
Revenge of the Monster

Rohan is a class 8 hunter who lives in Hunter City. When coming back from a hunt the moon suddenly turns blood red. When Rohan gets to Hunter City he finds it being attacked by a huge reptillian monster. He then gets kidnapped and becomes a test subject. What will happen to him from now on?

Spooky_Dank · Fantasi
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3 Chs


-Three days later-

*I've been thinking of ways to escape yet I can't find any.*

*I'm getting weaker and weaker from starvation, I can't hold out much longer.*

*Gabriel keeps scratching the walls and the noise is driving me crazy.*

*I hope I can escape so I don't become like that.*

-One day later-

The moss on the celler ground suddenly caught fire.

*I did it! I've been trying to think of ways to get out and I just took my first step to escaping.*

*Since I can't use my mana heart, I've been practicing manipulating mana in the air.*

*It's much harder to use the mana in the air then to use the mana from my mana heart. I need to escape soon for Vex can come back any time and combine me with a monster.*

-Half a day later-

*Finally the scratching stopped.*

*I hope Gabriel died of starvation for death is better then living as a monster.*

*At this rate I'm going to starve to death*

-One day later-

*I'm so hungry I can't even move*

*Is this how I die?*

*I haven't even done anything with my life!*

*I can't die here I need to survive!*

-One hour later-

*Maybe I can use mana to fill myself*

*I've been getting better at manipulating the ambient mana in the air, maybe I can absorb the mana into my stomach instead of my heart*

-Half an hour later-

Rohan started absorbing mana into his stomach.

*I can't feel the mana in my body becuase of the chains but I can tell it's working for I'm not hungry anymore and my strenght is back*

*Who knew you could absorb mana into other parts of your body*

*Why hasn't anyone else done this before?*

-Five days later-

*I've been absorbing mana into all my other body parts and I feel so strong!*

*I wonder how strong I would be if I could use my mana heart.*

*When I yank of the chains I can hear them creaking.*

*I must be close to being able to escape!*

-Three days later-

Snap- the chains were finally torn off the wall and Rohan was now able to feel the mana in his body and use his mana heart.

*I have so much mana inside me right now, I must have reached class 7!*

*I can't wait to escape and kill humans!*

*Wait- why am I thinking about slaughtering humans?*

*My goal is to be the greatest hunter ever and become humanitys hero!*

*What's wrong with me?*

*Why am I having these urges?*

*I don't have time to think about this right now, I must escape before Vex comes and locks me back up.*

Rohan then stood up and bent the metal bars of his cell with pure strength. He didn't even need to imbue mana onto himself to do it.

Rohan imbued mana into his eyes and looked across the room towards the other cell, it was empty.

*How is it empty?*

*I never saw Gabriel leave the cell!*

Rohen then collapsed onto the ground convulsing.

-In the laborotory of Vex Hugo Durand-

When Rohan awoke he was strapped down onto a steel table.

Rohan tried moving his head but it was locked in place by straps with runes on them.

"How splendid!" said Vex joyfully.

"Congratulations you are the first perfect monster-human hybrid!"

"I'm sure you are wondering what's going on so let me explain it to you."

Rohan didn't understand anything Vex was saying as all he could think about was eating him

Drool was dripping down Rohan's chin as Rohan tried to bite Vex.

"Seems like I was wrong, you aren't the perfect human-monster hybrid," said Vex in a dejected tone.

"You are just a failure like everyone else."

"I've decided not to kill you because you are combined with a rare species of monster called slimes."

"Slimes are unique for they can absorb everything they eat and make it apart of themselevs."

"I was hoping that since I was using a slime you would retain you humanity but I guess not"

Vex then injected Rohan with a syringe filled with purple liquid.

Rohan then stopped biting and fell asleep.

-Trawl Forest-

"Lexi don't stray away!" said Gero.

"You know that monsters could appear anywhere."

"I am here to protect you so please stay near me at all times."

No, let me have my fun! replied Lexi.

Lexi knew that Gero was here to protect her but this was her first time in monster territory and she was excited.

She was always stuck in her family estate and was never let out, so this was her first adventure.

Ah! screamed Lexi.

Gero then infused mana into his legs and sprinted towards her like a bull.

"All you alright my lady? said Gero.

"I am fine Gero, but look to your right, there is an unconscious man lying on the ground."

"Should we take him back to the estate Gero?"

"No", replied Gero, "it could be a trick."

Lexi then gave Gero her greatest puppy eyes and he relented.

- One hour later-

"The person is still unconscious" said Lexi.

"I wonder what happened to him."

"He's kinda handsome" thought Lexi.

"He is tall and muscular with a good angular face." "His dusty brown hair compliments his tanned skin."

"What do you think he was doing in Trawl forest," asked Lexi.

"He looks like a hunter to me" replied Gero.

Gero was carring the man on his back when he suddenly felt a pain on his neck.

He looked back and saw the man biting him.

He tried to fling the man of his back and failed.

The man bit down harder and took a chunk of flesh off.

"Run!" said Gero to Lexi.

Gero then unsheated his sword and imbued it with mana.

He carefully circled the rabid man, waiting for the perfect time to strike.

The rabid man then jumped toward him and Gero slashed at the man, taking off his arm.

The man didn't even seem to notice and continued to rush Gero.

The rabid man headbutted Gero and sent him flying away into a tree.

Gero attempted to get up but failed as his legs were broken.

The rabid man then came at him and decapitated him.

*Human flesh!*

Rohan then ate the man and fell asleep.

I really like writing even though I know I am bad at it.

Spooky_Dankcreators' thoughts