
Revenge Is Not Enough

[Mature Content Ahead] The five Whybella sisters were hidden away for eight years since the devastating assassination of their parents. As the next heir to the thrown, the eldest sister Winema had the responsibility to take back her rightful place as the ruler of Aezetha. Training for almost a decade, the five sisters became the deadliest yet most beautiful aristocratic women in the land. Waiting anxiously for the day they can avenge their rightful spot on the throne. On the night of one of the sister's coming-of-age balls, their territory was saught out, hundreds of soldiers sieging their place of hiding, taking Winema from the rest of the family. The next day she woke up chained to a bed, seeing a devilishly handsome man through the blur of her forced slumber. Taking back her throne might not be so easy.

bbng812 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

brace for impact

As she was walking back to the changing area to take a quick shower and change for the next class, she had more questions than answers. She knew how to decently control her powers, but not in a way that could take out the most powerful wizard in the world. She needed to quickly learn about him, his species, and the weaknesses he has in order to defeat him, but that definitely was a task easier said than done.

As she stepped foot into the locker room, it appeared to be empty. Residual steam could still be felt from the showers that they had just taken. The floors were a little wet, but the place seemed rather clean. The girls had probably finished changing, not wanting to be late for the next lesson. She should get a move on so she wouldn't hold them up.

She quickly took a shower just to rid herself of all the sweat and dirt the early morning training had thrown onto her. She threw on an elegant baby blue day dress, embroidered with lilac flowers and pearls dotted along her chest. Her shoes were a clean titanium white flat with a gold buckle and a signature rose gold trim along the edges. She forgot to put her makeup bag in her clothing bag, but she would just quickly touch up once they got back up to the castle. She was still extraordinarily beautiful without any makeup on. She tied half her hair up in a complimentary violet ribbon and headed out back to the dock.

There, the remaining girls were sitting idly, waiting for their eldest sister to return and get them back home, and hopefully spill some gossip. Everyone looked dazzling in their day dresses ready for their non-physical classes and the rest of the day ahead of them. They seemed to take a little more time with their appearance as Winema had her talk to deal with.

As Winema's footsteps grew louder and clearer, the girls looked in her direction, happy to see that Sitala had not ripped her into shreds. Some looked relieved, one looked anxious, while the rest was curious about what had happened behind closed doors. Of course, Winema would tell them what had happened. She always did.

"Welcome back sis!" Waleria exclaimed. They had only sat in the boat for a mere couple of minutes, but she was ready to get back up to the castle. She needed to tell all her personal maids about the events that had taken place in the stadium.

"What happened in there? Did Madam look you directly in the eye? Oh my goodness I would jump out of a window if she ever looked at me like that." Walda rambled. Walda had always looked up to Winema in every way. She wanted to have the exact elegance and wisdom her elder sister portrayed, but it seemed as if she never could reach that of Winema's extent.

Winema giggled at the warm response to her safe return from the dragon's lair. She began to carefully place herself in the front of the boat without rocking it.

"It honestly was not that bad guys. She just called me an idiot for what I did today and told me to make sure that you two," She jokingly glared at the twins, "will stay on your best behavior for now until the ball."

"So we are allowed to misbehave at the ball is what I'm hearing?" Wilda smirked menacingly.

"I cannot believe you came out three minutes before me." Walda scoffed, "It's almost as if you were underbaked. That's probably why you lost all your damn brain cells." Wilda discreetly flipped her off. It would be best not to argue now and just get home without a hitch. Plus, it's not like they live in the same room where they can go at it then.

"Since we learned of that new trick today," Wayna began to mumble, "Why don't we test it on Winema? See if she can sail us all the way back to the shore." It wasn't half bad of an idea. It wouldn't take too much energy as four extra people would be providing that strength. Plus it might get them back home faster...

"I don't see why not." Waleria chimed in, "It would be good practice for our skills. What do you think sister?" She said with her head facing Winema.

"Let's do it." She said with a confident grin.

The girls quickly closed their eyes and began to focus their energy on Win. She could feel her powers growing inside her, ready to be unleashed at any moment. She swiftly lifted her hands above her head, mimicking the waves that would push the boat to shore. The water rose to meet the boat's level, pushing it towards the castle. The girls could feel each one of them connecting spiritually, gradually connecting themselves with Winema's power.

The boat traveled at a quick pace, zooming past the scenery, faster than the girls had ever seen it before. They opened their eyes one by one as they fully completed the spell, and watched Winema race them to the dock of the cave. The quick breeze slapped their faces, but it felt nice compared to their sweat-drenched faces from the morning activities. It was cooling and refreshing as some water droplets misted onto their faces, quickly evaporating with the wind that touches their faces.

Winema felt like a new woman, one with new life and force! She led them fully down the river and started to slow down once she saw the other end. Although she had stopped, the boat had barely begun to slow down. Her eyes widened. Realizing that they would ultimately crash if she didn't do something, she tried to pull the water to their front to slow them down with minimal success. The others, catching onto what was about to happen, grabbed their oars and began rowing backward, hoping to stop the momentum. As the force went against the oars, Waleria heard a snap from hers. Looking down, her oar had completely snapped off. So much for that effort.

With the inconsistent rowing, the boat started to turn 90 degrees. While this forced the boat to slow down with so much water hitting the large surface area, the boat was still going too fast for anyone's liking. Winema continued trying to force a water wall to block them from going faster, which had a tiny bit of success. As the boat began to get closer and closer to the edge, all the girls could do was brace themselves for impact.