
Revenge Is Not Enough

[Mature Content Ahead] The five Whybella sisters were hidden away for eight years since the devastating assassination of their parents. As the next heir to the thrown, the eldest sister Winema had the responsibility to take back her rightful place as the ruler of Aezetha. Training for almost a decade, the five sisters became the deadliest yet most beautiful aristocratic women in the land. Waiting anxiously for the day they can avenge their rightful spot on the throne. On the night of one of the sister's coming-of-age balls, their territory was saught out, hundreds of soldiers sieging their place of hiding, taking Winema from the rest of the family. The next day she woke up chained to a bed, seeing a devilishly handsome man through the blur of her forced slumber. Taking back her throne might not be so easy.

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11 Chs

rumor has it


Winema could never remember the night fully. It came in a haze, puzzle pieces that were impossible to stitch together. All she could remember was being dragged to the dungeons with her sisters and two other maids. Other than that, she couldn't tell the difference between fiction and fact.

"So they stormed the castle?" Winema prodded her aunt to continue. Sitala could tell Winema was recounting back when that night happened. It saddened her to think that she couldn't have done anything to stop this horrific event from taking place.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you much about what happened in the main ballroom," Sitala said with a grim expression. Winema was confused by this. Why couldn't she tell her what took place between Duke Vernon and her parents?

"Although what took place afterward was arguably worse. His men including the human soldiers took the capital by force, making Vernon the new ruler by his twisted logic. After he became king, no one dared to protest in fear of retaliation amongst their cities, as dreadful as the new laws were." Sitala could vividly remember anxiously waiting outside the hidden dungeon entrance on the outskirts of the forest, praying to the highest beings her nieces were safe and sound.

Winema was furious, but as the diplomatic lady she is, she remained calm, "But why didn't the human soldiers go against him? The choice was to fight their own people just to become slaves again, or die trying right?" Although she could never possibly imagine herself in those shoes, she knew dying for a cause worth fighting for was better than giving into malice for a chance at life.

"You have to understand dear, Vernon is one of the most powerful wizards on the planet." Winema shook her head in acknowledgment. She had briefly learned about witches and wizards in her private magic lessons. Rather than having magical abilities already attached to their beings, one must learn magic through wands, spells, and objects such as potions and charms. She had a couple of friends who were witches back in school, but they never got the chance to show their powers.

"He has many charms and spells that can keep one whipped under his power. Even if one would rather choose death as his fate, Vernon knew too well that death was too easy of an escape. Rumor has it he has the most intricate torture chamber built where the dungeons once were. Those who rebelled or tried to escape were mercilessly beaten in unimaginable ways but weren't allowed to die. Once they were tortured for a month, they were allowed to go back and hope they die in battle."

Hearing this made Winema deeply hurt inside. She thought her life was tough living in the shadows, never able to show her light to the people, but as she is reminded every day, others have it far worse. She can only be thankful that at least her sisters are alive and healthy.

"But enough of that today. All I came here to tell you was to keep alert for the foreseeable future and to be prepared to become the rightful queen of Aezetha." Winema was startled by the sudden end to the retelling. She had barely told her about what happened with her parents and what to do about Vernon.

"But Madam," Win voiced weakly, "You must tell me more. What exactly happened to my parents? What must I do to defeat Vernon? Please hand me some wisdom so I know how to handle this." She was barely an adult. For almost half of her life, she was practically locked up in this castle for her protection. She didn't know a single thing about how to defeat a wizard, much less one of the most powerful in the world.

"I mustn't tell you too much. We cannot overwhelm you, especially as your sister's ball is coming up. And as for how to defeat the Duke? Well, you have everything you need. Let it settle a little." Sitala knew of her eldest niece's capabilities. Giving her control of the situation is exactly what she needs in order to successfully rule as an independent queen.

Winema sighed with defeat. She knew she could not pry for more information. She could only work with what she has, which apparently is not a lot.

"Go up and get ready for your next class my dear. I'm sure Miss Eferveene doesn't want to be kept waiting." Sitala said with a warm smile. Even though she was a tough woman, she still showed her tender side, even if it was rare. The children basically grew up without their mother, they needed someone who could nurture them and give them the love they so desperately needed and deserved.

As Winema began to leave the room, Sitala lightly cleared her throat.

"And one last thing," Winema looked at her, hoping she had changed her mind about leaving out the details of her parent's final moments, "You may use the elevator to get back to the atrium today."

Winema curtly thanked her and went back on her way through the stadium. While it wasn't the information she needed, at least she could give her already tired legs a break.