
Killing Anyone Who Puts Up Resistance with Lawful Authority

At the backstage of the concert venue Zhang Xinya had already arrived more than an hour ago. At this time the staff were busy preparing various costumes, props, and so on for her. She was also receiving makeup from several makeup artists.

“Miss Zhang, may I have your time for a while?” The middle-aged woman from the Ministry of State Security entered the dressing room and spoke to Zhang Xinya.

“No problem,” Zhang Xinya got up and answered without hesitation.

Immediately after, the two left the dressing room and came to the empty room next door. The middle-aged woman then said, “Miss Zhang, the leader has instructed the concert to be postponed for an hour, and the fans can also only enter the stadium an hour later. Secretary Liu was originally planning to discuss it with you personally, but there was an important matter he needed to deal with. He’s occupied now, and unable to come over.”

“What happened, exactly?” asked Zhang Xinya hurriedly.