
Resurrected to Revenge

Every one hundred years, the Moon Goddess resurrects one wolf soul, and this year is Marcus' lucky day. He wants resurrection to avenge his ambushed Pack, 200 years ago. But upon returning, the Kukan Kitsune hiding to be his wolf spirit blessed him with power becoming him a nine-tailed werewolf. Can he endure all the consequences he will be dealing with after a comeback when he is now called Aldus instead of Marcus?

ImMissYouKnowWho · Fantasy
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3 Chs

I found my Mate

Marcus gasps, waking up from a deep nightmare. He was no longer able to prevent Axel from jumping at the end of the mountain steep into the deep river with strong water currents. The last thing he remembers is that they drifted off somewhere.

'It's good that we're safe.'

Marcus waited for an answer from his friend but he was silent.

'Is he angry or guilty for what he did?'

He was suddenly stunned by that thought, does that mean that what happened from Axel taking over their bodies and disappearing was real?

That can't be!

Marcus got himself up, and then an unfamiliar place was revealed before him. He was in a strange home, every corner of the house had different types of furniture. And he was lying on a soft bed with blue sheets.

Am I dreaming... again?

"Axel, speak up."

But his wolf spirit is still not making any response and that pushed him to remember Axel's words while he was locked in Spirit mode.

He even laughed a little at the thought that he said he was a Kitsune who only stayed with him when he was little and on the verge of death.

'Naturally, he will probably know about that thing because we are just one.'

"Alright, don't pay attention to me, take your time thinking about what you've done. For now, let's go back to the cave. We've been anywhere because of your audacity."

Marcus got off the bed and decided to go home. He never presumed that even in the other world there are also luxurious residences for those who have passed away. He wondered why he was only staying in a cold cave, where was his family who was killed with him two hundred years ago?

But even before his hand felt the door handle, the locked barrier swung open. And it spat out a woman with a basket of fruit and a glass of water in her hands.

Their eyes met for a few seconds before Marcus completely lost his system. He closed his eyes, grimaced slightly, and suppressed the strange pain in his chest. Something seemed to want to explode inside his body. Until his knee couldn't take it anymore and he fell on the floor where he was standing. His wolf howled when the very sweet smell coming from the woman in front of him reached his nostrils.

His sharp nails came out as he forced himself to take protection from the bedpost next to him.

"A-Are you okay?" She ran to support him. The beautiful lady grabbed Marcus's arm and guided him to regain his balance.

But Marcus fell even more when their skin collided. It was the first time he felt the strange electricity flowing through his veins.

When Marcus was able to look up, the brownish eyes of the 'she' greeted him. He was amazed by her thick-shaped eyebrows, her short hair trimmed up to her shoulder fit perfectly with her small cute face. Her physical features blended with her petite height. She may not be so gorgeous enough, but in Marcus' eyes, she was indeed beautiful.

She was his mate!

Marcus made a silent curse for this kind of tragedy, he was asking the Moon Goddess why he was given the chance to meet his mate being cold dead.

"Mother! Mother I need help here." The young lady's loud but it seems like a piece of music to Marcus.

He suddenly loves every part of this woman.

"Oh my goodness, what happened?" Then a much older woman with white hair on the other side of her head accompanied Marcus to stand up.

Marcus couldn't explain that strange feeling. In all his life he had experienced such a sensation only now.

On his life two hundred years ago, he had learned how to care for and love someone, but it didn't turn out to be true because there was no strong bond connecting them which ended up in betrayal.

The woman she loved sent him to his grave including her whole pack. And it breaks his heart, driving him to anger and vengeance.

"Are you okay? You must be tired. Go and take your time resting here." The kind woman told Marcus as he managed to sit back on a soft mattress.

It was such a disgrace seeing him get broken down by a wolf scent, no–rather say by his wolf mate. But he can't stand it, her sweet smell makes him go crazy and wild. If he hadn't held onto himself, he would have jumped over her and pinched her to the wall, and lingered more.

