
Resurrected to Revenge

Every one hundred years, the Moon Goddess resurrects one wolf soul, and this year is Marcus' lucky day. He wants resurrection to avenge his ambushed Pack, 200 years ago. But upon returning, the Kukan Kitsune hiding to be his wolf spirit blessed him with power becoming him a nine-tailed werewolf. Can he endure all the consequences he will be dealing with after a comeback when he is now called Aldus instead of Marcus?

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3 Chs

Accepting my Fate

After being dragged from the home of the people who rescued him, Marcus was taken to the barracks that stood right at the back of the Municipal Hall of the Pack where he was. He wasn't sure what the name of the Pack he had been at, the only assurance the young man knew was the environment was familiar to him.

While on the way earlier to the dungeon, he was observing every corner and establishment of the place. There are only a few that have been changed from their original layout and location but it is undeniably their Oxon Pack. He remembered the statue of a woman standing near the city's town square. The figure sits next to a fountain that is five feet high. The only difference is the chairs placed in different parts of the town square.

In the way fifteen minutes before arriving at the Municipal Hall, one of the oldest Herbipyotus trees is still standing out. This is the tree from which sap is obtained to make a glue that can be used in school or building a house. Marcus was sure that it was their most guarded tree because of the deep wound he saw on the center of its body. There was a crazy Pack member before who tried to cut down the tree because of the rebellion, but that didn't work.

And the other thing he remembers is the familiar figure of one of the high officials they met in the hallway of the Municipal City. He was sure it was his old friend, Sebastian. He never knew he would survive and even have a higher position in this foreign Pack.

He even thought that maybe there were other survivors from the ambush a hundred years ago.

Then a loud bang from the neighboring cell awakened Marcus' senses. He closed his eyes for a moment to reflect on what was happening. He couldn't even imagine all that happened this day is not in his dreams or Afterlife world.

What bothers him most is Axel, he was trying to call him but still there is no response.

"Please, spare my life. I have pups that I need to raise. Please, my Lord, I am begging you." A pleading human wolf was on his knees and desperately begging for mercy from the two security wolves who were supporting him in the other cell.

Marcus could see all the details because they were just in front of his cell. He just remained silent while his two companions inside the dungeon were curious.

'He will surely die in a few days too.' he said to himself.

The man's face was almost unrecognizable due to the bruises he had sustained. Marcus bowed down, he couldn't bear to witness tortured man any longer. His emotions were too fragile for that, and he couldn't even explain why.

They were so violent. He looked up at the ceiling thinking about the Pack he went to. He lightly called his two companions and asked for details.

Half Crescent Moon Pack, that's the answer he got from the two.

Suddenly, hatred and anger returned to his heart. He even clenched his fist, Half Crescent Moon Pack, he remembered where that Pack came from.

They tortured and invaded their clan, they killed him and his family. If he wasn't mistaken, their Alpha's name was Naxton.

Marcus didn't realize that the intense anger in his body was already running through his veins. His anger level is increasing, he can feel his power swallowing him whole.

He changed with that feeling, he seemed to be a vessel full of knowledge and it was about to overflow.

"Please, forgive me my Lord. I need to go back to my home. I just do what I've done because my son is in danger. He has a high fever due to a poisonous plant. I just need the money to bring him to Hospital ."

Marcus kept hearing the man pleading, he just felt more wrath for them. He wanted to crush all of them and put them in the situation they have.

Marcus' eyes turn dark orange and not his usual red ones. The overflowing power is coming from the Spirit of Kukan that has been on his side all along. The anger he produced let the other spirit come out, without him knowing it.

An earthquake shook the entire cell, some debris fell into different parts of the place. It was a horror to every prisoner who was lying and taking their naps in their quarters. Shouts and help echoed to every corner of the big Cell.

He suddenly became uncontrollable of his own body.

As Marcus opened his eyes, he saw what was happening, it was chaos. He moved his feet to ask for help too, but he couldn't move. Then he realized he was in the spirit mode.

'Axel? Are you in there?'

'I knew it would be hard for you to control the power you now possess. As I promised, I will return if you need me crucially. That is why I am here, to give you more instructions.'

Axel replied to him.

Marcus was really confused about the power he was mentioning, but he still asked questions to him.

'Tell me, is this real? Am I alive?'

Axel took a deep breath and said. 'Yes. As I told you, you will be reborn, I've talked to the Moon Goddess about it. Second, you have the same face and body, so you should be careful not to have them doubt you. Third, do the Revenge Marcus, get the justice we want for the deceased.'

Marcus nodded back at him, accepting the whole fact. 'Okay, I get it. But–' he paused. 'There is another thing, what about the power you are talking about?'

'Yes, about that, what I will be saying is the same as the first one. I blessed you half of my power being a Kitsune. You can control space such as making illusions, teleportation, and shape-shifting. But just be careful, you have to master it first before doing the stuff to avoid conflict. Do you understand?'

Marcus was amazed by Axel's words, he plastered a half-confused smile. He can't believe that his wolf spirit whom he called Axel is a Legendary Fox.

'You looked bewildered, want to see what my power can do?'

Marcus in the Spirit mode nodded to him then his eyes focused on the view Axel pointed out to him. The horror in the Cell gave him chills, he can't imagine he was the one who did it all.

'You see, to be able to attain and handle great power you should have an empty vessel to put it on. I know you can do it, my dear brother. I trained you to be brave and have dignity in life. You have to save everyone trapped in our Pack. Change the Community of Wolves, and be the hero they almost wanted.'

Marcus sighed. 'I get it and I now understand. Count on me Axel, I will do my best to get things to where they should be. Just please, guide me all the way. I still need you.'

'There is no way you should be scared of. I am with you all the time, watching you from my home.'

He smiled at his friend, his words gave him the courage to move on with the objective.

'Before I leave, there is one more thing, go back to the home you were at. She will teach you all that you need to know. Just tag along with you the fur I've put in your pocket, it will guide you.'

Marcus was relieved at the idea Axel gave him. He feels insured and certified that he will succeed in their plans.

Axel had said almost all that Marcus needs, he should return to the mountains, that was the deal he made for the Moon Goddess.

The Municipal Hall came back to its normal atmosphere after Marcus regained consciousness. Good thing the guards, especially the two prisoners with him didn't notice his sudden behavior, or else he will be dead.

Marcus, calm himself down and began thinking of a great plan he should have. First thing foremost, he should not get caught. That's it, he thought of doing good deeds in the Pack to gain their trust in him. And one thing, he should clear his name being a Rogue.

After the shock, utility personnel and cleaners began to clear up the mess the earthquake caused. Rumors and gossip about the phenomenon just happened on the Municipal Hall fly throughout the whole Community.

They are saying, it was the Moon Goddess's sign for the rebellions and wrongdoing of every official of the Clan. They planned to offer a prayer on the Wolf Moon.

Marcus, indeed was satisfied with the news he had. On the evening, before dinnertime he called the attention of the guard roving around. He ask to be presented to the council of the Pack, and so did the guard do.

He like to greet them and announce who he was.