
Peak Mindset

She stood there in bewilderment. Travis saw that she wasn't answering, so he turned back and began to walk again. Seeing Travis leave woke her up from her thoughts. She ran towards him and walked beside him.

"Umm, alright. How have you been? Last I spoke to you was like four years ago," she said.

"Oh, you finally have something to say? Well, I'm alright. How about you?"

"I'm also alright. So, how are you feeling about schools opening next week?" she asked.


"Yeah, I can relate. I mean, I gotta wake up early again. I'm also going to be meeting the same people I didn't like last semester. How unfortunate for me."


"So, where are you going? I haven't seen you outside in a while. I even assumed you'd be an Otaku or something like that due to you not going out that often," she said.

"For real?"

"Yes, for real. When was the last time you even walked on this pavement? I'm pretty sure you can't remember. But I'm honestly happy that I got to see you again."

"Me too. How's your brother?"

"Jack? He's what I expected you to become: an Otaku. He barely bathes or even eats healthy. I'm genuinely surprised he's not gaining weight," she replied, with her hand on her chin, pondering how her brother is still fit.

"Guess he's like that naturally. By the way, I'd like to know about what happened last night, if you don't mind," he said.

"Oh, that. Well, I left with Felix, thinking we'd just be at his house party and then we'd leave. But when I got there, he wanted us to do something that I honestly didn't feel comfortable doing, especially since him and I aren't dating. But luckily, or unluckily, the house was invaded. The cops came and solved the problem in a second," she replied.

'Felix, huh? So he's still just a man whore who would sleep with any girl that spreads herself for him. But I'm not bothered by him; I might just get with his mother,' he thought.

"So did that change you, or are you still going to do it?" he asked.

"I've changed. I'd like to make my mom happy, so I guess being my old self is going to help me do that. By the way, I haven't apologized for suddenly disappearing on you back then. So sorry, you don't have to forgive me though. I'll understand."

"You don't need my forgiveness. I mean, we were 12. I didn't know anything at that age, so don't put yourself in a hard position," he replied.

"Thanks, Travis. That makes me feel better. Oh, before I forget, would you like to spend time with me again?"

"Sure, I don't mind. Let's hurry up and get to the store. I'm really hungry," he said. Caroline smiled and nodded. They started walking a bit quicker than before and soon arrived at the convenience store.

He got some eggs for himself. He took a chocolate bar to snack on; Travis was extremely hungry, and if he didn't eat, he'd probably pass out.

"Hey, Travis. We're in the same class, right? So, could we also study together or something? These past few months, my grades have dropped, so I'd appreciate it if you helped me study."

"That's cool. I've been wanting a study partner, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to help you."

"Aren't you number 1 in school?" she asked.

"Not sure, never really checked before."

"Well, from what I remember, you're number one in our school. So, I'm sure you can help me plenty."

"Alright then, I'll be your tutor. But I'll need something in return."

"What's that?"

Travis smirked, turning his face towards her. He put his hand on her shoulder and slowly said, "Bake me cookies."

"Oh, I thought you would've wanted something weird. Luckily, Mom taught me how to make them yesterday," she said while giggling cutely. Travis smiled, then said, "What did you think I was gonna say?"

"Something that has to do with sex. I mean, boys like you often think about that, is what I've heard. Is that true though?"

"Well, not entirely true. Maybe if you're oblivious to your emotions, then yes. But I can pretty much control them, I guess," he replied.

"Wow, so if I come on to you really hard, you wouldn't get aroused?" she asked.

"No, I would be, but I wouldn't let those feelings control me, since I know how to manage them," he explained.

"So you're basically a monk. Must be nice. I wish Jack was the same as you. He's pretty much the polar opposite," she said.

"Why would you say that?"

"Well, he always masturbates. He honestly has an addiction to it. Yet he somehow doesn't see it. Also, I feel that Anime and Hentai are brainwashing him these days."


"Well, don't tell anyone, but I saw him sniffing my panties a week ago. After that, he masturbated while using them. I was honestly creeped out by that. Since then, I've been locking my bedroom door, just in case he gets any ideas while I'm sleeping. That's not the end of it though; he does the same with Mom, yet I don't think she's seen him. I'm honestly scared to even talk to him these days," she said in a shaky tone.

Travis listened attentively. He wanted all the information he could use to get revenge on those who had wronged him before, and Jack fit the description.

"Do you think we can help him?"

"Um, no, I doubt it. Let's just wait until schools open; that will force him to leave his room. So, I think that's our safest way to start solving his problem," she replied.

"Cool, then I guess we'll just let it happen for the next five days. Also, I'd recommend you tell your mom, but not all the details. Just make up a story. Plus, since you and your mom have made up, I'm sure that's gonna be a simple task," he said. Caroline smiled, then said, "You're right. I'll do that when she comes home. Right now, I have to fix things with my friends. Well, more specifically the people I hung out with when I decided to change. So I'll see ya later, Travis."

She gave him a short hug, then ran inside, leaving Travis to stare at her ass, which jiggled like jelly.

He was, of course, planning on having her as his girl. I mean, he's gonna take the mother might as well take the daughter. That's a peak mindset right there.

* Which Platform do you all have so I can upload the pictures there. It'll be very helpful if all of you answer*