
Nothing More Than Just an Idiot

Upon listening to the dialogue between the frameless glasses man and the transvestite, an intense and violent fear swelled up in Zhao Jing’s heart, who was tied up and dumped in the corner. She had witnessed the ruthlessness and viciousness of these people. On the day when she was caught and brought here, she saw a young ravaged and then dismembered afterward. After having seen such a terrible bloody scene, she succumbed to fear for a long time now.

She prayed!

She prayed that her husband Yuan Zhengxuan or the police could find her here and save her. However, these people’s talks simply had crushed and pushed her to a bottomless abyss.

“Woo woo…”

Her mouth was stuffed. Even if she wanted to shout and curse, she was helpless and had no means to do anything. She could only glare with murderous eyes and intensely stare at the frameless glasses man, who was approaching her step by step.