank you." 

As soon as the guys heard this, they immediately started running because they were scared and nervous.

It looks like this was their first crime, w

Arthur walk toward Liza.

He looked at her, then helped her put her clothes back. 

He also let her have his jacket for her tattered clothes. Liza was shocked at what was going on.

She was stunned and happy that she was saved. She hugged Arthur and started saying thank you.

"You should be careful with the people you meet online, ok?" 

She cried and cried because of how scared she is, and Arthur used this as an opportunity to manipulate her.

"How about going to my apartment?" "It's already dark after all; there might be some bad people out there." 

Since Liza thought of Arthur as her hero, she agreed 

While walking, Arthur tell her that the call from the police was just a prank.

As they walked for a few minutes, they arrived at where his apartments were.

They get inside the elevator, and they walk towards Arthur's apartment.

Arthur opened the door and let Liza sit on the sofa as he prepared the bath.

"You should wash first; I leave some clothes there." 

Liza agreed, and she used the bathroom after the bath. she gets out.

The clothes Arthur let her wear were an oversized t-shirt and boxer.

"Is this good?" 

Liza asked. As Arthur saw Liza, he was stunned by how sexy she was.

"It suits you well." 

That was the very first thing that came out of his mouth. He continued to stare at her for a few moments.

On the other hand, Liza was getting embarrassed after a few moments of staring.

Arthur offered Liza something to eat, and Liza agreed; while eating, they talked about each other's lives.

The more they talk, the more they find that they have lots in common.

Arthur said that she should use the bed while he sleeps on the sofa.

But Liza didn't agree; since she was just an unexpected guest, she wanted to show some respect and gratitude.

Arthur eventually agrees to let her sleep on the sofa, and they both fall asleep. As the night falls, Arthur wakes up.

He stood up and put his clothes on. He went to the bathroom and washed his face.

As he slowly realizes why he is naked when he sleeps with clothes on 

He immediately went to his bedroom and found Liza there naked as well.

He slowly remembers everything, including that he slept with Liza last night. 

And that was not part of his plan.