
Revenge Is Not Enough

[Mature Content Ahead] The five Whybella sisters were hidden away for eight years since the devastating assassination of their parents. As the next heir to the thrown, the eldest sister Winema had the responsibility to take back her rightful place as the ruler of Aezetha. Training for almost a decade, the five sisters became the deadliest yet most beautiful aristocratic women in the land. Waiting anxiously for the day they can avenge their rightful spot on the throne. On the night of one of the sister's coming-of-age balls, their territory was saught out, hundreds of soldiers sieging their place of hiding, taking Winema from the rest of the family. The next day she woke up chained to a bed, seeing a devilishly handsome man through the blur of her forced slumber. Taking back her throne might not be so easy.

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blood of a princess

The boat's impact on the dock rocked the boat an immense amount. The girls were tossed around. Some small items fell overboard. A loud crash was heard followed by an immediate scream. As the boat slowly stabilized and returned to a still position, all the girls just lay where they were.

Some were on top of each other, and others were lucky to cushion their impacts with their bags, but Walda was not that lucky. She had been tossed to the far back of the boat, her elbow slamming into the vessel.

"That really really hurt." She moaned out. It seemed to not have broken anything thank goodness, just a couple of scratches and bruises and maybe some dull pain. The rest of them seemed to be in alright shape, some of them with ruined blush and hairs out of place which was the worst of their state.

"Is everyone alright?" Winema asked. Everyone nodded with a moan or groan in their voice. They definitely wouldn't be doing that again, especially until Win could control her power. At least it got them back in record time. Not sure if the pain was worth it though.

Wilda hopped out of the boat to take a look at the damage. She winced looking at the side of the boat. There was a giant scratch along the side. Not enough to crack it and sink it, but it wasn't pretty to look at.

"Guys, look at this gnarly gash on here." Wilda prompted the rest of them to come up and look at the damage the boat took in during the crash. The girls started to slowly make their way out of the boat with all their stuff and went to look at the scratch that went along the side of the left side of the boat. How would they fix this?

"Maybe Win could just use her powers?" Waleria asked meekly.

"It's not like I can magic some dirt onto there and hope for the best."

"Maybe we can wait till Walda and I get our powers." Wilda couldn't hold in her snicker, "Maybe she'll get boat-fixing powers. It would suit her wel- HEY!" Walda began smacking her on the elbow.

"Let me get your elbow too dear sister. That way we can both truly match!" The twin's treats to one another were usually never empty. Hurting each other was the name of the game, a game that neither of them can win, which neither of them will ever figure out nor care about.

"Let's just wait to see if we can get one of the staff in the castle who knows how to fix wood," Wayna said studying the types of grooves the scratches made. She was a genius, but crafting and repairing was not her thing unless it came with an instruction manual.

"The staff doesn't even know this exists, how would they ever fix this?" Waleria asked. The staff was told to avoid the atrium from when they went down at 5 am and came back up at 7:30 am. This was to ensure no one could be a snake and snitch out where they trained.

"I said one who knows how to fix wood. We could just take that knowledge and apply that to this." The girls nodded in agreement. That would probably be the best course of action. It's not like it mattered too much, except for if it fully cracked and sank.

"Come on, let's go back up. We need to get to class." They headed to the elevator where two girls at a time would go up. The twins were the first ones to get onto the elevator. Once the shaft had gone back down to get the youngest two, they stepped in with their bags.

"Why aren't you taking the stairs sister?" Waleria asked. Winema gave them both a wink that was mischievous and telling. The sisters giggled at one another and held a finger up to their lips, promising not to tell a soul. As the door closed and the shaft headed up, Winema couldn't help but laugh at the fact they thought she would just outright disobey Madam Sitala. She would never do that in a million years.

As she heard the elevator grow louder, she knew it was her turn to get on. As she stepped on, she couldn't help but worry about the boat crash. Did she not have as strong control over her powers as she thought she did? Or did the new power from her sisters overwhelm her senses and made her powers overly sensitive? She really needed to get in on those powers and make sure they couldn't hurt anyone else. The last thing she needed with these powers was to accidentally hurt another person, especially much worse than what happened today.

She had her powers for over two years at this point. The strongest of her powers were initially at the ball itself. The ritual released a strong surge of energy that created multiple waves and gusts of wind to erupt around the castle almost like a tornado. It was a sight to see from the outside. Too bad no one can see from outside the castle. Other than that instance, she had been barely able to lift a cup of dirt or summon a stream of water. Her powers of course grew over the two years to include giving the boat a light push, but nothing like what Sitala or Duke Vernon can do.

Once she arrived at the flourishing atrium, she took a moment to breathe in the supremely fresh air that surrounded her. The flowers had bloomed beautifully from the rain, each of the little petals carrying a slight shine of dew on them. If only she looked that good with beads of sweat on her face. It's not like she was a flower. She was happy that she could get some clarity on the situation surrounding her kingdom, but now was not a time to rest.

She headed back to the hallway where all the rooms for the girls were built. She passed two of the castle's maids. She knew these maids were in charge of their laundry. They both had ginger hair, green eyes, and pale skin. They had to be sisters of sorts. Both had tiny statures but still seemed sweet in nature. They were always kind and ready to lend an ear, especially when Winema was going through troubles.

"Good morning Melanie, Seralynn." She bowed her head deeply to them as she walked. Being born with the blood of a princess and future queen, she always naturally showed her gratitude to her staff and her attendants. She never saw them beneath her. They had helped her become who she was and be the way she is. She will never forget that.

"Good morning your highness," They bowed down until the princess had passed them fully before they fully got up and went about their tasks. The staff always knew of Winema's good nature and was always excited when they sometimes bumped into her.

She entered her room and softly closed the door. Her room was a dusty peach, very similar to that of her old room back in her parent's castle. It was a little pinker, making the room seem more romantic and passionate. A strong metal bookcase lay next to her bed with a ladder attached to get high and grab books from up top. A deep nook was in her window, making it able for her to enjoy a book or just the warm sunlight while she took a nap. Many pillows were stacked on the window with a plush blanket laid on top to complete the display.

She took a seat at her vanity which was across from her bed and next to her giant walk-in closet. She didn't have a lot of clothes in there, but once she became queen, it was imperative she was always posh and on-trend.

As she was putting a light blush on the apple of her cheeks, she felt as if she was being watched. A little unnerved, she looked around to see if anything was aloof. Nothing seemed to be out of place or as if there was an imminent danger. It probably was Madam's warning that shook her a bit. She went back to getting ready for her next class, putting a little honey mixture on her lips to give them a sweet sheen. She could still feel a presence gazing at her. She looked around again, this time a little more worried.

"Is someone there?" She asked in a strong voice. She was anything but strong right now. That talk with Madam really scared her. She looked outside both her windows. Nothing seemed weird. Just the trees swaying in the wind, the clouds partially blocking the sun's harsh rays. She went back to her vanity one last time to check on her hair and makeup before leaving.

The twins were probably just trying to prank her next door or something.