"Well, thank you for your kindness folks but I need to go home. I should talk to the Moon Goddess by–"

Marcus' speech had been cut off when the girl in front of her interfered. "Uh-oh, you are talking to the Moon Goddess? How?"

She cracked up, looking at the old woman she called mother.

"I am beginning to like this man." She even pointed it out to him. "Tell me, when are you going to talk to him? Take me with you, I need to ask him something. Is it tonight? Tomorrow or on the full moon?"

Marcus couldn't tell if he was happy or annoyed by the tone of her speech. But that doesn't matter, his focus is more on the Goddess. He wanted to confirm the dream that happened last night as Axel seemed to have no intention of talking to him.

"Maybe on the other day, I can accompany you to her. Don't worry, I'll be back here."

A smile appeared on Marcus' lips when he saw the girl's face again. She has this power to simply soften his heart, even if she doesn't desire to. But what Marcus wondered was why she didn't seem to feel anything like him. Is she a shield?

"Okay then, I am counting on that . . ." the young woman paused, she wanted to know Marcus' name.

"Oh, I'm–"

The three of them turned around at the same time with those loud bangs from outside. For the second time around, Marcus was interrupted again.

"What's that?"

"I'll go check it out." The old man hurriedly walked out the door to see what the commotion was.

He did not expect that there would be trouble even in the afterlife, he was curious as to what their motive was in her mate's home. But if the outsiders will make such a fuss, he has to act, they can't touch or hurt the woman designated for him.

"Just stay here, I'll see what it is." He ordered the woman, but she stopped him and did not let him leave the room.

"You can't go out, I think they're after you."

Then another bang on the outside outreach the entire house leading Marcus to be more curious about it.

"What do you mean?" His brows creased, asking what she meant by it.

"Well the idea that you do not belong to this Pack is one of the reasons, and second they are suspecting you as a Rogue. It's just that my mom is a doctor, she can't let anyone not be treated fairly. So in other words, I brought you here without any permission from the higher-ups. It is either they'll go get you or they are into me."

He listened carefully to what she explained but her last words did not come well on his ears. He wouldn't let anyone get her without running to his dead body first, even though he knew he was already dead.

"I won't let that happen."

"Yes, you shouldn't be caught here, so I'd rather say you have to escape as soon as possible. It will be hard in your state but you should, sooner or later the herbals will heal your wounds."

The girl doesn't know Marcus was not feeling any hurt or wounds on his body. He was as good as before, even much better and the thought of fleeing is not on his mind.

"I'm staying, you go and get your mother. I'll go deal with whoever they are."

Marcus walked out, he didn't bother to get carried away but his mate's sweet voice called and told her to get back to the room. Outside, he found the old woman arguing with some men, armed.

The scene caught Marcus' eyes, shut.

'How can this be happening?' he mumbled.

The whole place seemed familiar to him, there were just some light differences but he knew he remembered it.

"He's the Rogue, go get him." It was a Beta Military commander, having yellowish eyes and a badge on his left chest indicating his name. Colossus Bright.

Marcus couldn't let go of the way, he was immediately bound with a silver handcuff. It was just starting to sink into his brain.

And it just means that everything that happened in his imagined dream was real?

' Does Axel never respond to all my questions because he left?

'He came back to life because of the Moon Goddess?'

'Will he be able to take revenge for his clan?'

He smirked a little at those things, then he burst into laughter. A few tears formed in the corner of his eyes, not because of fear but because he was happy with what was happening. He caught the eyes of those who were curious outside the small house in front of them and gave them a more terrifying smile.

But Marcus' rejoicement stopped when he received a strong threat from Colossus for the audacity he had done to the crowd of people. He fell blinking his eyes due to blurry vision.

Marcus was no longer able to pay attention to the screams and various opinions of the people around him. His eyes were just plastered on an image that was still on his smile even though he was hit so hard.

So it was also true, too?

'I found my mate!'