
return clock

everyone got teleported into another world. Then after multiple years. Joseph was fired from his party due to having too many "curses." Then he finds something that "could" finally make him rich, so he can retire.

Bmcp124 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

end of the island chapter 0.2

[last day until second tutorial]

The next day we went in the forest.

"So what weapons do we have?" Sophia asked. "Rocks." I answered immediately.

"If we fail, I'm leaving you behind." She said "Got it, I'll do the same." I said.

We continued walking, and found boars. "Should we take the risk?" I asked.

"Do we have a choice?" 'Either we take risks eating herbs, or fight for our lives.' It wasn't a good situation. 

Then Sophia got up, and threw a rock. 'Oh no.' The rock hit the boar's head, but it was mostly fine.

"At least you could have warned me." I said while throwing a rock. It hit its head. 'I have one left.'

It still wasn't down. I took her arm, and ran. "What do we do?!" She asked. "We run for now."

Then the boar ran at us. We continued running. "Let's get up a tree!" I suggested, and she agreed.

We split up. I found a suitable tree and went up it. 'Now where is she?' I looked around and. "Aahh!!" 'Huh?'

I quickly got of the tree and ran towards the sound. "Are you oka-" Now the boar stared at me. 'Crap.' I stared at Sophia.

"Don't die." I quickly ran away from her. [skill awakened: eye(F-)] My left eye changed color to green.

I continued running then. *pierce!* "ah." I fell. I turned around. The boar was still there. "I'm not going to die." My eyes shone yellow.

The boar started rushing towards me. 'Know your enemy, and know yourself.' I jumped as high as I could.

I couldn't make it all the way, and fell. 'But it's enough.' Its fangs were stuck to the tree.

'Now just endure.' I started bashing its skull. I wanted to puke multiple times, but continued.

Then I stopped. 'This should be en-' *thud.*


I was somewhere unknown. 'No I've been here before.' My own world. I started creating a room. 'It's hard doing this.'

It was a simple empty cubed room. Then I made a bed. 'This is calming.' It wasn't enough. Then I decided to make a plushie.

'I feel embarrassed.' It was a big cat plush with a derpy face. 'This feels better..'

"Hey!" I flinched hard. 'Who?' There I saw Sophia. "How are you here??" I asked. "It's a skill." She said nonchalantly.

"What's a skill in this context?" I asked. "Magical abilities." She answered. Then I realized. 'I've basically been crushing this plushie.'

I immediately made the plushie disappear. "Kuhum!" I coughed a little.

"Thanks for saving me." I was surprised. "Huh? I just ended up doing it." 'Isn't it natural wanting to save a cute person?'

"What?" She asked. '…..' "…." Silence…

"Could you hear me??!!!" I started panicking, and eventually I woke up.


"Wake up wake up wake up." I opened my eyes, and Sophia was slapping my cheeks.

"What are you doing?" I asked. "Trying to get you to make food." She answered plainly. I looked around. 'She succeeded in making a campfire!' That was about it.

Other than that there was a boar corpse. "How long was I out?" "Under an hour." I shook my head. 'I'm definitely awake.'

Then I remembered. "Skills!" Nothing happened. "Hahahaha!! You don't even need to say it out loud!" I put my hands on my face, and basically died from embarrassment. [mental stress accumulates]

Then, after a few seconds of pain. "Are you done now?" I asked. "Yup!" 'Skill check?'



Passive: regeneration(F) eye(F-)

'That's cool.' Then I noticed Sophia staring at me. "What do you w-" 'food! That's what she wants!' "Food." She said.

Then I smiled. "Why would I give food to you?" I asked. "Because you risked your life for me?" My cheeks reddened slightly. "What can you do after I have fed you?" I asked. "…."

I got up slowly, and looked around. "How do we cut the meat?" After this amazing question, we brainstormed.

"So, we could try to cook the entire thing." Sophia suggested. "Whatever I'm gonna get some long logs."

"Should I get vines?" She asked. I got surprised. "Wow, can you read minds?" "No, why would you think that?" She asked. "Because you sounded normal for a second there." 'Oh no.' She immediately started hitting me.


I was laying on the ground trying to recover. 'How is she so strong? Is it a skill?' "Cough! Are you done?" I asked, still on the ground.

"Yes." She looked awfully satisfied. "Why are you so brutal?" I asked.

She thought about it. "That's my type." She said. 'Wait, does she mean that she's a tsundere?!'

I gave up thinking, and time passed. I went to sleep. "Can I sleep next to you?" Sophia asked. "Wh- never mind, yes you can." I didn't need to question it.

Then she set up a badly made bed. "What do you think the second tutorial is about?" Sophia asked. "Not sure, maybe it's easier than this." I said while shrugging.

"Do you think we'll be alone?" Sophia asked worried. "I don't think they'll split us up." I said confidently.

Then we went to sleep.


[day two complete]

[contribution rate: Joseph,58%Sophia, 42%]

[second tutorial location: forest/B]

[rewards will be given according contribution]

set in the past.

chapter 0.2

lol bad sound effects.

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