
return clock

everyone got teleported into another world. Then after multiple years. Joseph was fired from his party due to having too many "curses." Then he finds something that "could" finally make him rich, so he can retire.

Bmcp124 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

Challenge in progress....

Brendon ran towards the marker in his mind. 'I've had this ability since birth, and it has never failed me!' Luckily Joseph threw the rock directly at him at the start. 'You already lost!' 

Then after about one hour.

He saw a big ass canyon. 'I wasn't normally allowed to be this far from the village.' But he had to continue. He focused, and went down the canyon.


For residents of this world, the system wasn't available, but skills were. 'No matter who you are you can't always rely on active skills.' Active skills could be cancelled easily, but passives are almost always on. 

I walked where Brendon walked at the beginning. 'I guess this will take some time.'

I used my eyes to search normally. 'I don't want to run out of mana.' Because it would ruin everything.


Then I almost fell. 'gotta take a break.' There were two factors to this.

'I haven't taken a break, even after getting stabbed.' And the second is a secret. [ping!] A message appeared.


Brendon entered the canyon, and got in a cave. 'wow he was really fast.' It took over an hour for me to get here, but he had one hour to hide the object. 'Did he also have special abilities?' It made sense, since he killed over one thousand zombies in a day. 

' Is it the ability to get stronger, the longer you fight?' I theorized. Then I slapped myself. 'I have to focus.' I went deeper inside the cave. "hmm."

I realized something was off. 'My ball of light is shrinking too fast.'

I decided to quicken up. 'Don't hesitate, and keep running.' 

I eventually saw some monsters. 'Bats?' I covered myself. *Bite!* "ouch!" I got bit, and pushed it away before running.

'Were they a type of monster?' I ran towards the marker. 'Is it close?' I focused, and the marker was really close.

'Wow that was far.' I realized it was underground. 'Did he use tools?' I focused on maintaining my light and looked around. Then my light disappeared.

"Dang it! How can I get to the m-" The marker disappeared. "What?" How could the marker disappear. 'It has only disappeared when the thing gets destroyed, or if I find it.'

Then I just assumed it got destroyed. "Let's say the "truth". I found the rock, but it got destroyed." It was true, I found it from the beginning using mark, and it disappeared.

'Okay let's get out.' I felt a mild pain in my arm as I remembered. 'I have never been here, and I can't use my light right now.' I was lost.

'What if no one finds me?' I had to get out. I decided to not do anything ,except try to remember where I was walking.

'I can't see anything so I'll wait.' Then after a couple minutes. I lightened the space around me.

'I've often heard different stories about dungeons.' Where a group enters a dungeon, and gets lost. 'Well I guess I'm in a cave.'

I slowly walked forward. 'I can find the ex-' I felt pain in my arm. "Argh!" I quickly looked at my arm. 'Those bats.'

I started running quickly, while almost falling down. 'Dang it!' "Help!" I yelled.


I fell to the ground.

My vision quickly blurred. 'Am I gonna die here?' I tried getting up, but failed. *tap tap!* "Who?" There was a blue light.


Brendon woke up. "Huh?" I went to him. "Unfortunately you failed." I said. Brendon looked down, then asked. "What do you think comes after death?" 'What a strange question.'

"Either nothing. Two gates. One with everything you need. One with everything you want. Or heaven and hell." I answered.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked. I simply shrugged. "Why do you want to join us?" I asked. "I want to be with you guys, and protect Christine." He answered.

'At least he's honest.' But. "You're too weak to protect anyone right now." He needed to know this.

"But I can be a scout." He said. "Do you think I want to babysit two kids." I asked. Then he flinched.

"I can be useful." He sounded sad now. "I know, but does that make you worth the negatives?" I asked. "I'll make up for them." He said.

"Do you know where I hid the rock?" I asked. "Was it in a cave?" He asked. "No, that's where I found you. Not where the rock was." I said.

"What? But I used my special ability!" He said. "I know. In the thing I have it's listed as, "tag". It lets you know the location of a thing you "tag"." I said. I sighed and looked at the message I got before.

[feature: system sharing] 'Something I got for no good reason.' 'But the restrictions are annoying.'

[have at least 80% affection]

[have both parties agree]

[disable mana for the next 24 hours] [disables all non passive skills for 6~24 hours]

[disables a few passive skills for 6 hours]

[makes a soul bound contract]

[the details can be changed]

[gives the other a broken system]

[it will be repaired]

"What?" 'Lets tell them.' I sighed, then I walked toward a door. "Christine I know you're there, come in." *Creak!!* The door opened as loudly as ever.

"Brendon do you want to join us?" I asked one last time. "Yes!" Then I breathed in.

"What I'm about to explain is semi super secret information." I said seriously. "And Brendon. If you hear this you're gonna go through a lot."

"What do you mean?" He asked. "Lets just say that you're gonna be stuck with us for a long time, if you hear this." I said.

"That's fine. I ca-.. no I will deal with it." He said resolutely. "Here goes nothing." I said.

"It's about the system." They both looked confused but didn't say anything.

Then I explained, how people from another world got transported here, the system and skills. "Wait, so how can you speak our language?" Christine asked.

"A skill." "What about the dome when you protected Christine." "A skill that helps mana usage."

"What about all the zombies." Brendon continued asking. "Something called a title. It makes me stronger." 'Now that I think about it. Aren't titles just more specific passive skills?'

"Also I didn't tell you where the rock was." I said. Brendon nodded. "It was behind the starting line." I said. "….." another episode of silence.

"Why didn't I find it?" Brendon started talking to himself. "Wait, how did you trick my ability?" "Tag a target. That's the gist of your skill."

"So if the target is surrounded by something. You'll tag the wrong thing." It was simple.

"You covered it in mana?" I nodded. "Wow, so I had to do simple things like, look around?" Brendon said.

"Yeah, but at least you've experienced this now." I smiled. "We'll talk tomorrow Christine. It's important." Then I left.


"Christine how old are you?" Brendon was simply curious.". Christine flinched. "Don't want to tell.." Brendon had an idea of why she reacted like that. 'Is she older than she appears?'

"It's fine if you're older than me, I don't mind." He said. "How old are you?" She asked. "Same question? I'm twelve." At this she flinched way more than before.

"What's wrong?" "I'm eleven, hahaha…" she said nervously. "Really? You act way more mature most of the time." She didn't respond.

'Did I say something wrong?' Brendon scratched his head.